Framework Contract/Stationery Supply at Comunità Volontari per il Mondo - CVM
04/2023/AID 012590/04/6
Comunità Volontari per il Mondo – CVM intends to award a FRAMEWORK CONTRACT/STATIONERY SUPPLY in Tanzania with financial assistance from the emPoWeRD – Promote Decent Work, Rights and Dignity for Domestic Workers, AID 012590/04/6 and CSF01-21.The
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tender dossier is available from Busiya Street 39, Block P Dunda, Bagamoyo, Pwani or by submitting a request through the online form, available at the following link: https://cvm.an.it/tenders-gare-appalto/
The deadline for submission of tenders is 13/07/2023, at 12/00 (UTC +3)