New Opportunities at World Vision


Governance, Legal and Compliance Manager at World Vision March, 2023

Job Description

With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith.


Come join our 34,000+ staff working in nearly 100 countries and share the joy of transforming vulnerable children’s life stories!

Key Responsibilities:



  • Organize Board and Committee meetings to ensure their link with the Board meeting is strategic as per the Board work plan and follow up on management action points arising from these meetings.
  • Coordinate Board and organizational members’ recruitment and orientation in consultation with Governance and People & Culture committees.
  • Coordinate capacity-building initiatives on governance for the Board and senior leadership.
  • Provide advice and guidance to the Board on their duties and responsibilities and on matters of ethics and good governance.
  • Manage and plan for Board field trips to the WVT project sites to help deepen Board members understanding of WV’s ministry
  • Prepare Board and Committee work plans in consultation with the Board Committee Chairs and the ND for Board approval and monitor the implementation thereof in conjunction with the Governance and Nominations Committee
  • Serve as a staff member for the Governance and People Committee for legal advice and secretariat support to the Committee


  • Ensure optimal management support and performance, as well as the Board meeting its legal mandates in accordance with Tanzanian laws and the governance processes, are carried out in accordance with the requirements and policies of WV for an Intermediate Board.
  • Board committee meetings are well coordinated and the board pack is shared with the Board and management two weeks before the meeting date.
  • Capacity building plan and orientation for the board are in place
  • Board meetings and Board members’ travels are well facilitated to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Full attendance and participation in governance and people committee for the Board.
  • Tracker for the implementation of Board resolutions is maintained.

Board Governance Processes

Provide a strategic link between the Board and SLT on all matters pertaining to the governance of World Vision Tanzania by ensuring that:-

  • Quarterly ministry updates are produced and circulated to the Board members seven (7) days before Board Meetings
  • Minutes of Board and Committee Meetings are produced and circulated seven (7) after the meeting
  • Board and Committee work plans in consultation with the Board Committee Chairs and the ND for Board are approved; and monitor the implementation thereof in conjunction with the Governance and Nominations Committee
  • Proper records of minutes are taken and safe keeping of the minutes of WVG Board meetings including managing the National Office Global Governance database.
  • Manage the Board Meeting plans and ensure follow-up of Board meeting action plans.
  • Board Committee meetings to ensure their link with the Board meeting is strategic as per the Board work plan and follow up on management action points arising from these meetings.
  • Board members’ recruitment and orientation of new members and development in consultation with the Governance and Nominations Committee and the RGA.
  • Annual Board performance Assessment is done and whose results are integrated into the Board Development Plan
  • The Annual Board work Plan and Board Development plan are implemented.
  • Capacity-building initiatives on governance for the Board and Senior leadership
  • Coordinate with Integrated Programmes  and plan for Board field trips to the WVG project sites to help deepen Board members understanding of WV’s ministry
  • Joint WVG/VFG Board meetings are held once every year, and joint field visits are held once every year.
  • Prepare the ND’s Quarterly Ministry Updates report to the Board and identify key issues requiring the Board’s attention.

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Board Regulatory Responsibilities

  • Manage the process of calling and holding of Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings as provided by the WV Tanzania Constitution
  • Responsible for statutory compliance with the NGO Coordination Board and completion of relevant annual returns for WVT
  • Coordinate the succession planning in conjunction with the Board Chair and Governance and People & Culture Committee.

WVI Partnership Requirements

  • Prepare the quarterly Chair’s report to the WVI President and other Partnership reports that may be deemed necessary for the purpose of WVT’s governance accountability
  • Ensure Board members are updated; given guidance and access to Partnership Policies.
  • Further, establish that new WV Partnership policies are owned, contextualized, implemented, and monitored by the National Office
  • Coordinate NO peer review sessions in conjunction with the Partnership Peer Review Office and prepare the National Office Action plan on implementation of the Peer Review Report recommendations. Further, follow up on the implementation of the recommendations toensure WVT’s compliance
  • In conjunction with the Governance and Nominations Committee and the Board Chair, coordinate the Annual Board Self Review, individual and peer Board effectiveness review processes. In addition, ensure that the learnings inform the Board work plan and development processes.
  • Ensure that the Governance Risk Register is followed up and referenced by the Board Committees.


  • Maintain the organizational membership register and ensure that all regulatory compliance issues of members are up to date including ensuring that the Board of WVT follows all regulatory requirements by the Government and the WV partnership.
  • Peer review recommendations are implemented and monitored.
  • Board work plan and development in place being informed by self-review reports
  • The governance Risk register is prepared and shared with the Board members on a quarterly basis.

Coordination of the Risk and Compliance Functions

  • In consultation with the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board, contribute to the development and implementation of the WVT’s Enterprise Risk Management Framework
  • Engage with the WVT Board Audit and Risk Committee; and ensure that the Board is always apprised of prevailing enterprise risks for effective decision-making.
  • Facilitate and advise the Board in assessing its governance risks and in designing relevant risk mitigation measures
  • In collaboration with the Risk and Compliance Officer, ensure that national office systems and business processes are regularly reviewed for compliance with the policies, procedures, and standard
  • In consultations with the Risk and Compliance Officer, provide summaries of organizational and operating environment risk trends to management regularly and advise management on the formulation of risk management strategies and relevant policies
  • Contribute to the process of development and implementation of systems, policies, and procedures for the identification, collection, and analysis of risk-related information. This will include measuring the effectiveness of these programs such as the Whistleblower and making recommendations on measures that can be taken to strengthen the programs.
  • Create professional linkages and networks with regulatory bodies in the country to enhance capacities that will improve and reduce risks of the organization.
  • Supervision and performance management of governance, and legal team including continuous professional development


  • The governance Risk register is in place and regularly updated through engagement with the Board
  • Quality and timely reports are issued and management actions monitored for implementation/compliance
  • Management regularly appraised the operating risk environment and mitigation measures
  • Effective Internal controls supported by a risk-intelligent operating culture
  • Risk systems, policies, and procedures are in place and regularly reviewed for effectiveness and efficiency
  • Compliance framework in place and monitored for effectiveness
  • Networks and key contacts with regulatory bodies and professional bodies in place
  • Quarterly risk and compliance reports prepared and presented to the Board and management for engagement

Coordination of Legal and Policy Matters

  • Ensure that internal governance policies and procedures are reviewed regularly for alignment with partnership policies and national law
  • Establish and implement organizational contract management procedures and ensure that they are regularly reviewed for effectiveness. Where appropriate, this may include maintaining the contract under the organizational contract records
  • Establish a mechanism that encourages the coaching and development of all WVT employees in contracting practices and procedures and compliance thereof.Provide expert and strategic legal advice to management of significant issues that cut across legal and related areas such as external and internal partnering processes, grant-contracting processes, and operations (which includes evaluating and weighing multiple inputs and impacts of any decision and course of action).
  • Conduct and participate in statutory and compliance meetings for World Vision Tanzania and inform Management of any key issues.
  • Provide legal assistance and advice on all legal matters pertaining to World Vision Tanzania’s operations and business, particularly procurement and disposal, employment, partnerships, interpretation and application of the Companies Act, NGO Act and Regulations, and other relevant legislations.
  • Conducting legal due diligence on procurement, and employment transactions that the organization intends to enter into.
  • Provide legal advice and support to strategic committees such as Procurement Committee, Building Committee, Disciplinary Committee, National Child Protection Committee, etc.
  • Establish a self-review process that regularly evaluates the legal position of the organization in regard to legal compliance
  • Monitor changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment, to ensure that internal management policies and procedures for WVT are reviewed for relevance and effectiveness.
  • Develop, keep, and maintain records of strategic MOUs, Registration documents, and other relevant agreements with the Government ministries and keep records of other regulatory documents.
  • Attend Quarterly meetings and Annual Meetings at the Ministry and NACONGO representing World Vision Tanzania’s Interests.


  • 100% Compliance with the legal and regulatory country context
  • WVT contracts are watertight to address legal aspects or requirements
  • Full attendance of NGO forum and provide reports to Management
  • Legal documents such as MOUS, contracts, etc are well maintained and secure.
  • Internal Policies review processes in place and contextualized policies up to date
  • Contract management processes reviewed and risks mitigated as appropriate;
  • Evidence of Capacity building initiatives on contract management processes
  • Strategic legal advice is given to the management of significant issues, and a risk-based system is put in place to determine criticality
  • Key legal documents drafted/reviewed and Templates provided as appropriate
  • Engagement with external counsel tracking procedures in place; and key actions monitored
  • Legal compliance audits conducted [internal and external]
  • Ongoing learning / professional development and monitoring of landscape to keep alive to contextual changes


  • Through a consultative process with the key stakeholders:
  • Participate in the process of developing the NO Strategy and priority areas.
  • Prepare Annual Operational Plans and budgets for the Department and monitor implementation.
  • Analyze key issues emerging from Program and National Office audits, evaluations,s and monthly reports for the ND.
  • Provide effective leadership to staff within the unit ensuring that professional development activities, including appraisals monitoring and needed training and mentoring activities are successfully carried out.


  • Full participation in the NO strategy development process.
  • Board budget expenditure is tracked and well monitored.
  • Annual operating plan in place
  • Ongoing review of operational / audit documentation and analysis of implications for the NO

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  • Attend and participate in the devotional life of the organization such as chapel, trans team meetings, etc.
  • Participate and contribute in committees and task forces as may be signed from time to time
  • Perform any other reasonable duty as assigned by the supervisor or Designee


Required Professional Experience

  • At least 7 years of hands-on experience, 5 of which MUST be in governance risk and compliance roles preferably in an INGO
  • Good understanding of risk and audit management, compliance/legal affairs, and in developing and implementing robust internal control measures preferably in a Non-Governmental organization
  • Strong understanding of the humanitarian operating models and development programs/approaches in both regular and relief situations.
  • Must be a committed Christian who is able to stand above denominational and cultural diversity challenges
  • Ability to demonstrate a high degree of professionalism in a rapidly changing environment.
  • Strong leadership skills with the ability to positively influence others to support strategic initiatives.
  • Commitment to continuous learning and willingness to keep abreast of new developments in the field of development.
  • Excellent communication, collaboration, interpersonal, and Information Management skills.
  • Analytical and critical thinker with the ability to work with tight deadlines and handle multiple concurrent projects.
  • Team player, with respect for diversity in a multicultural environment.
  • The position requires proactivity, self-management, tact, diplomacy, discretion, and confidentiality on a wide variety of complex and sensitive issues

Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification

  • A minimum University Degree in Bachelor of Laws
  • A Master’s degree in Corporate Governance, Business Administration, Law, Organizational Development, or a related field from a recognized university.
  • Holder of a Certified Secretaries practicing certificate (CS)
  • Registered Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania

Job Location

  • Office based will be National Office – Arusha

Language Requirements

  • Proficiency in the English and Swahili language.


National Director

  • Line Manager – Direction & support

Regional & Partnership Governance

  • Matrix Manager – Strategic priorities and coaching support

Senior Leadership Team

  • Peers – Collaboration

Governance, Risk, and Compliance Team

  • Managing the team – Work Execution

INGO and external stakeholders

  • Networking and collaborating – Information sharing and context awareness


  • Decision-making responsibilities as per the levels of authority document of the National Office.
  • Decision-making without approved policies, procedures, and a line of authority.


  • Be Safe and Resilient
  • Deliver Results
  • Build Relationships
  • Be Accountable
  • Learn and Develop
  • Improve and Innovate
  • Partner and Collaborate
  • Embrace Change
  • Model Self-Management
  • Engage, Influence, Lead, and Grow Others
  • Run an Effective and Agile Organisation
  • Develop the Organization for the Future

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Applicant Types Accepted:

  • Local Applicants Only

Applicant Types Accepted:

Local Applicants Only