Vacancies at DIGNITY Kwanza


INTRODUCTION: DIGNITY Kwanza – Community Solutions (DIGNITY Kwanza) is a national not-for-profit organization registered in Tanzania under the NGOs Act of 2002 as amended in 2005, with Registration No. 00NGO/00009763. DIGNITY Kwanza was established in 2018 to supplement other stakeholders’ efforts to find solutions for problems facing marginalized and vulnerable populations in Tanzania including Refugees, asylum seekers and other marginalized migrants.

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DIGNITY Kwanza is currently hosting TAREMINET (Tanzania refugee and migration network) which is a network organization registered in 2016 under NGO’s act of 2002 of Tanzania with the registration No. 00NGO/0008964. TAREMINET is made up by different organizations such as DIGNITY Kwanza, REDESO, CARITAS Tanzania, IRC, CSFM, LHRC, TCRS, ECAW, WLAC, CHESO, CEMDO, ADRA and Red Cross for the purpose of promoting human rights and providing humanitarian assistance for refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants to enable them to contribute to the development of Tanzania.

The motives behind the establishment of TAREMINET was to ensure that asylum seekers, refugees and migrants have access to humanitarian support which enables them fully exercise their human rights, to advocate for the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants as well as stimulating and facilitating cooperation and exchange of information among its members and general public.

Sustained Engagement with Refugee Protection Stakeholders 1 (SERPS 1) is the first phase of a SERPS, a multi-year project designed to raise awareness of the general public in Tanzania and inform the larger international community on Tanzania’s journey of over 6 decades of hosting refugee. The objective of SERPS is to publish a book detailing that history and highlighting key moments, issues, and information that the Tanzanian actors themselves find important to be known by the world but have not been highlighted in previous works by other actors, mainly foreigners. SERPS is divided into different phases containing a bundle of activities implementable in not more than 12 months that all together feed into the larger objective of writing that book, but provide the audience with tangible immediate tangible outputs pending the final book publication in two years or so.
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SERPS 1 comprise of activities created to provide a forum for about 400 refugee protection stakeholders, Persons of Concern (POCs) and host community members to engage in discussions on the country’s refugee-hosting experience and lessons that can be drawn from it. The discussions and consultations will serve multiple purposes including collecting views of the actors on what to be included in the book to be published later. These views will shape and supplement the research for the book that will be conducted during the SERPS 2. The discussions will also serve to raise awareness of the participants of the sessions on refugee protection in Tanzania through hearing stories and experiences of other participants. Lastly, for the wider range of actors that are currently working in refugee protection or their work is relevant to refugee protection will have their capacity strengthened from the information that will be shared during the consultations and the excerpts that will be published during SERPS 1.

DIGNITY Kwanza is seeking to recruit an individual consultant to develop TAREMINET’s Strategic plan, advocacy plan, communication strategy as well as resource mobilization plan that will help an organization to secure funds from Donors.

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  • The individual consultant will be required to develop and submit strategic plan which will be used by TAREMINET for the period of five years 2021-2026
  • Advocacy plan which is dynamic and capable of addressing changing needs with a detailed information on objectives, target groups and the specific activities to be undertaken, as well as set out members roles and responsibilities, time frames, expected short-term and long-term outcomes, and available and needed
  • Resource mobilization Plan that communicates clearly the ways and methods that organization may use to secure new and additional resources in order to execute its
  • Communication strategy which will enable TAREMINET to communicate with its members and other
  • Translating the Light Guidance on Collective Outcomes from English to
  • Review of documents; undertake a review of the available project documents, existing TAREMINET Constitution, work plan and other relevant documents that are available in order to improve your understanding/knowledge of TAREMINET and the project in general.

The individual consultant should propose the methodology to be used to carry out the assignment. The methodology proposed by the consultant should be endorsed by the assigned supervisor for this assignment and shall align with the objectives and expected output for this assignment.
Work plan and Reporting;
The overall supervision of this assignment will be undertaken by TAREMINET executive committee chaired by DIGNITY Kwanza.
Work plan;
The assignment will run for the period of 40 days. The consultant is expected to start the assignment on 20Th October 2020 to 28Th November 2020.
The payment shall be paid upon the submission of each deliverable and as agreed during the inception meeting between the consultant and DIGNITY Kwanza.

Applicants are required to submit the following documents.

  • A well detailed proposal with the following
  • Activity plan with clear time frame and the methodology to be
  • Understanding of the assignment and its
  • CV of the consultant that will implement the
Financial proposal for the activity budget breakdown in TZS with inclusive of all taxes (Withholding Tax of 5% to be paid direct to TRA)
Applicants must demonstrate the proven experience in the assignment and shall provide the sample works they have done before related to this
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  • Education: Master’s degree in any field with demonstrated experience of more than 5 years of undertaking the same assignment.
  • High degree of proficiency in written and spoken English. High level of concentration and detail-oriented person.
  • Experience of working with refugees and migrants in Tanzania is an added advantage.

All applications should be submitted electronically to
The deadline for sending in submissions is 14TH October 2020. Only candidates that have been selected for further discussion will be contacted.

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