Expression of Interest (Eol)
Looking for Office Space
up to 700m2
in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
GIZ is a federally owned enterprise operating worldwide, assisting the German Government in achieving its policy objectives in the field of international cooperation. It offers demand-driven, tailor-made and effective services for sustainable development worldwide. In Tanzania and across the region GIZ supports the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and the EAC in attaining their development goals.
GIZ Tanzania is looking for a suitable office space between 500rn2 to 700rn2 to rent in the vicinity of Upanga, Masaki and Oyster Bay area to different project offices in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Therefore, GIZ would like to request companies or landlords or authorized agents, to send their Expression of Interest (Eol)as per below details:
Your documents must show the following information:
- A clear physical address and Contact address (Telephone number, email address, physical address).
- Draft Lease Agreement in soft copy (as Sample)
- Property and Ownership documents A. Describe your rate per sqm.
- Business Registration Certificate/ Trade license in that field if applicable.
- TIN / VAT Registration Certificate if applicable.
- Valid latest tax clearance certificate from Revenue Authority if applicable.
After evaluation of Eol, GIZ may contact the selected companies or landlords or agents for further process.
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Submission of Eol
Please submit your Eol documents to procurement.giz-tanzania@giz.de latest by the 3rd April 2024.
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