Job DescriptionTanzania Horticultural Association, http://taha.or.tz/ is an apex private sector member-based
organization mandated to develop and promote the horticultural industry in Tanzania. TAHA's goal is to improve the growth and competitiveness of horticultural industry in the country for social and economic gains by being a strong voicing platform, representing farmers at all levels, processors, exporters and service providers in the horticultural industry in Tanzania. TAHA is currently spearheading the design of the
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Tanzania Horticulture Market Access Strategy which
will focus on identifying potential markets for Tanzania horticulture
projects, identifying existing barriers within the sector, private
sector competitiveness constraints and inefficiencies in market support
infrastructure related to transport and logistics. In addition, the
strategy will map out existing players and programmes and their
potential role of the implementation of the strategy. The programme supports the increase of market access of targeted horticulture products for both regional and international markets. Based on lessons from other country programmes export capability programming, the intervention is being implemented as a pilot project for the Tanzania export capability portfolio and will be initiated through strategic design to inform potential areas of support.
The Programme is many ways leverages existing programmes implemented in the sector by TAHA in partnership with other development partners and support the implementation of interventions around building export capacities (standards’ compliance and other support services), addressing priority regulatory constraints, facilitating access to targeted market support infrastructure (cold chain, warehousing and aggregation), strengthening market linkages and access to market information.
Objectives of the Assignment
TAHA is currently implementing 3 years (2019 - 2022) project known as Enhancing Market Access for Horticultural Products. The project targets farmers, farmers’ groups, Off-takers, Processors, SMEs/firms, market enumerators and buyers. The overarching objective of the project is Enhanced Business Competitiveness through Market Access.
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Specific objectives of the project are;
a) Increased market opportunities for Tanzanian horticultural products
b) Improved Standard Compliance for selected Horticultural Products
c) Improved access of Market Information for the sub sector
d) Access to Key Market Support Infrastructure (cold chain, warehousing, cold storage)
e) Improved coordination of key actors in the Horticultural sub sector.
Technical assistancescope: Processors and exporters in the horticultural sector are to be assisted to improve their access to the international market by upgrading their produce handling facilities and hence helping them comply with standards such as BRC, HACCP, ISO 22000. The beneficiaries will be assisted through the following:
· Training on modern post-harvest and value addition technologies.
· Facilitating pre-certification activities to either BRC, HACCP or ISO 22000 Standards.
This RFP specifically is for inviting Consultants or Consulting firms to participate in building capacity for selected SMEs and exporters in the Pack house Certification Program.
Scope of the Assignment
The scope of work will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following activities:
1) Development of a proper food traceability system in line with different standards such as BRC, ISO 22000, HACCP for the selected SMEs and Exporters.
2) Undertake all the key mandatory required trainings as per agreed standards for the selected SMEs and Exporters.
3) Build the capacity for the selected SMEs and Exporters to carry on with proper Record Keeping and Documentation pertaining to traceability, workers health and hygiene.
4) Development of the Quality Management System for the mobilized Packhouses or other produce handling facilities.
5) Identify the Equipment that are necessary towards the attainment of certification.
6) Train the selected SMEs and Exporters on Risk assessments as prerequisite to undertake Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points.
7) Undertake the role of doing internal audits, and finally participate in external audits.
8) Close off all Non conformities as may arise from external audits and hand over the final report.
The following will be outputs expected in the course of the assignment;
- Detailed training and certification program.
- Detailed report on the gaps identified during evaluation of these SMEs and Exporters
- Internal audits report and closure of all non-conformities identified
- A full Quality Management System for the beneficiaries.
- Implement a documentation System and Procedures necessary for attainment of Certification.
Qualification of the Consultant.
Ideal candidates for the
assignment should possess the following attributes;- A Bachelor’s degree in Food Safety, Public Health, Crop Protection, Agriculture Education and Extension, agronomy, environmental science or related and relevant field.
- Relevant professional training in ISO22000, BRC, HACCP implementation from a recognized institution is mandatory.
- At least 5 years’ working experience in ISO22000, BRC, HACCP implementation especially in the small and medium scale farmers’ context.
- Good knowledge in undertaking of ISO22000, BRC, HACCP of processed tomatoes in the region
- Demonstrated experience in having undertaken similar exercises elsewhere
- Excellent interpersonal and adult training skills.
- Excellent communication skills, including fluency in English & Kiswahili.
2 Section B: Bidder Instructions
1.1 Documents to be submittedThe following documents shall be submitted;
- Technical proposal including a short description of deliverables, clear work plan (days and activities) with the proposed methodology, which shall include full justification for implementation approach to be used, a detailed CV including experience relevant to this assignment including reference letters from clients and at least three referees for similar or related work done
- Financial proposal indicating fees for the consultancy, including all costs to conduct this assignment (this should indicate man-days and fees including VAT).
- The following mandatory commercial documents;
- Certificate of Incorporation (If any)
- Business License (If any)
- TIN Certificate
- VAT Registration Certificate if registered.
- Evidence of provision of TRA Fiscal receipt for payments received from TAHA.
Chief Executive Officer,Proposals received after this time will not be accepted for consideration. By submitting a proposal, each bidder represents that:
Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA),
Kanisa Road, House No. 49,
P.O Box 16520,
- The proposal is based upon an understanding of the specifications and requirements described in this RFP.
- The costs for developing and delivering responses to this RFP and any subsequent presentations of the proposal as requested by TAHA are entirely the responsibility of the bidder. TAHA is not liable for any expense incurred by the bidder in the preparation and presentation of their proposal.
- All materials submitted in response to this RFP become the property of TAHA and are to be appended to any formal documentation, which would further define or expand any contractual relationship between TAHA and the bidder resulting from this RFP process.
- The information regarding TAHA included in the RFP is confidential and the bidder may not divulge or disclose to any third party in any form or manner whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the TAHA
1.3 Late Submissions
Regardless of cause, late submissions will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from further consideration. It shall be the bidder’s sole risk to assure submission by the designated time.
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1.4 Withdrawing Proposals
Proposals may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the proposal due date. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to the proposal due date, provided that such requests are in writing.
1.5 Rights Reserved
While TAHA has every intention to award a contract as a result of this RFP, issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by TAHA to award a contract. Upon a determination such actions would be in its best interests, TAHA in its sole discretion reserves the right to:
- cancel or terminate this RFP;
- reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP;
- waive any undesirable, inconsequential, or inconsistent provisions of this document, which would not have significant impact on any proposals;
1.6 Evaluation Procedure
All responsive proposals will be evaluated based on stated evaluation criteria. TAHA evaluation committee will separate proposals into “responsive” and “non-responsive” proposals. To be considered responsive, the bidder must meet the requirements outlined in Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 in the instructions to bidder. Non-responsive proposals will be eliminated from further consideration. The procurement committee will then evaluate the remaining proposals and rank them to establish the highest score. Discussions and negotiations may take place with the short list of bidders to obtain a best and final offer. The award will be based upon the proposal that is determined to be in the most competitive.
Evaluation Criteria;Technical Evaluation
The intention of TAHA is hire a consultant to conduct horticultural data collection, analysis and storage. The technical proposal will be given a technical score. The proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not achieve the minimum technical score stipulated. Responses to this RFP will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- ü Technical Proposal = 60%
- ü Financial Proposal = 40%
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Award of Contract
Once the proposals are opened, a committee selected by TAHA will evaluate each proposal, taking into consideration the criteria and methodology stipulated in this RFP. TAHA will be the sole judge in evaluation considerations and may make an award to the bidders(s) who submits the proposal judged by TAHA to be in its best interest. A recommendation as to which system best meets the interests of TAHA (as determined by the evaluation committee) will be presented to TAHA management. The award will only be to responsible bidders(s) qualified by experience to perform the services specified herein. All proposals submitted shall be valid for a period of sixty (30) calendar days from the date of the proposal opening.
Any effort by bidders to influence TAHA in the examination, evaluation, and recommendation for award of contract may result in the rejection of the bidders’ proposal.
All proposals shall be valid for a minimum of 30 days.
Job Description
1. Section A: Terms of ReferenceBackground
Tanzania Horticultural Association, http://taha.or.tz/ is an apex private sector member-based organization mandated to develop and promote the horticultural industry in Tanzania. TAHA's goal is to improve the growth and competitiveness of horticultural industry in the country for social and economic gains by being a strong voicing platform, representing farmers at all levels, processors, exporters and service providers in the horticultural industry in Tanzania. In Arusha and other East Africa Cities, there is increased consumption of fresh traditional vegetables driven by increasing population, income, urbanization and globalization. Consumers at the same time are growing more concerned about the food safety risk in especially fruit and vegetables. Africa, Tanzania included there is little credible, comprehensive, quantified evidence on the overall impact of food safety chemical, biological and physical hazards in fresh fruits and vegetables. However credible evidence of widespread misuse of chemicals and pesticides, unsafe handling practices of fresh fruit and vegetables from farm to consumption all suggest a high potential for human exposure, food contamination, health injuries and illness (Tropical Pesticides Research Institute 2017)
Tanzania Horticultural Association, http://taha.or.tz/ is an apex private sector member-based organization mandated to develop and promote the horticultural industry in Tanzania. TAHA's goal is to improve the growth and competitiveness of horticultural industry in the country for social and economic gains by being a strong voicing platform, representing farmers at all levels, processors, exporters and service providers in the horticultural industry in Tanzania. In Arusha and other East Africa Cities, there is increased consumption of fresh traditional vegetables driven by increasing population, income, urbanization and globalization. Consumers at the same time are growing more concerned about the food safety risk in especially fruit and vegetables. Africa, Tanzania included there is little credible, comprehensive, quantified evidence on the overall impact of food safety chemical, biological and physical hazards in fresh fruits and vegetables. However credible evidence of widespread misuse of chemicals and pesticides, unsafe handling practices of fresh fruit and vegetables from farm to consumption all suggest a high potential for human exposure, food contamination, health injuries and illness (Tropical Pesticides Research Institute 2017)
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Chemical and phytosanitary regulations and controls in Tanzania in fruit and vegetables (FFV) are limited, except where good practices are linked to eligibility for export market. The Tanzania Code of Hygienic Practice for FF&V by the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) is the main code guiding production and marketing of fresh horticulture produce in Tanzania. There is little evidence this code is been used to guide food safety in horticulture produce. There is lack of capacities among farmers, local authorities and national government and private sector to design or implement sustainable and scalable interventions to improve food safety for domestic markets. The informal nature of the supply chains characterized by heterogeneous and fragmented systems dominated by large numbers of informal small-scale actors with little organization make surveillance and regulation difficult. Other factors limiting the use of regulations and market standards are the complexities of these standards, lack of awareness of these standards, the, low food safety culture among in the domestic market chains.
The Arusha Food Safety Consortium consisting of TAHA, Rikolto, TRIAS, Solidaridad and AgriProFocus in collaboration with Arusha City Council have developed a kiosk model to raise awareness among the community in Arusha City in view of promoting food safety through a collective approach. Through a spiral model which brings together different stakeholders through this consortium the space for a collective initiative is ensured and proves that agribusiness and development are mutually inclusive. Together, new sustainable ways of creating impact with business, exchanging perspectives and expecting the unexpected on ensuring a food safety Arusha will be guaranteed. Cultivating collaboration through linking, learning and leadership is key in this initiative.
Objectives of the Pilot
The pilot is further expected to present the views of the stakeholders including farmers and vendors on issues and experience relatives to current and future fresh food industry in Arusha City. Basically, this assignment will illustrate adequate and efficient institutional support for the development of an environmentally and healthy responsible fresh food.
Specifically, it will;
- Develop an industry guide for fresh fruit and vegetables for Tanzania will support the implementation of the FFV code of conduct
- Piloting of the code of conduct and a Food Safety Risk Analysis initiative to providing a science-based approach to improve food safety decision-making processes,) enables information on hazards in food to be linked directly to data on the risk to human health
- Foster inclusive business between local and rural to improve access to safe food in the Arusha City and its environment.
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Scope of the Assignment
The scope of work will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following activities:
1) Together with the Members of the Arusha Food Safety Consortium:
a. Map the farmers/suppliers of fruits and vegetables to the City
b. Map out the food vendors engaging in trading fruits and vegetables
c. Identify potential areas to establish/locate kiosk.
2) Consultant is required to supervise the development of Kiosk model structure to selected Kiosk Vendors at Arusha Urban Markets.
3) Awareness creation campaigns (Communication and Media)
Strategize the dissemination of the findings, knowledge and critical issues concerning food safety during the piloting phase. This will enable consumers and all related beneficiaries to absorb the necessary information and propagation of appropriate targeted messages on the safety of fresh produce to different stakeholders including government, policy makers, consumers, private sector, traders, and consumers.
The following will be outputs expected in the course of the assignment;
Qualification of the Consultant.
Ideal candidates for the assignment should possess the following attributes;
2 Section B: Bidder Instructions
1.1 Documents to be submitted
The following documents shall be submitted;
Bidders should submit protected soft copy of both Technical and Financial proposal by 5:00 PM (EAT) on 09.09.2020 referring the above RFP number, with the subject line “KIOSK MODEL PILOTING.” via email address procurement@taha.or.tz addressing;
The following will be outputs expected in the course of the assignment;
- A fully fledged and detailed report of the assignment.
Qualification of the Consultant.
Ideal candidates for the assignment should possess the following attributes;
- A Bachelor’s degree in Food Safety, Public Health, Crop Protection, Agriculture Education and Extension, agronomy, environmental science or related and relevant field.
- Demonstrated experience in having undertaken similar supervision exercises elsewhere
- Excellent interpersonal and adult training skills.
- Excellent communication skills, including fluency in English & Kiswahili.
2 Section B: Bidder Instructions
1.1 Documents to be submitted
The following documents shall be submitted;
- Technical proposal including a short description of deliverables, clear work plan (days and activities) with the proposed methodology, which shall include full justification for implementation approach to be used, a detailed CV including experience relevant to this assignment including reference letters from clients and at least three referees for similar or related work done
- Financial proposal indicating fees for the consultancy, including all costs to conduct this assignment (this should indicate man-days and fees including VAT).
- The following mandatory commercial documents;
- Certificate of Incorporation (If any)
- Business License (If any)
- TIN Certificate
- VAT Registration Certificate if registered.
- Evidence of provision of TRA Fiscal receipt for payments received from TAHA.
Bidders should submit protected soft copy of both Technical and Financial proposal by 5:00 PM (EAT) on 09.09.2020 referring the above RFP number, with the subject line “KIOSK MODEL PILOTING.” via email address procurement@taha.or.tz addressing;
Chief Executive Officer,Proposals received after this time will not be accepted for consideration. By submitting a proposal, each bidder represents that:
Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA),
Kanisa Road, House No. 49,
P.O Box 16520,
- The proposal is based upon an understanding of the specifications and requirements described in this RFP.
- The costs for developing and delivering responses to this RFP and any subsequent presentations of the proposal as requested by TAHA are entirely the responsibility of the bidder. TAHA is not liable for any expense incurred by the bidder in the preparation and presentation of their proposal.
- All materials submitted in response to this RFP become the property of TAHA and are to be appended to any formal documentation, which would further define or expand any contractual relationship between TAHA and the bidder resulting from this RFP process.
- The information regarding TAHA included in the RFP is confidential and the bidder may not divulge or disclose to any third party in any form or manner whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the TAHA
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1.3 Late SubmissionsRegardless of cause, late submissions will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from further consideration. It shall be the bidder’s sole risk to assure submission by the designated time.
1.4 Withdrawing ProposalsProposals may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the proposal due date. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to the proposal due date, provided that such requests are in writing.
1.5 Rights ReservedWhile TAHA has every intention to award a contract as a result of this RFP, issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by TAHA to award a contract. Upon a determination such actions would be in its best interests, TAHA in its sole discretion reserves the right to:
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1.6 Evaluation Procedure
All responsive proposals will be evaluated based on stated evaluation criteria. TAHA evaluation committee will separate proposals into “responsive” and “non-responsive” proposals. To be considered responsive, the bidder must meet the requirements outlined in Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 in the instructions to bidder. Non-responsive proposals will be eliminated from further consideration. The procurement committee will then evaluate the remaining proposals and rank them to establish the highest score. Discussions and negotiations may take place with the short list of bidders to obtain a best and final offer. The award will be based upon the proposal that is determined to be in the most competitive.
Evaluation Criteria;Technical Evaluation
The intention of TAHA is hire a consultant to conduct horticultural data collection, analysis and storage. The technical proposal will be given a technical score. The proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not achieve the minimum technical score stipulated. Responses to this RFP will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Award of Contract
Once the proposals are opened, a committee selected by TAHA will evaluate each proposal, taking into consideration the criteria and methodology stipulated in this RFP. TAHA will be the sole judge in evaluation considerations and may make an award to the bidders(s) who submits the proposal judged by TAHA to be in its best interest. A recommendation as to which system best meets the interests of TAHA (as determined by the evaluation committee) will be presented to TAHA management. The award will only be to responsible bidders(s) qualified by experience to perform the services specified herein. All proposals submitted shall be valid for a period of sixty (30) calendar days from the date of the proposal opening.
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Any effort by bidders to influence TAHA in the examination, evaluation, and recommendation for award of contract may result in the rejection of the bidders’ proposal.
All proposals shall be valid for a minimum of 30 days.\
1.3 Late SubmissionsRegardless of cause, late submissions will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from further consideration. It shall be the bidder’s sole risk to assure submission by the designated time.
1.4 Withdrawing ProposalsProposals may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days after the proposal due date. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to the proposal due date, provided that such requests are in writing.
1.5 Rights ReservedWhile TAHA has every intention to award a contract as a result of this RFP, issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by TAHA to award a contract. Upon a determination such actions would be in its best interests, TAHA in its sole discretion reserves the right to:
- cancel or terminate this RFP;
- reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP;
- waive any undesirable, inconsequential, or inconsistent provisions of this document, which would not have significant impact on any proposals;
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1.6 Evaluation Procedure
All responsive proposals will be evaluated based on stated evaluation criteria. TAHA evaluation committee will separate proposals into “responsive” and “non-responsive” proposals. To be considered responsive, the bidder must meet the requirements outlined in Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 in the instructions to bidder. Non-responsive proposals will be eliminated from further consideration. The procurement committee will then evaluate the remaining proposals and rank them to establish the highest score. Discussions and negotiations may take place with the short list of bidders to obtain a best and final offer. The award will be based upon the proposal that is determined to be in the most competitive.
Evaluation Criteria;Technical Evaluation
The intention of TAHA is hire a consultant to conduct horticultural data collection, analysis and storage. The technical proposal will be given a technical score. The proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not achieve the minimum technical score stipulated. Responses to this RFP will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- ü Technical Proposal = 60%
- ü Financial Proposal = 40%
Award of Contract
Once the proposals are opened, a committee selected by TAHA will evaluate each proposal, taking into consideration the criteria and methodology stipulated in this RFP. TAHA will be the sole judge in evaluation considerations and may make an award to the bidders(s) who submits the proposal judged by TAHA to be in its best interest. A recommendation as to which system best meets the interests of TAHA (as determined by the evaluation committee) will be presented to TAHA management. The award will only be to responsible bidders(s) qualified by experience to perform the services specified herein. All proposals submitted shall be valid for a period of sixty (30) calendar days from the date of the proposal opening.
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Any effort by bidders to influence TAHA in the examination, evaluation, and recommendation for award of contract may result in the rejection of the bidders’ proposal.
All proposals shall be valid for a minimum of 30 days.\