Various 45 Job Opportunities at Tanzania Management and Development for Health (MDH) Kinondoni, Ilala, Temeke and Kigamboni Municipal Councils


Tanzania Management and Development for Health (MDH) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to contribute to address public health priorities of the people of Tanzania and the world at large.

These priorities include: communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Reproductive, Maternal, New-born and Child health (RMNCH); Nutrition; Non-Communicable Diseases of public health significance; as well as Health System Strengthening. MDH strongly believes in and works in partnership with various local and global institutions, Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC); President’s Office Regional Authorities and Local Government (PORALG); donor agencies; academic and non-academic institutions; implementing partners; civil society, community-based and faith-based organizations and others


In this regard MDH now invites applications from suitable, qualified and skilled persons to fill the following available vacancies.

MDH in collaboration with Ilala, Temeke, Kinondoni, Kigamboni and Ubungo Municipal Councils invites suitable candidates to apply for the following posts under the Council Directors.

JOB TITLE: District Laboratory Coordinator (01 Position)

WORK STATION: Temeke Municipal Council

REPORTS TO: District AIDS Control Coordinator (DACC)

Basic functions:

Provides technical assistance to MDH-project supported Laboratories in the District and provision of high quality clinical laboratory services.

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  1. Provide technical assistance and supportive supervision to the laboratories at regional, district and health center facility levels.
  2. Assist the laboratories to provide adequate and reliable testing services to support HIV and TB care and treatment services in the region.
  3. Work closely with other units, District Health authorities and other implementing partners to ensure adequate coordination and efficient utilization of resources for effective laboratory services in the region.
  4. Assist in the development of laboratory policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that will ensure implementation of activities of management, quality assurance, personnel performance evaluation and documentation to assure compliance and adherence to regulatory guidelines.
  5. Assist in the implementation, monitoring, and documentation of laboratory test results including follow-up on abnormal results and critical values.
  6. Provide logistical support for the procurement and ordering of laboratory reagents and supplies.
  7. Assist in the preparation of reports on logistic management of reagents and consumables in order to improve supply management.
  8. Assist in development of continuous training programs focusing on laboratory testing, QA/QC, GLP and safety.
  9. Assist the laboratories to implement and maintain ISO 15189 laboratory accreditation standards.
  10. Support the laboratories to properly implement data management practices and ensure accurate and reliable reports and data are generated.
  11. Ensure preparation of monthly and quarterly reports and submission to the appropriate authority.

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Education and Professional qualifications

  1. A Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in health laboratory sciences or biomedical laboratory sciences.
  2. A minimum of 4 years’ experience in working at laboratory project management in the HIV/TB Care and Treatment settings.
  3. Vast experience on implementing QMS for the laboratory ISO 15189 accreditation standard.
  4. Ability to collaborate with government health management teams and other partners.
  5. Ability to work both as an individual and as a team with minimum supervision.

 JOB TITLE: District Data Coordinator (1 Position)

WORK STATION:  Kinondoni Municipal Council

REPORTS TO:        District AIDS Control Coordinator

Basic functions:

District Data Coordinator will be a key technical person in coordinating and supervising data collection and reporting system of all HIV and AIDS interventions supported by MDH in the respective district. S/He will play a central role in the implementation of data management and quality control activities and ensure timely production and submission of reports.

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Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Developing, modifying , and maintaining database entry and cleaning programs in the respective district
  2. Developing data input controls, range and logic checks, and other data management processes based on input from other team members
  3. Ensuring the accuracy of data entry, and collaborate with study-specific data supervisors to resolve data entry issues
  4. Design, modify, generate, and maintain database reports using SAS and Microsoft Access in collaboration with other District Data Coordinators.
  5. Training data team in the use of data entry and cleaning programs
  6. Training Data Supervisors to develop and implement ad hoc queries; and provide them with technical assistance in running data cleaning programs, to resolve discrepancies in data entry
  7. Performing SAS programming to manipulate and clean data, create variables and format libraries, develop queries in SAS for data cleaning, and prepare analysis datasets; analyze and tabulate data; and create graphic representations of statistical information
  8. Working with Data Supervisors to develop standard operating procedures for QA/QC, evaluation of data entry accuracy, and work performance of the data team staff members
  9. Developing relevant knowledge and skills through training and self-study; remain current on new trends in DBMS; and inform program development management
  10. Perform any other duty as assigned by immediate supervisor.

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  • Advanced Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Statistics or related field
  • Minimum of two years of data management and /or programming
  • Able to work with MS Access and Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
  • Experience in data management in both CTC, PMTCT, HTS and other HIV and AIDS interventions
  • Able to generate reports from various data bases, meet deadlines and demonstrate good attention to detail.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team and to meet deadlines.
  • Experience in working in donor funded programs and clinical research trials will be an added advantage.
  • Good leadership skills
  • Good in both oral and written English and Kiswahili
  • Committed to work and adheres to work regulations
  • Maintains confidentiality in all aspects
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills, multi-tasking and organizational skills.

JOB TITLE: Data Officer (06 Positions)

WORK STATION:  Ilala, Temeke and Kigamboni Municipal Councils

REPORTING TO: Health Facility In-charge

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Duties and Responsibilities

Data Entry Officers will be under the direct supervision of a Data Supervisor and reporting to the Health Facility in-charge.

Tasks for a Data Officer will include but not be limited to the following activities.

  • Enter quickly and accurately clinical, laboratory, tracking or other forms into database under the monitoring of District Data Coordinator, Data Supervisor and reporting to the Site Manager
  • Produce, review and share as per agreed schedule weekly, monthly and quarterly reports for various program areas such as HTS, index testing, enhanced PITC, PMTCT and TB/HIV
  • Routinely analyze and produce lists of patients for follow up such as missing appointment, LTFU, Viral Load, etc.
  • Facilitate simple data analysis and interpretation at the facility level to encourage data use for planning and decision making at the facility level
  • Communicate both verbally and in writing with supervisors regarding forms with problems
  • Monitor various databases at the facility and communicate both verbally and in writing with supervisors regarding database challenges.
  • Reconcile differences between different databases by running queries, reviewing appropriate form and correcting all differences
  • Locate and review archived or filed forms if necessary
  • Attend data staff meetings at the specified times
  • Communicate both verbally and in writing suggestions for improvements to data entry or data flow to supervisors
  • Complete other data tasks as assigned


  • A Minimum of form four education, certificate or diploma level training on computer study.
  • At least one (1) year experience of data entry
  • Good communication skills
  • Able to work independently and as a team
  • Committed to work and adheres to work regulations
  • Maintains confidentiality in all aspects
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills, multi-tasking and organizational skills.

JOB TITLE: Pharmaceutical Technician (02 Positions)

WORK STATION:  Kinondoni Municipal Council

REPORTS TO: Health Facility In-charge

Job Purpose

Perform the task as pharmaceutical technician for the HIV/AIDS clinic under the supervision of Health Facility In-charge.

Qualification and work experience:

The Pharmaceutical Technician should be a holder of Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institution; he/she should have an experience of at least 3 years in the field of expertise.

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 Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Make sure that the storage and dispensing area is clean, safe and conforms to laws governing pharmacy and pharmaceuticals.
  2. Project consumption estimates for each drug item on monthly basis.
  3. Make order of drugs from main store of respective district store according to anticipated monthly requirements by filling authorized tools i.e. ordering and requisition voucher.
  4. Receives deliveries and counterchecks and sign off all drug deliveries.
  5. Keep records of all receipts and issues. Maintain bin card for each item and keep a running balance
  6. Store, distribute and control the stock and ensures uninterrupted supply of drugs at all times by ensuring Max-Min stock level of 2/1 Month at all times.
  7. Redistribute the nearly expiring drugs to sites that can consume them before the expiring dates.
  8. Controls and separate immediately the damaged and expired drugs from the shelves/cupboard and keeps all set aside for destruction.
  9. Monitor prescriptions from duly authorized prescribers for appropriateness and discrepancies.
  10. Dispense/refill all prescriptions.
  11. Provide medication adherence counselling to patients.
  12. Maintain records of all drugs issued to patients to dispensing register, paper based and or software.
  13. Prepare and submit Monthly drugs consumption report which includes stock level and number of patients on ARVs per regimen to District Supply Chain Officer before 5th of the next month.
  14. Provide drugs information to patients including other members of the clinical staff
  15. Maintains confidentiality and keeps patient information and records secure
  16. Do any other duties as may be assigned by the Site Manager and Health Facility in-Charge.


WORK STATION:  Kinondoni Municipal Council

Reports to: Health Facility In-Charge

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Providing clinical care to HIV patients in the Clinic including:
  • Management of Opportunistic Infections
  • Staging of HIV patients for Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) eligibility
  • Initiating patients on ART
  • Managing complications of ART
  • Initiation and monitoring of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
  1. Providing consultation to HIV-positive patients on the wards as requested
  2. Maintaining accurate medical records and other data collection as required for Monitoring and evaluation within the Clinic
  3. Participating in Clinic Team Meetings and assisting the site manager with strategic planning for the Clinic
  4. Doing any other duty as assigned by the site manager.

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Qualification and Experience:

  • Holder of Diploma in Clinical Medicine from a recognized institution; and should have an experience of at least 3 years in the field of expertise.

Job Title: CLINIC NURSE/COUNSELOR (01 Position)

WORK STATION:  Kigamboni Municipal Council

REPORTS TO: Health Facility In-charge


The HIV/AIDS nurse counselor requires extensive, current knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of HIV and AIDS infections, the methods by which the virus is (and is not) transmitted and prevention measures. HIV/AIDS counselors must enjoy working with other people, have a compassionate nature and be good listeners. A broad knowledge of diverse cultural beliefs and attitudes is often necessary when working with diverse populations.

 Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Adhering to nursing ethics as punctuality and cleanliness etc.
  2. Ensuring that patients receive appropriate clinical care during a clinic visit, including scheduled or unscheduled physician examination and laboratory test.
  3. Educating patients in all aspects of HIV disease and treatment management, as well as basic health lifestyles.
  4. Counseling patients with regard to HIV diagnosis, management of medications, medication and clinic visit adherence, psychosocial issues, and basic health self-care.
  5. Counseling and educating family members and care givers to promote secondary prevention of HIV infection, to improve the care of patients with HIV, and to strengthen social support networks of patients.
  6. Accurate and complete documentation of patient information and patient encounters in the patient medical record.
  7. Assisting patients to connect with other resources through the referral network.
  8. Assisting the physician in the provision of clinical care for patients.
  9. Doing any other duty as assigned by the nurse supervisor, site manager and OPD nurse officer in-charge.

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Qualification and Work Experience:

  • Nurse Counselor should have at least a diploma in Nursing and must have a valid practice license; he/she should have an experience of 3 years in the field of expertise.


Full time work station: CTC & PMTCT Clinics

Reports to: Facility In-charge

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Identify patients who missed their clinic visits schedule timely and conduct telephone tracking.
  2. Prepare, share list with, and support CBHS providers/peers/community tracker to conduct home visits to track all clients who missed their scheduled visit that were not found through the phone and those who don’t have telephone
  3. Update and Facilitate data entry of all tracking outcomes into the CTC2 card and database, working with clinician/counselor and data officer.
  4. Conduct weekly review of CTC2 cards and database to ensure that tracking outcomes are updated and entered on CTC2 database
  5. Ensure unknown clients are tracked timely and 70% returned to care monthly
  6. Work with referral focal, counselor/ clinician to ensure that all transfer out clients have up to date/ reachable phone contact details and physical address on record
  7. Work with referral focal, counselor and data officer to confirm that all clients that transferred out reached their destination facility
  8. Provide health education on importance of clinic adherence to clients and family
  9. Supporting the patient adherence to medication and clinic visit schedules
  10. Record and report tracking services daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly
  11. Prepare summary report weekly, monthly and quarterly and submit to site manager and district retention and community officer.
  12. Participate in data management and net loss analysis at facility and district level
  13. Participate in QI activities that aimed to increase retention at facility level
  14. Bring up ideas/ comments that may contribute to better system of patients follow up
  15. Perform any other duties as assigned by a line supervisor.


The facility Based Tracker should have the following qualifications:

  • A Minimum of form four education, with diploma in social work or community development or any other health related course.
  • Bachelor degree on social and community development is an added advantage.
  • Must have certificate in basic computer applications,
  • At least one (1) year experience working in the field of expertise


Interested candidates should submit their application letters, CVs, Certified photocopies of certificates, names and contact information (email addresses and telephone numbers) of two referees.

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Applications should be submitted by 04 December, 2020 to the SHRO, Dar es Salaam Sub-grantee through e-mail or drop by hand at MDH HQ, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Mikocheni area (B) 802 Mwai Kibaki road near New Regency Park Hotel.

Please note:   1. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

  1. No Applicant is supposed to pay any fee at whatever stage of the recruitment process.
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