The target of the Foundation for African Empowerment (FAE) is to reach the most vulnerable children and young people including those with disabilities in many parts of Africa. Our initial activities and projects are in Tanzania. Tanzania is an income country faced with daunting challenges such as extreme poverty which face largest segment of the population especially those living in the rural communities. Over 60%
of its population live below poverty line of less than a dollar a day and according to the United Nation’s Human Development Index (2014), Tanzania ranks 159 out of 187 countries in poverty. There has been a good economic growth of almost 7% per annum, yet only very few have benefited and the majority are still trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty. Despite emphasize to develop both rural and urban areas, there is a remarkably high inequality between rural and urban communities. Statistics show that more than 80% of the poor and extreme poor people live in the rural communities. Income and none income extreme poverty is manifested almost everywhere in the rural communities.
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The organization is looking to recruit qualified individuals to fill a new position. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: