Call For Interview at Magereza

Majina walioitwa kwenye Usaili Jeshi la Magereza 2022 – Names called for Interview

The basic responsibilities of the Prison Service are to receive and keep in prison all people who are brought to prison in accordance with the laws of the country and run various programs aimed at rehabilitating convicted prisoners so that they finally leave prison as good citizens. In carrying out these duties, the Prison Service is responsible for following and respecting all the laws of the country as well as various international laws concerning human rights.


Call For Interview at Magereza 2022


The purpose of this document of the Customer Service Agreement is to educate all customers who have relations with this entity about the following matters:-Majina walioitwa kwenye Usaili Jeshi la Magereza 2022 – Names called for Interview

(i) Services provided by this entity in accordance with laws and procedures.
(ii) The responsibility of this entity to all types of customers.
(iii) Responsibility of customers of all types in their relationship with this entity.
(iv) How to make a complaint when the customer sees that he was not treated fairly by this body.

2. Target customers of this Circular

The target customers of this document are:-

• Prisoners of all kinds entering prisons

• Relatives of prisoners

• Advocates/lawyers for prisoners

• People who provide various services to prisoners, such as NGOs, religious sects, etc.
• Representatives/ambassadors of various countries in this country when they have prisoners of their countries in prisons.Majina walioitwa kwenye Usaili Jeshi la Magereza 2022 – Names called for Interview, Majina walioitwa kwenye Usaili Jeshi la Magereza August 2022,Ajira jeshi la Magereza 2022, Walioitwa Interview jeshi la Magereza 2022,pdf Majina walioitwa Interview Jeshi la Magereza

Read Also:

3. Customer rights
(i) Prisoners and Prisoners
• When a prisoner/prisoner is admitted to prison for the first time, he has the right to be read the procedures and rules of prisons that will guide him while in prison.
• He has the right to explain his problems to the prison authorities.
• The right to be given food according to the wishes of his sect.
• The right to be visited by his lawyer at any time and for any length of time.
• The right to be visited by his relatives/relatives whenever he is sick.
• The right to be visited by the Police, but the prisoner must agree to see them and for specific purposes.
• When a prisoner/detainee who is a citizen of another country is received in prison, he has the right to be informed of his presence in prison to the representative/ambassador of his country in the country.
• Prisoners have the right to be visited by no more than two people once a month for 15 minutes or more with the permission of the Head of Prison and at the following times:
– When he enters the prison for the first time
– Before being transferred to another prison
– When he is seriously ill
– At any time with the permission of the Warden as he deems fit.
• The right to be visited by religious leaders for worship according to their denomination.
• The right to write or receive letters several times a month and at the following times:-

– When he enters the prison for the first time

– When he enters prison from exile

– At the time of death or illness of a relative or neighbor.

– When he experiences urgent family problems, etc.

– When he wants to make plans for work or support after finishing his sentence.

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