OTEAS Tamisemi – How To Register For Online Teachers Application System (2024)

OTEAS Tamisemi
Are you a qualified teacher seeking employment opportunities in public learning institutions? Then this is for you. A superb platform known as the Online Teachers Application System (OTEAS) has been made. It is actually for folks interested in teaching jobs – as it gives them access to new teaching openings.


It is well known that one of Africa’s major issues is unemployment. Therefore, in a bid to drastically reduce the high rate of unemployment in society, Tanzanian society keeps taking advantage of relevant technology tools to create more jobs for residents. One of the major steps taken already is this portal – which is a strong system where all openings are made available for all qualified graduates as well as teachers.

Since this tool is meant to add value to the people of Tanzania, it is not surprising that many residents embraced the platform. It is quite innovative to build a platform that makes it easier and seamless to apply for positions in public schools.

OTEAS Tamisemi : How To Register For Online Teachers Application System (OTEAS) 

Online Teachers Application System

OTEAS Tamisemi: It is awesome to know that Tanzanian society is now embracing technology and applying innovative solutions in important aspects of society. We are in the 21st century, and it is necessary to move with positive trends. The Online Teachers Application System means we don’t have to continue doing things using old and outdated patterns but can utilize technology to produce efficiency. And why won’t Tanzanian graduates be pleased with the Online Teachers Application System? Since it is making their lives easier. Here is an ultimate application platform that should be emulated by other professions.

Now, in this article, we will be guiding you to all that concerns registering on the system. As you will get to see, registering on the portal is not difficult. You can do it yourself anywhere you are, with the right tools.

Registering On The Online Teachers Application System – OTEAS

You should know that applications processed through the system do not require accompaniment by hard copies (as you only have to input the necessary details at the right spots on the portal).

Additionally, it should be noted that the system is free to use, and job seekers won’t be asked to make any kind of payment. So, if you are a job seeker in the teaching profession, you have no excuse not to come on board.

Follow these steps to register: OTEAS Tamisemi

  • Launch the website https://ajira.tamisemi.go.tz/ first before any other thing. There is an online destination where the whole process will take place (as far as using the Online Teachers Employment Application System is concerned). The URL is ajira.tamisemi.go.tz. Simply visit it and gain access to the free online application portal.
  • When you launch the URL, you will be welcomed by the home page. There, you should see all the current openings. However, you can’t apply for anything if you have not registered. Hence, you must first register.
  • To register, check the right side of the website. You should find a tab with a clickable “register here” link. Simply click the place and move to the next thing.
  • Now, you are to provide your personal details. Everyone must input their personal details while registering on the portal. Just start inputting your details on the empty fields.

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Don’t forget that you are to add only the correct information about yourself. Be ready to fill pivotal things like:

  1. The year you finished your Form four studies.
  2. The index number which you utilized for your Form four examinations.
  3. Year of completion.
  4. Contact details (mobile number and email address).
  • Get your unique username and password. So, after adding all the necessary information (your personal details on the necessary spots), you can then click on the “register” tab. When you do this, the next thing is that you will be notified that your account has been created successfully. Hence, you can now log into the platform with your username and password.
  • You should then add more specific information. As you get into the Online Teachers Application System Tanzania by using your credentials, now go ahead to add more information about yourself. Here is an opportunity you should utilise too. Don’t forget that in the first sections that were made to provide information, what you only gave was your first name. Here, however, you are to input not just your first name alone, but even your second and third names too.

Additionally, you are to add other details like:

  1. Form four education
  2. Form six education if applicable
  3. College education
  4. License information
  5. Birth certificate
  6. Applicant CV
  7. Application letter

Fortunately, this will be one’s official profile for all the applications that will be submitted through the Online Teachers Application System OTEAS. Hence, be sure not just to fill in the right things, but also fill in the correct things.

Once you have filled all the relevant sections, simply click save.

  • Finalize your application

As the necessary data is already added for open positions, you can now take steps towards applying for any post. Simply proceed with the next steps as told. Then, that is it!

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In conclusion, in OTEAS Tamisemi, once you have done everything right, you can now access any public school openings in the country. What then are you waiting for? The Online Teachers Application System has made easy the entire process of searching and applying for openings. You don’t have to give yourself unnecessary headaches again. There was a time, these used to be manual things. Right now, however, it is now a simple and effective process. Job seekers only have to register, and they will now have access to jobs. Everything is now settled online, and you don’t even have to worry about things like location or payment (it is entirely free). With a computer that has internet, you can easily get it done right now.



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