New Opportunities at NIMR




The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) is a public health research institution, established by the Parliamentary Act (NIMR Act Cap 59 R.E.2002) as a parastatal service organization under the Ministry responsible for health. The Institute is charged to carry out, control, coordinate, register, monitor, evaluate and promote health research in Tanzania.


In an effort to ensure  NIMR  perform its functions effectively and efficiently, the Institute restructured its Organizational Structure whereby two (2) new research centres were established while five  (5)  were maintained out of the existing eight, hence making a total of Seven (7) Research Centres namely: Mwanza Medical Research Centre; Amani Medical Research Centre, Tanga Medical Research Centre, Mbeya Medical Research Centre,  Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, Dodoma Medical Research Centre and NIMR Mabibo Traditional Medicine Centre.

The Institute has a number of positions that are intended to be filled internally.  Therefore, the Institute invites applications from qualified, competent and selfmotivated current employees of the Institute who are interested in applying for the positions which includes:-  One (1) position of a Director of Research Coordination and Promotion which will be based at NIMR Headquarters; three (3) positions of Centre Managers based at NIMR Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, NIMR Mabibo Traditional Medicine Centre, NIMR Dodoma Medical Research Centre; and one (1) position of Head of Health Research Regulation Unit based at NIMR Headquarters as summarized below: –

   Center Managers For Nimr Muhimbili, Mabibo And Dodoma (3) 

(a) Reporting Relationship Appointed by:  The Council

                      Reports to:           The Director General

                      Supervises:          Head of Stations, Units and Sections  

(b) Entry Qualifications

Holder of a Ph.D. and a minimum of an Upper Second Class  Degree in one of the following fields: Medicine, Veterinary Science, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Immunology, Entomology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology (Genetics and Medical), Biochemistry, Biostatistics/Statistics, Economics, Mathematics/ Mathematical Sciences, Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sociology, Medical Sociology, Medical Anthropology, Environmental Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences or equivalent qualifications from recognized institutions with overall minimum of Grade B for unclassified Degrees with at least ten (10) years of working experience in related fields, of which two (2) years must be served in managerial positions.

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(c) Duties and Responsibilities 

  • To coordinate research on communicable, non-communicable as well as vector-borne diseases;
  • To coordinate research on and control of vectors of diseases of public health importance;
  • To build necessary capacities for both research and control;
  • To undertake clinical trials including the development of vaccines, drugs, procedures and diagnostics;
  • To collect information on traditional medical practices, methods of herbal drug preparations, traditional treatment practices, herbal drugs employed and perceived efficacy;
  • To coordinate identification of the sources of herbal drugs in various communities in Tanzania;
  • To analyze the chemical ingredients of herbal drugs and assess their efficacy and safety for possible human use;
  • To carry out proof of claim clinical observation and proof of concept clinical trials of herbal drugs;
  • To standardize, formulate and develop protocol(s) for the production of safe and efficacious herbal drugs for the treatment of human diseases;
  • To evaluate new interventions for diseases utilizing vaccines, drugs and diagnostics focusing on basic research, clinical trials, epidemiological research, operational research and social science;
  • To be the Scientific and Administrative head of the respective Centre and as such shall provide leadership in resource mobilization, budgeting and budget management;
  • To provide leadership and guide the Centre with respect to research by setting goals and standards, by supporting initiatives and new directions and by personal example;
  • To prepare and submit to NIMR HQ quarterly and annual research, administrative, management, financial and budget reports in relations to the centre functions;
  • To coordinate and oversee implementation of performance management system of the Centre as per NIMR policies, rules and regulations; and
  • To perform other relevant duties as may be assigned by the Director General.

(d) Salary Scale:  As per Researchers’ substantive salary scales.


Application letter accompanied by typed Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of academic and other relevant Certificates, names and addresses of at least three reputable referees, and applicant’s current postal address, phone numbers and email   address, should reach the undersigned within 14 days from the first date of this advertisement.   Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Director General,
National Institute for Medical Research,
3 Barack Obama Drive,
P.O. Box 9653,
11101 Dar es Salaam

 On-line submission can be sent through:


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The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) is a public health research institution, established by the Parliamentary Act (NIMR Act Cap 59 R.E.2002) as a parastatal service organization under the Ministry responsible for health. The Institute is charged to carry out, control, coordinate, register, monitor, evaluate and promote health research in Tanzania.

In an effort to ensure  NIMR  perform its functions effectively and efficiently, the Institute restructured its Organizational Structure whereby two (2) new research centres were established while five  (5)  were maintained out of the existing eight, hence making a total of Seven (7) Research Centres namely: Mwanza Medical Research Centre; Amani Medical Research Centre, Tanga Medical Research Centre, Mbeya Medical Research Centre,  Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, Dodoma Medical Research Centre and NIMR Mabibo Traditional Medicine Centre.

The Institute has a number of positions that are intended to be filled internally.  Therefore, the Institute invites applications from qualified, competent and selfmotivated current employees of the Institute who are interested in applying for the positions which includes:-  One (1) position of a Director of Research Coordination and Promotion which will be based at NIMR Headquarters; three (3) positions of Centre Managers based at NIMR Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, NIMR Mabibo Traditional Medicine Centre, NIMR Dodoma Medical Research Centre; and one (1) position of Head of Health Research Regulation Unit based at NIMR Headquarters as summarized below: –

Head Of Health Research Regulation Unit (1)

(a) Reporting Relationship

Appointed by: The Director General

Reports to:      The Director of Research Information and Regulatory Affairs

Supervises:     Staff within the Sections  

(b) Entry Qualifications

Holder of PhD and a minimum of an Upper Second-Class Degree in one of the following fields: – Medicine, Veterinary Science, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Immunology, Entomology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology (Genetics and Medical), Biostatistics, Sociology, Medical Sociology, Medical Anthropology, or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution with at least eight (8) years of working experience in research.  The candidate must be in a senior position.

(c) Duties and Responsibilities 

  • Establish and maintain a system for registration of health research carried out in Tanzania;
  • Facilitate the ethical review and approval process;
  • Facilitate the processing and issuance of materials and data transfer agreements;
  • Coordinate Secretariat activities for the National Health Research Ethics Review Sub-Committee (NatHREC);
  • Oversee and carry out monitoring and evaluation of on-going

research projects;

  • Carry out monitoring and evaluation of Zonal RECs (ZREC), registered IRBs and RECs;
  • Undertake research compliance assessments;
  • Receive regular reports from ZRECs, registered RECs and IRBs;
  • Receive and review project notifications, progress, annual and closeout reports from investigators;
  • Prepare documents and reports for NatHREC and MRCC meetings;
  • Facilitate review and development of guidelines and procedures for the conduct of health research and its regulation; and
  • Undertake other such duties commensurate with the role, as required by the Director.

(d) Salary Scale:  As per Researchers’ substantive salary scales.

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Application letter accompanied by typed Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of academic and other relevant Certificates, names and addresses of at least three reputable referees, and applicant’s current postal address, phone numbers and email   address, should reach the undersigned within 14 days from the first date of this advertisement.   Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Director General,
National Institute for Medical Research,
3 Barack Obama Drive,
P.O. Box 9653,
11101 Dar es Salaam

 On-line submission can be sent through:



The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) is a public health research institution, established by the Parliamentary Act (NIMR Act Cap 59 R.E.2002) as a parastatal service organization under the Ministry responsible for health. The Institute is charged to carry out, control, coordinate, register, monitor, evaluate and promote health research in Tanzania.

In an effort to ensure  NIMR  perform its functions effectively and efficiently, the Institute restructured its Organizational Structure whereby two (2) new research centres were established while five  (5)  were maintained out of the existing eight, hence making a total of Seven (7) Research Centres namely: Mwanza Medical Research Centre; Amani Medical Research Centre, Tanga Medical Research Centre, Mbeya Medical Research Centre,  Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, Dodoma Medical Research Centre and NIMR Mabibo Traditional Medicine Centre.

The Institute has a number of positions that are intended to be filled internally.  Therefore, the Institute invites applications from qualified, competent and selfmotivated current employees of the Institute who are interested in applying for the positions which includes:-  One (1) position of a Director of Research Coordination and Promotion which will be based at NIMR Headquarters; three (3) positions of Centre Managers based at NIMR Muhimbili Medical Research Centre, NIMR Mabibo Traditional Medicine Centre, NIMR Dodoma Medical Research Centre; and one (1) position of Head of Health Research Regulation Unit based at NIMR Headquarters as summarized below: –

   Director Of Research Coordination And Promotion (1)

(a) Reporting Relationship Appointed by:  The Council

                      Reports to:           The Director General

                      Supervises:          Head of Stations, Units and Sections  

(b) Entry Qualifications

Holder of a Ph.D. and a minimum of an Upper Second Class Bachelor’s Degree in one of the following fields:- Medicine, Veterinary, chemistry, Botanists, Zoology, Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Immunology, Entomology, Parasitology Molecular Biology, Biotechnology (Genetics and Medical) Biostatistics, Sociology, Medical Sociology, Medical Anthropology or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution with at least ten(10) years of working experience in related field of which two (2) years must be served in managerial positions. 

(c) Duties and Responsibilities

  • To coordinate the carrying out of, medical research designed to alleviate diseases among the people of Tanzania;
  • To coordinate the carrying out of research into various aspects of local traditional medical practices for facilitating the development and application of herbal medicine;
  • To coordinate the carrying out of research on environmental health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH);
  • To supervise and coordinate the training of local personnel for carrying out scientific research into health problems;
  • To translate and analyse research data from the national health research data repository for the purpose of informing policy, decision making and practice;
  • To coordinate research partnerships with disease control programs and jointly implement research activities for accelerating elimination and prevention of disease; and
  • To perform other relevant duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.

(d) Salary Scale:  As per Researchers’ substantive salary scales.

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Application letter accompanied by typed Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of academic and other relevant Certificates, names and addresses of at least three reputable referees, and applicant’s current postal address, phone numbers and email   address, should reach the undersigned within 14 days from the first date of this advertisement.   Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Director General,
National Institute for Medical Research,
3 Barack Obama Drive,
P.O. Box 9653,
11101 Dar es Salaam

 On-line submission can be sent through: