Finance Managers at MHB Bank
MHB is eager to create individuals who are professional and have innovative financial solutions who are willing to work extra beyond risk for the benefits of the Bank.
The bank's headquarters are located on the 16th Floor, Mwanga Tower, New Bagamoyo Road in Kijitonyama in the city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Recommended:Mwanga Hakika Bank was incorporated in 2019 following the merger of three Tanzanian financial institutions, namely: EFC Tanzania Microfinance Bank (EFC), Mwanga Community Bank (MCB) and Hakika Microfinance Bank (Hakika). The new commercial bank received its commercial banking license in July 2020. It serves corporate clients, small and medium enterprises and individual clients.
MHB Bank (Mwanga Hakika Microfinance Bank Limited) is a full-service bank incorporated in the United Republic of Tanzania. Through 3 main business units which are Retail, Corporate, and Treasury, MHB provides attractive financial services and products to Retail, Corporate, SMEs, Institution, and Government.
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Please share your experience, qualification and preferences in your applications for great career opportunity.
We are Looking for:
Finance Manager
Apply through:- career@mhbbank.co.tz
Application Deadline: April 27,2024