New Opportunities at World Vision Tanzania

World Vision Tanzania (WVT) is a Christian relief, development and advocacy Organization, dedicated to working with Children, families and Communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, we are dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.


  1. The World Vision Tanzania – Head Office in Arusha invites sealed tenders from eligible Contractors;
  2. Class six and above (Class 3 to 6) registered by CRB Tanzania (Local Contractor Categoriesjin Civil or Both Civil and Building for construction of water supply projects,
  3. LotsO, 2&3 Construction of Water projects) require eligible Contractors Class six and above (Class 3 to 6) registered by CRB Tanzania (Local Contractor Categories) in Civil or both Civil and Building with a minimum three years experiences, good records of performance and verifiable completed projects implemented within three years up to date.
  4. All submission of tenders are strictly electronic via Coupa Provision system. All submissions must be on a soft copy of the BOO in PDF fomart and in excel format which must be included in the bid package. (This soft copy is for comparison purposes only; the PDF BOQ will be referred to in the evaluation of the bid. No emailed soft copies neither physical hard copies will be accepted).
  5. Site Visits for all construction related works is Mandatory and shall be conducted on 25th June, 27th June, 2nd, 4th and 9th of July, 2024. Contact personell will be as per schedule shown in the tender documents.

World Vision Tanzania invites tenders from eligible bidders; reputable and registered contractors as described in the table below:

LOT 1: Construction of water supply project (Pipe & Civil works) at Qang’nded Village- Lake Eyasi AP, Eastern Cluster

  1. a) Construction of Qang’nded water project

LOT 2: Construction of water supply project at Qaru Village- Endabush AP, Eastern Cluster

  1. a) Construction of Qaru water project

LOT 3: Construction of water supply project at Mahhaha village – Endabush AP, Eastern Cluster

  1. a) Construction of mahhaha water project

Bidders shall email their bank deposit slip for a non-refundable fee of Tsh. 50,000 (Tsh. Fifty Thousand only) Per Lot to the email address;

The same email address will confirm receipt and send you bid documents within 48 hours through Coupa Provision system. Upon sending your email indicate the Lot Number of the tender and company name as the email subject.

Our bank accounts details below;

Account Name: World Vision Tanzania Account No. : A/C 014103005510 Bank Name : NBC Arusha Branch

Bids shall be submitted to be received on or before 12th July, 2024 at 10:00hrs. Bids sent after the closing date will not be Accepted as the system will automatically close and wont allow for submission

Tenders will be opened immediately on the same bid closing day and time in the presence of bidders or representatives who wish to witness the opening via online platform ZOOM link that will be shared in your email.

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Note that WVT is not bound to accept the lowest, highest or any tender.

The evaluation of bids will be conducted as per World Vision Tanzania Procurement Guidelines.

WVT provides equal opportunity for all bidders and has a “Zero – Tolerance” for Corruption Policy.

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