Employment Opportunities in Dar es salaam and Kigoma at UNHCR Tanzania


WASH Associate
Job Title WASH Associate
Job ID 22472
Location Kibondo, Tanzania- U.R. Of
Salary Grade G6
Hardship Level E
Family Location Type
Eligible Applicants  This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants.
Procedures and Eligibility
Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS).

Free CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview Questions and It's Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here

Duties and Qualifications
WASH Associate
The incumbent normally receives guidance from the WASH Officer in the operation. S/he may receive indirect guidance from other sections and units relevant to the country programme(s). S/he may liaise with local officials and/or Implementing Partners (IPs) on routine subject matters under the direction of the supervisor.

The incumbent is expected to have contacts within the organization and outside the duty station, as well as with partners and other stakeholders to collect information, monitor WASH activities and implement administrative requirements.

- UNHCR office has sufficient support in the field of WASH.
- Viable standard WASH information system is in place for data collection and analysis.

- In close coordination with the WASH Officer consolidate and provide support to partners on all WASH-related issues to ensure quality, cost effectiveness, sustainability and environmental soundness in their implementation.
- Support the WASH Officer in acting as focal person on water, sanitation and hygiene promotion issues within UNHCR and liaise with UN related agencies and governmental and nongovernmental counterparts.
- Review on a regular basis the quantity and quality of water and sanitation services offered in the refugee camps and surrounding host communities.
- Review performance, undertake field verifications, monitor development and assist in evaluation of activities and approaches adopted by partners in WASH and related sectors.
- Assist in formulation of appropriate designs and corrective measures with a particular focus on hygiene promotion and public health risk prevention in consultation with the WASH Office.
- Promote community involvement and participation in all the different stages of the WASH project cycle.

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- Liaise with other units, particularly Public Health, Shelter, Protection and Field to locate, plan, implement and monitor WASH activities.
- Support the WASH officer towards ensuring that regular and accurate reports that analyze the challenges encountered in providing WASH services for beneficiaries are prepared and circulated.
- Support the WASH officer in the preparation of all reports for management, donors, budget reviews, camp Water Monitoring System (WMS)/report cards, budget reviews, programme analysis, monthly, annual reports etc. in a timely manner.
- Support the WASH Officer in coordinating the WASH Sector - refugee operations in Upper Nile State.
- Participate in WASH Sector and coordination meetings as well as in Technical monitoring of activities
- Record feedback from UNHCR camp management, field officers and community services officers on issues with water availability, access and quality, and sanitation situation.
- Contribute to contingency planning design and long-term planning from the assessment to the implementation phase including consideration of all factors relating to the sustainability of WASH services in the camps.
- Assist with any other duties required by the UNHCR WASH Officer, Programme Officer or Field Officer related to WASH.

Additional Information
Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Qualified female and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
In case of difficulties with application process please contact email: tandava@unhcr.org
Closing Date
Closing date for submissions of applications is 09 November 2020, Mid-night, Tanzania Time.

Education Associate
Job Title Education Associate
Job ID 22482
Location Kibondo, Tanzania- U.R. Of 

Salary Grade G6
Hardship Level E
Family Location Type Family
Eligible Applicants

This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants.
Procedures and Eligibility
Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS).

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Duties and Qualifications
Education Associate
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships

The Education Associate will support the roll-out of Refugee Education 2030, the Refugee Education Strategy, in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), which calls on States and relevant Stakeholders to contribute resources and expertise to expand and enhance the quality and inclusiveness of national education systems to facilitate access by refugee and host community children and youth to primary, secondary and tertiary education. Providing inclusive and equitable quality education is central to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the incumbent will assist the supervisor in ensuring UNHCR¿s programming is in line with the SDGs.
Leveraging the growing global momentum, UNHCR is working to translate the objectives of the GCR into impactful results, including through follow-up on pledges made through the 2019 Global Refugee Forum. Contributing to this global roll-out of the GCR, the Education Associate, in collaboration with the Education Section in the Division of Resilience and Solutions (DRS), will assist the supervisor in providing technical support to UNHCR countries and partners to advocate for and implement the objectives of Refugee Education 2030:
1. Promote equitable and sustainable inclusion in national education systems for refugees, asylum seekers, returnees, stateless and internally displaced persons
2. Foster safe enabling environments that support learning
3. Enable learners to use their education toward sustainable futures

The incumbent supports UNHCR¿s work regarding education and advocacy on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions. S/he normally works under the direct supervision of the Education or Protection Officer. The Education Associate participates in liaising with partners to assess the education context, to develop an implementation plan and to monitor the programme and assess impact. S/he also works in collaboration with in-country education partners to improve access to, and quality of, refugee education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, and may liaise with partners for joint support for education access for refugee and host community children. The Education Associate supports the implementation of education approaches for emerging needs in refugee education, including attention to special needs, minorities, girls, pre-school education, and non-formal activities. The incumbent supports inter-sectoral linkages with child protection, SGBV, gender, community services, livelihoods and health, among others. S/he prepares relevant documentation and follows-up on administrative requirements of education projects.

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Additional Information
Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Qualified female and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
In case of difficulties with application process please contact email: tandava@unhcr.org
Closing Date
Closing date for submissions of applications is 09 November 2020, Mid-night, Tanzania Time.

 Assc Info Mgmt Officer
Job Title Assc Info Mgmt Officer
Job ID 22758
Location Kigoma, Tanzania- U.R. Of 

 Salary Grade NB
Hardship Level D
Family Location Type Family
Eligible Applicants
This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants.
Procedures and Eligibility

Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS).Applicants must be nationals of, and be locally recruited within the country of their employment.

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Duties and Qualifications
Associate Information Management Officer
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
The UNHCR Data Transformation Strategy 2020-2025 envisions that by 2025 UNHCR becomes a trusted leader on data and information related to refugees and other persons of concern, thereby enabling actions to protect and to empower persons of concern. The Strategy stipulates investing in four complementary priority areas: data management and governance; information systems; capacities and skill development; and culture for evidence-informed decision-making. The strategy envisages data and information management functions in UNHCR carried out in a complementary and inter-linked manner between Headquarters Divisions and Services, Regional Bureaux, Country Operations and key external partners, including persons of concern.

Under the direct supervision of the (Snr) DIMA Coordinator/Deputy Director/Head of Service/Deputy Representative or other IM staff or designated manager, the Associate Information Management Officer supports data and information management activities in the relevant country and regional offices.

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They are part of a team of data and information management staff (depending on office configuration) and support coordination among staff working on information and data management activities and liaison with Headquarters/Region/Country on data related issues.

Information and data management staff are responsible for coordinating, planning and delivering on data and information activities for all UNHCR operational contexts, responses and populations of concern, including providing coordination and leadership in partnerships on data with all stakeholders - including persons of concern. They serve the entirety of UNHCR staff and activities, including protection, programme, operations, external relations and executive management for evidence-informed planning, advocacy, and coordination. They are key in ensuring multi-stakeholder, multi-sector, and multi-country activities are provided with robust and meaningful data and information to support planning, funding and advocacy efforts. This includes both internal and external assessments, regional and country-based planning and monitoring activities such as the COPs, CRRF, RRPs, HNOs, HRPs, and Cluster Plans. 

Additional Information
Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

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Qualified female and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
In case of difficulties with application process please contact email: tandava@unhcr.org
Closing Date
Closing date for submissions of applications is 15th November 2020, Mid-night, Tanzania Time.

 Assistant Environment Officer
Job Title Assistant Environment Officer
Job ID 22795
Location Kasulu, Tanzania- U.R. Of

Salary Grade NA
Hardship Level E
Family Location Type
Eligible Applicants
This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants.
Procedures and Eligibility
Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS).Applicants must be nationals of, and be locally recruited within the country of their employment.

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Duties and Qualifications

Assistant Environment Officer
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
The Assistant Environment Officer will work closely with colleagues responsible for water and sanitation, shelter, nutrition, education, health, community services and livelihoods. The incumbent will support the UNHCR Office on all issues related to environment, self-reliance and shelter/infrastructures and will make sure that UNHCR policies are in line with global and national strategies.
Regular and frequent discussions between the incumbent and his/her supervisor(s), including at headquarters, are necessary to ensure that the latest best practices and procedures are shared and applied consistently on issues related to environment. The incumbent will undertake missions to the camps and liaise with (Sub-)Offices on the implementation of environment, self-reliance and shelters/site planning programmes. In addition, the staff member will maintain regular contact with UN technical agencies, and implementing and operational partners as needed.
The incumbent should be capable of working with minimum supervision in project submissions, revisions and reallocations throughout the project lifecycle in the environmental programme. S/he will be instrumental in contributing to the development of specific inputs related to the sector and must meet reporting requirements.

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All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR¿s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

Additional Information
Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Qualified female and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
In case of difficulties with application process please contact email: tandava@unhcr.org
Closing Date
Closing date for submissions of applications is 15th November 2020, Mid-night, Tanzania Time.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Job Title Education Officer
Job ID22687
Location Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania-U.R.Of
Salary GradeP3

Free CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview Questions and It's Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here

Procedures and Eligibility
Before submitting an application, UNHCR staff members intending to apply to this Job Opening are requested to consult the Recruitment and Assignments Policy (RAP, UNHCR/HCP/2017/2 and the Recruitment and Assignments Administrative Instruction (RAAI), UNHCR/AI/2017/7 OF 15 August 2017.

Duties and Qualifications
Education Officer
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
The Education Officer will support the roll-out of Refugee Education 2030, the Refugee Education Strategy, in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), which calls on States and relevant Stakeholders to contribute resources and expertise to expand and enhance the quality and inclusiveness of national education systems to facilitate access by refugee and host community children and youth to primary, secondary and tertiary education. Providing inclusive and equitable quality education is central to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Education Officer will ensure UNHCR¿s programming is in line with the SDGs.
Leveraging the growing global momentum, UNHCR is working to translate the objectives of the GCR into impactful results, including through follow-up on pledges made through the 2019 Global Refugee Forum. Contributing to this global roll-out of the GCR, the Education Officer, in collaboration with the Education Section in the Division of Resilience and Solutions (DRS), will provide technical support to UNHCR Country Office(s) and partners to advocate for and implement the objectives of Refugee Education 2030:
1. Promote equitable and sustainable inclusion in national education systems for refugees, asylum seekers, returnees, stateless and
internally displaced persons.
2. Foster safe enabling environments that support learning.
3. Enable learners to use their education toward sustainable futures.

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The incumbent will provide leadership and technical support for UNHCR regarding education and advocate on all issues related to education programmes and strategic directions. S/he will maintain close contact with Country Office(s) on the overall education policy direction of UNHCR and on the adaptation of Refugee Education 2030 to individual country contexts, as well as providing technical support (on early childhood, learning achievement, primary education, accelerated education, secondary education, non-formal education, scholarships and tertiary education, education in emergencies etc.) to all staff, including senior management, as well as to those representing education issues on behalf of UNHCR.

This will require maintaining close contact with the Country Office(s) and Divisions, particularly the DRS, on the overall education policy direction of UNHCR, on monitoring and assessing impact, on provision of external technical assistance, and on liaising with partner agencies. In exercising these responsibilities, the Education Officer oversees the development of guidance and strategies to address particular situations arising from different contexts in the field. The incumbent is normally supervised by the Senior Protection Officer, Senior Programme Officer, or Deputy Representative, depending on the office context.

The incumbent will ensure that consistent and technically sound advice/recommendations are given in the Area of Responsibility (AoR), including through drafting of guidelines and specialised training of staff, in collaboration with the Education Section at HQ. S/he will also ensure active exchange of information and best practices within the AoR. The incumbent must be an authority on technical issues relating to education and will also provide specialist advice for other sectors such as child protection, livelihoods/economic inclusion, shelter, and water and sanitation as relates to education. The Education Officer acts as focal point/coordinator/advisor for staff at all levels in Country Office(s), including senior management, as well as Policy and Development staff.

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Externally, the Education Officer will help promote the inclusion of refugees and other persons of concern into national education systems through effective partnerships and advocacy with relevant government line ministries, development actors, private sector, UN agencies, international organisations and NGOs, research institutions and universities, both at the regional and country levels. This includes coordination with regional and global education networks and keeping abreast with international developments in education, including representation with international and regional organizations through, for example, UNICEF, UNESCO, the Global Partnership for Education and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). Representation with NGOs, academic institutions, and the private sector is also a priority. The incumbent is regularly called upon to train staff and partners, including Government authorities, to provide/negotiate drafting advice, to give presentations, to participate as a member of expert groups on education, to represent UNHCR and to ensure UNHCR's direct involvement in numerous settings designed to promote increased access to quality education at all levels to both refugee and host communities, in line with the GCR.
All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR¿s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

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- Translate global education objectives and strategic directions into regional or national guidance, strategies and priorities, in collaboration with the Education Section in HQ, to ensure coherence with UNHCR¿s education policy and strategy.
- Engage, promote and foster partnerships/collaboration with education stakeholders and bodies within the AoR, in line with the GCR.
- Provide technical advice and support on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions, in line with UNHCR education policy and regional priorities, including through remote support and field missions.
- Support and provide technical advice to senior management and Policy and Development staff allowing for advocacy activities with States and international organisations on all issues related to UNHCR education programmes and strategic directions, including on engaging in national planning processes, such as the development of SDG4 plans at national/regional levels and ensuring inclusion of refugee, returnee, asylum seeking, internally displaced and stateless children and youth in SDG4 plans and Education Sector Analyses and Plans.
- Participate in (regional) humanitarian and development sector working groups to support that all refugee education support programming at country level is extended, amplified and reported against sector development goals and humanitarian partners and funding serves system strengthening.
- Assist Bureaux and Country Office(s) to elaborate and implement strategies to address issues related to education access, quality and data, in cooperation with other UN agencies (UNICEF, UNESCO, WFP, etc.) and other key education stakeholders.
- Undertake direct dialogue with Country Office(s) on the implementation of education programmes in line with strategic directions, integrated with SDG4 and Education Sector Plans, including with Ministries of Education/Higher Education, education partners and coordination networks (Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and Local Education Groups, etc.).
- Foster inter-sectoral linkages and coordination with child protection, SGBV, gender, community services, livelihoods/economic inclusion and health, among others, and provide specialist advice for other sectors, to ensure that they fully integrate education related concerns in their planning.
- Monitor implementation of education programmes within the AoR and provide guidance on orientation.
- Support and monitor the implementation of Global Refugee Forum pledges within the AoR.
- Assist in the planning and coordination of UNHCR¿s role concerning education, represent UNHCR at (regional) consultations, and represent UNHCR¿s education strategy and policy to other UN bodies, NGOs, interlocutors, institutions and organisations within the AoR.
- Identify training needs and train UNHCR staff, sister UN agency staff, NGOs, and Ministry of Education officials on refugee education priorities and identified topics.
- Support the development and dissemination of relevant tools to support UNHCR staff and partners in Country Office(s).
- Support active exchange of information and that best practices are identified, documented and disseminated both within the AoR and beyond.
- Join joint assessment missions in emergencies to minimise the time refugee children and youth spend out of education (ideally a maximum of three months after arrival).
- Prepare, co-ordinate and oversee drafting of education input in key internal and external documents and reports.
- Perform other related duties as required. ¿

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Minimum Qualifications
Education & Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level
For P3/NOC - 6 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 5 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 4 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education

Education; Social Sciences
or other relevant field.
(Field(s) of Education marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Certificates and/or Licenses
Not specified
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience

- 4 years of experience in progressively responsible functions in education.
- Demonstrated work experience in education programmes.
- Field experience in education programme implementation and coordination in humanitarian and/or development contexts.
- Experience working with Governments, Ministry of Education and other line Ministries.
- Strong inter-personal skills in collaboration and coordination.
- Excellent analytical skills and drafting skills.
- Strong communications/presentations skills.
- Demonstrated capacity to work with minimum supervision.


- Demonstrated work experience in refugee education programmes.
- Knowledge and experience of UNHCR policies and standards.
- Experience in the area of child protection.
- Experience with educational research, teaching or education administration.

Functional Skills

*PR-Education Administration/Programme/Coordination/Techniques
*PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework
PR-Community Services-Communication/Development/Organization
PR-Community Services-Social Surveys/Assessment
PR-Community Services-Social Work/Counselling
PR-INEE (International Network for Education in Emergencies) standards and implementation
PR-Child Protection/Convention on the Rights of the Child
PR-Refugee Education programmes
IT-MS Office Applications
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

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Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Position Competencies

C001L3 - Accountability Level 3
C002L3 - Teamwork & Collaboration Level 3
C003L3 - Communication Level 3
C004L3 - Commitment to Continuous Learning Level 3
C005L3 - Client & Result Orientation Level 3
C006L3 - Organizational Awareness Level 3
M004L3 - Strategic Planning and Vision Level 3
M005L3 - Leadership Level 3
M006L3 - Managing Resources Level 3
X001L3 - Analytical Thinking Level 3
X005L3 - Planning and Organizing Level 3
X006L3 - Policy Development & Research Level 3

Additional Information

The UNHCR workforce consists of many diverse nationalities, cultures, languages and opinions. UNHCR seeks to sustain and strengthen this diversity to ensure equal opportunities as well as an inclusive working environment for its entire workforce. Applications are encouraged from all qualified candidates without distinction on grounds of race, colour, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Additional Information
Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Closing Date
Please note that the closing date for vacancies in this addendum is Thursday 29 October 2020 (midnight Geneva time).

Registration Assistant

As reflected in paragraph 36 a) and b) of the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS), this Job Opening is open to internal candidates (Group 1 and Group 2), based in the country, at all grade. Interested staff members should consult APPC Procedural Regulations, regulations 16-19 on eligibility to apply for a General Service Vacancy, before submitting an application (IOM/FOM/42/2006 refers).  Kindly note that staff members currently assigned to a post scheduled for discontinuation will not be required to serve one year in their current post and will be considered eligible for this position (APPC regulation 19 refers). Duties

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– Conduct registration interviews in accordance with local SOPs and registration standards.

– Respond to queries from asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR’s registration procedures and their rights and entitlements.

– Maintain accurate and up-to date records and data related to all individual registration cases.

– Identify persons with specific needs and ensure timely referral to protection follow-up as required.

– Collaborate with protection staff and/or partners in the delivery of assistance and programming, including provision of identity and entitlement documentation

– Act as interpreter and translator when needed.

– Refer cases to other units within the office and to implementing partners as necessary.

– Perform other related duties as required. Competencies as defined in Job Profile Fluency in English and Kiswahili Languages

Working knowledge of another relevant UN language or Kirundi is an advantage. Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees).

Shortlisted Candidates will be required to sit for a written/practical test

The following categories of candidates may apply for internally advertised UNHCR vacancies as Group 2:

– Current locally recruited UNHCR staff members holding a Temporary Appointment;

– Former locally recruited UNHCR staff members who held an indefinite or fixed-term appointment (within 2 years of separation for males and 5 years for females;

– National United Nations Volunteers currently working for UNHCR;

– National UNOPS and individual contractors currently working for UNHCR;

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– Current GS staff members holding an indefinite or fixed-term appointment applying to a position in the same category two grades above the staff member¿s personal grade;

– Current UNHCR staff members in the International Professional category holding an indefinite or fixed-term appointment;

– Current UNHCR staff members in the NPO category holding an indefinite or fixed-term appointment;

– Current locally recruited female staff members from other UN system Organizations holding the equivalent of an indefinite or fixed-term appointment Please note that the closing date for the profiles advertised for the position is 31  October  2020  (midnight Tanzania  time).


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