TCU also coordinates the proper functioning of all university institutions in Tanzania so as to foster a harmonized higher education system in the country. In order to ensure that such a harmonious higher education system does not compromise institutional peculiarities and autonomy, each University has the legal right to operate under its own charter.
AMUCTA – ARCHBISHOP MIHAYO: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. The selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW AMUCTA SELECTION 2020/2021-PDF.
SJUIT – ST JOSEPH UNIVERSITY IN TZ For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. The selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW SJUIT SELECTION 2020/2021.
CFR-CENTRE FOR FOREIGN RELATIONS For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. The selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CFR SELECTION 2020/2021.
MOCU-MOSHI CO-OPERATIVE UNIVERSITY For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. The selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW MOCU SELECTION 2020/2021.
UDSM-UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. The selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW UDSM SELECTION 2020/2021.
MWECAU: MWENGE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. PDF: CLICK HERE TO VIEW MWECAU SELECTION 2020/2021
MNMA: MWALIMU NYERERE ZANZIBAR For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process.
PDF UDOM- UNIVERSITY OF DODOMA: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. PDF: CLICK HERE TO VIEW UDOM SELECTION 2020/2021
IFM- INSTITUTE OF FINANCE MANAGEMENT: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW IFM SELECTION 2020/2021
MUST- MBEYA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW MUST SELECTION 2020/2021
SAUT-MBEYA BACHELOR_DEGREE_ROUND_ONE_2020_21-PDF: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW SAUT MBEYA SELECTION 2020/2021
MARUCO- MARIAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process. CLICK HERE TO VIEW MARUCO SELECTION 2020/2021
ARDHI UNIVERSITY: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process.
OPEN UNIVERSITY: For Bachelor degree applicants, selected candidates have already been announced. Selection process is complete so you please login into your admission account regularly to view your admission status. Visit also the TCU website to see updates on admission almanac and matters related to admission process.
MUHAS Degree and Diploma Selections 2020/2021 | Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Selections - PDF Files
The following applicants have been selected in the first round to join various degree and non degree programmes for 2020/2021 academic year which commences on the 23th November, 2020. Prospective Students are advised to observe the following:
- The Candidates in a list of multiple selection they should login in their account to confirm to join at Sokoine University of Agriculture.
- All students are required to participate in a mandatory orientation programme planned to starts on 23, November, 2020
- Admitted students should download admission letters at www.suasis.sua.ac.tz through their SUASIS (SUA Student Information System) account. SUASIS can be accessed using the username and password provided to you during application.
- Each student Must upload a recent and high quality passport size photo on their web page before arrival for official use. This must be of the same quality as those used for passports or Identity cards.
- For all applicants who are not in this list they are advised to apply again in the second round application window which will open on 12/10/2020 up to 18/10/2020
Issued by:
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics),
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P. O. Box 3000,
Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro
Directorate of Undergraduate Studies
Sokoine University of Agriculture
P. O. Box 3000, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro
Telephone No: 0737 462 229 OR 0737 462 230
Email: admission.suasis1@sua.ac.tz or admission.suasis2@sua.ac.tz
Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) Selection 2020/21 PDF | Chuo Cha Mipango Dodoma
Following the selection released by TCU, we insist that, Candidates with Multiple admission are required to confirm their admission to IRDP not later than 17th October 2020.
IRDP Selection 2020/21 PDF | Chuo Cha Mipango Dodoma
Confirmation is done using the SPECIAL CODE sent by TCU to applicants by following the following procedures;
- Login to your Application Account (Click here to access your account)
- Click the Confirmation link
- Enter your SPECIAL CODE and submit
For assistance kindly contact us: 0746 777 001, 0746 777 003, 0746777006, 0744 254 305 or 0748000648
National Institute of Transport (NIT) Selections
Candidates can check the complete information of National Institute of Transport (NIT) selection 2020/2021 through this page. This Selection include National Institute of Transport (NIT) first Selection batch, Second Selection batch, Third Selection batch, Fourth Selection batch etc.
The National Institute of Transport (NIT) is a public higher learning institution located on west of Dar-es-Salaam City, along Mabibo Road in Ubungo Light Industrial area; just about one kilometer off the Morogoro Road. NIT was established in 1975 as training wing of the then National Transport Corporation (NTC).
Please click on the link of respective programmes below to view the selection for the 2020/21 Admission cycle- Round One
Bachelor degree
Please click on the links below to view your selection status and follow the instructions provided.
Second round of applications will be opened on 12-18/10/2020.
SAUT ( St. Augustine University of Tanzania), NIT (National Institute of Transport), KCMC (Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College), MUHAS (Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences), SUA(Sokoine University of Agriculture), SFUCHAS (Saint Francis University College of Health) Selected Applicants 2020/21