Bahi District is one of the six districts of Dodoma Region. Other districts include Kondoa, Chamwino, Dodoma Municipal, Mpwapwa and Kongwa. The headquarters of the district is located in Bahi ward which is 50km away from Dodoma municipality and located close to the highway linking Singida and Dodoma region.
Bahi district extends between latitude 4° and 8° South and between longitude 35° and 37° East. On the east, the districts share its boarder with Chamwino and Dodoma Municipal; Kondoa district on the north, Iringa region on the southwest, and Singida region (Manyoni district) on the west.
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According to 2002 population census, population of Bahi district was recorded to be 178,981 people who accounted for 10.5% of total population of Dodoma region. Annual population growth rate between 1988 to 2002 for Chamwino and Bahi districts (the then Dodoma rural district) was estimated to be 1.6%.