New Jobs at The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)

Director, Fisheries Management And Development

ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES: (1) Burundi (2) Kenya (3) Tanzania (4) Uganda

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Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) is an institution of the East African Community (EAC) charged with the management and development of fisheries and aquaculture. It was formed by a Convention in 1994 with major amendments in 2016. It is accommodated under Article 9.3 of EAC Treaty and registered as a Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) under the FAO UN Charter CAP 102. The overall objective of the LVFO is to promote sustainable management and development of the fisheries and aquaculture in order to contribute to food security and economic growth in the EAC region. The 2016 amendment to the Convention that established LVFO expanded her mandate and scope to cover among others issues of fish quality, trade, and marketing. In addition, as EAC Partner States submit their instruments of accession to the Repository (FAO) and join the Organization, the number of main stream and project staff increases. Against this background, LVFO Secretariat is seeking to recruit competent staff to fill position of Director, Fisheries Management and Development to strengthen the Organization, to deliver on her mandate.
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Job ReferenceLVFO/HR/2020/01
Job TitleDirector, Fisheries Management and Development
EAC Grade:P4
Reports to:Deputy Executive Secretary
Duty station:Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Secretariat; Plot 7B/E Bell Avenue, Jinja, Uganda
A. Major duties and responsibilities
  1. Coordinates the harmonization of fisheries management and development measures in the region;
  2. Coordinates the collection, collation, and dissemination of socio-economic information relating to fisheries communities;
  3. Formulates and coordinates implementation of strategies for the formation and strengthening of Co-management structures specifically, and for enhancing community participation in the fisheries sector generally;
  4. Coordinates the implementation of community awareness of fisheries  programmes in the LVFO partner states;
  5. Evaluates the effectiveness of the existing national policy instruments in achieving the desired goals in fishery management and administration and identifying areas of social and economic policy intervention that would enable viable strategies and programmes be implemented to sustainably manage the fisheries resources of the EAC on a regional basis;
  6. Assesses the social and economic impacts of existing policies and legislations in the region and suggest mechanism(s) of continuous monitoring of new regional policies and their impacts on fisheries management and development in the EAC region;
  7. Advises on the harmonization and inclusion of the fisheries issues within the existing policies of other related sectors within the region;
  8. Studies the impact of existing investment in fisheries both at national and regional level with a view to identifying possible areas for further public/private investment;
  9. Advises on the financial and economic viability of planned investment, integrating it with technical feasibility and environmental suitability;
  10. Formulates and coordinates implementation of programmes for the monitoring, control and surveillance of the EAC fisheries as per the internationally agreed best practices
  11. Participates in research and fisheries management projects undertaken by the organization focusing fisheries development approaches/methods and techniques.
  12. Liaise and collaborates with other specialists in the Organization in carrying out all the above responsibilities in the overall development and management of the fisheries resources in the EAC on a sustainable basis.
  13. Mobilizes resources to support fisheries management programmes of the organization
  14. Performs such other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
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B. Required qualifications, competences and experience
   1.  Academic Qualifications
  • Master’s Degree in Fisheries Management or any related field
  • PhD in the same field is an added advantage
    2.  Work Experience
  • At least Ten (10) years of experience in Fisheries Management or any related field in the East African region, five (5) of which at senior level
    3.  Desirable
  • Specific experience in managing programmes/projects in an international or regional organization, national government, or other public or private organizations
    4. Other knowledge and competences
  • Very good working knowledge of ICT (MS Office, statistical software)
  • Very good written and oral knowledge of English
  • Track record of scientific publications in the respective field (4 publications minimum in reputable journals, books and book chapters, 2 of which as principal author)
  • Track record in resource mobilization (in terms of successful grant awards)
  • Very good in communication (email, tweeter, facebook, whatsapp and other communication tools)
  • General knowledge in Project Management; Monitoring and Evaluation; Proposal Writing; Managerial Skills
C.  Assessment method
Evaluation of qualified candidates will include a competency-based interview and any other assessments deemed necessary.
1. Education Qualifications
All candidates applying must have qualifications that are recognised by the relevant national accreditation body in their respective countries. This condition is applicable for locally and internationally attained qualifications.
2. Relevant Working Experience
Relevant working experience in this regard refers to post education work experience. Internship, training, apprenticeship and clerkship will not be considered as relevant work experience.
D. Terms and conditions of employment
The Contract period is for five (5) years renewable once upon satisfactory performance.  The initial contract is subject to a six (6) months’ probation, to be confirmed upon satisfactory performance.
1. Remuneration
An attractive Basic Salary package at EAC P4 scale including monthly Housing and Transport allowance.
  2. Fringe Benefits
In addition, this post offers attractive fringe benefits including an installation allowance paid once, plus gratuity paid monthly, a personal medical Insurance, and personal accident insurance cover.
E. Eligibility
Eligibility is restricted to candidates from EAC/LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania).
F. Age Requirement
Must be preferably not more than 55 years’ old

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G. How to Apply
  • Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned position are advised to apply online through this system by clicking on the button labelled “Apply Now“. Once you have created an account, you will be required to upload an application letter (pdf), detailed curriculum vitae (pdf), photocopies of academic certificates (pdf), names and contact details of three referees, and a copy of National Identity Card (pdf), or Passport (pdf) and all the documents that suit most this position.
  • Please quote the respective reference number on the application letter
  • Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your application, please send an email with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted to the address below not later than Friday, 11th September  2020 at 17:00hrs local time (East Africa Time).
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)                                 
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue                                   
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000

Procurement Officer

Job Ref:LVFO /HR/2020/03
Job TitleProcurement Officer
GradeEAC P1
Reports to:Executive Secretary
Duty station:Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Secretariat; Plot 7B/E Bell Avenue, Jinja, Uganda
A. Purpose of the role 
To manage and maintain an effective, efficient and value for money procurement and disposal unit – ensuring the development, implementation and monitoring of policies and procedures meet national and International standards in a manner that demonstrates Transparency and Accountability and that quality service is delivered to the internal and external customers.

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B. Duties and responsibilities
  1. In consultation with the User Departments, review LVFO’s Annual work plan so as to compile/consolidate the LVFO’s Annual Procurement Plan;A
  2. Implement and monitor LVFOs Annual Procurement Plan;
  3. Spearhead and guide the formulation of procurement policies, guidelines and procedures in order to make recommendations for improvement;
  4. Monitor implementation and compliance with the EAC Procurement Manual and all other procurement regulations;
  5. Initiate and manage the tendering process in a transparent manner resulting in value for money for LVFO;
  6. Conduct market surveys to identify supply sources, and establish a data bank of registered suppliers for LVFO;
  7. Receive, review and process purchase requisitions from User Departments; ensure that purchase requisitions have clarity, adequate specifications, for bidders to be able to respond to the tender/quotation appropriately. Group the requests into homogeneous categories and identify sources of supply;
  8. Assist User departments to draw Specifications and Terms of Reference right;
  9. Consolidate and prepare recommendations for award of tenders/quotations, and initiate draft notifications of awards for and regret letters;
  10. Provide Logistical support for meetings and travel requests;
  11. Set and maintain an accurate procurement filing and record system for all procurement transactions for future reference;
  12. Ensure that all Contractors/Service Providers have authorized and signed Contracts stipulating their Terms of Reference and their obligations for good performance;
  13. Preparing electronically generated Local Purchase Orders/Contracts for the service providers
  14. Expeditiously follow up supply of goods and services and forward certified invoices to Accounts for payment;
  15. Take the lead in the development of an Asset Disposal Plan and ensuring that LVFO’s disposal processes are managed in a transparent manner;
  16. Perform any other duties as assigned by Management from time to time
C. Relevant qualifications and experience and competences
    1. Academic and Professional qualifications:
  • A Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) in Procurement and Logistics Management, Purchasing and Supplies or a related field.
  • Relevant Post Graduate professional qualifications in Procurement and Supplies Management
  • Current Membership to relevant accredited National and International procurement and supplies professional bodies like CIPS, KISM, CSP, CPSP or equivalent is desirable.
     2. Work experience and knowledge:
  • A minimum of 5 years’ relevant practical experience in the specific field of procurement for Goods and Services in a reputable organisation at a comparable level
  • Experience in managing procurement for Donor funded projects is desirable
  • Experience in managing similar support services in a comparable international organization is desirable
3. Key Competencies
  • Proficiency in specialized procurement and financial management software applications like SUN system, SAP, or Oracle Financials is essential
  • Proficiency in standard computer applications (e.g. MS Office) and general ITC technologies (phone, email, internet and related software).
  • Proven Integrity
  • Self-starter with excellent organisational skills and a proven ability to work independently with little guidance and oversight in a fast-paced environment;
  • Reliable, positive and effective team player with a track record working in multi-disciplinary teams and delivering results through collaboration;
  • Good Customer Relations, Negotiation skills, effective Communication and Report writing skills. Excellent written and verbal communications in English
D. Conditions of employment
The Contract period is for five (5) years renewable once upon satsfactory performance. The first term is subject to a six (6) months’ probation, before confirmation upon satisfactory performance.
E. Eligibility
Eligibility is restricted to candidates from EAC/LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania).
F. Language requirement
Proficiency in English language is a necessary requirement.
G. Remuneration
An attractive salary package at EAC P1 scale including monthly Housing and Transport allowance.
H. Fringe Benefits
In addition, this post offers attractive fringe benefits including an installation allowance paid once, plus gratuity paid monthly, a personal medical Insurance, and personal accident insurance cover.
H. Age requirement
Must be preferably not more than 55 years’ old

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I. How to Apply
  • Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned position are advised to apply online through this system by clicking on the button labelled “Apply Now“. Once you have created an account, you will be required to upload an application letter (pdf), detailed curriculum vitae (pdf), photocopies of academic certificates (pdf), names and contact details of three referees, copy of National Identity Card (pdf), or Passport (pdf) and all other documents that suit most for this job.
  • Please quote the respective reference number on the application letter
  • Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your application, please send an email with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted to the address below not later than Friday, 11th September  2020 at 17:00hrs local time (East Africa Time).
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)                                 
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue                                   
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000

Principal Fish Trade And Marketing Officer

Job Ref:LVFO/HR/2020/02
Job TitlePrincipal Fish Trade and Marketing Officer
Grade:EAC P3
Reports to:Deputy Executive Secretary
Duty station:Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization Secretariat; Plot 7B/E Bell Avenue, Jinja, Uganda

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A. Purpose of the Job
Conducts reviews, evaluates and also synthesizes reports and information regarding implementation of Fish Trade and Marketing to enable follow up on implementation of the interventions in official controls of fish quality, compliance to standards, value addition and marketing.
B. Duties and responsibilities
  1. Develop strategy to update and develop market information relating to fish
  2. Develop framework for harmonization of fisheries trade policies, regulations legislations, strategies, standards, guidelines, plans as well as traceability and certification mechanisms
  3. Develop frameworks for improved traceability and certification of fish products
  4. Assist in building capacity of competent authorities in the Partner States for accredited certification and compliance with regional and international fish import and export requirements
  5. Strengthen capacity of the Partner states in fisheries improvement programmes for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) ecolabelled certification for enhanced trade in seafood and aquaculture fish product in the region
  6. Conduct analysis of fisheries trade corridors
  7. Facilitate the development of coordinated positions of LVFO in forums of international standard setting organizations
  8. Coordinates and supports Fisheries Research and Fisheries Management institutions in improving post-harvest fish handling methods and techniques including preservation methods, handling and processing techniques, labeling, distributing and storage.
  9. Promotes adherence to guidelines on post-harvest handling by all investors in the region.
  10. Coordinates the marketing of fish products, and organizes joint promotion activities in the region.
  11. Promotes the harmonization of post-harvest management standard operating procedures in the region.

  12. Institutional strengthening of fish trade information networks in the region.
  13. Review and update data and information regarding markets and trade of fish and fishery products
  14. Evaluate and identify needs for strengthening performance of Competent Authorities, fish inspectors in official controls and strengthening capacity of private sector to comply to required standards
  15. Review and package data and information for sensitization on matters of fish quality assurance, marketing and trade
  16. Synthesize and update data and information on investments in fish handling, processing, marketing and trade
  17. Participates in implementation of programmes where required to ensure quality and safety of fish and fishery products
  18. Prepare quarterly and annual reports on activities conducted
  19. Reports to and performs any other duties as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.
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C. Qualification and working experience
A Master’s Degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Resource Economics, fish quality assurance, and Marketing and Trade in Agricultural Products. Post graduate training in a related field with specialization in fish and fisheries products will be an added advantage.
1. Working experience
  • At least 7 (seven) years’ experience in fish quality assurance, marketing and trade or closely related field in the region. 2 (Two) of the years should be at senior level.
  • At least 3 years’ experience in donor-funded marketing or trade related project in fisheries products or agricultural commodities
  • Sound knowledge on challenges and trade issues in fisheries in the region
  • Proven knowledge on international trade and marketing issues in fish and fisheries products
  • Knowledge of regional and international instruments, strategies, frameworks, guidelines, tools etc. for agricultural commodity trade facilitation etc.
  • Demonstrated experience in dealing with senior government officials and international development partners
  • Sound knowledge on roles of regional organizations (RECs, RFBs etc.)
2. Desired key competencies
  • Ability to understand and articulated issues related to fish trade and marketing,
  • Effective writing, analytical and communication skills;
  • excellent interpersonal skills; Planning and organization skills;
  • Technical proposal writing and grant application skills;
  • Computer and report writing skills;
  • good networking skills and ability to maintain positive and constructive dialogue and relationships with key institutions in the region;
  • Self-starter with the ability to strategically plan own work.
  • Very good written and oral knowledge of English.
D. Conditions of employment
The Contract period is for five (5) years renewable once upon satisfactory performance. The first term is subject to a six (6) months’ probation, before confirmation upon satisfactory performance.
      1. Remuneration
An attractive Basic Salary package at EAC P3 scale including monthly Housing and Transport allowance.
       2. Fringe Benefits
In addition, this post offers attractive fringe benefits including an installation allowance paid once, plus gratuity paid monthly, a personal medical Insurance, and personal accident insurance cover.
E. Eligibility
Eligibility is restricted to candidates from EAC/LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania).
F. Language requirement
Proficiency in English language is a necessary requirement.
G. Age Requirement
Must be preferably not more than 55 years’ old

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H. How to Apply
  • Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned position are advised to apply online through this system by clicking on the button labelled “Apply Now“. Once you have created an account, you will be required to upload an application letter (pdf), detailed curriculum vitae (pdf), photocopies of academic certificates (pdf), names and contact details of three referees, a copy of National Identity Card (pdf), or Passport (pdf) and other document that suit most this position
  • Please quote the respective reference number on the application letter
  • Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your application, please send an email with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted to the address below not later than Friday, 11th September  2020 at 17:00hrs local time (East Africa Time).

Director, Aquaculture Management And Development (Truefish Project)

DIRECTOR, AQUACULTURE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT – To be recruited under the TRUEFISH Project and later mainstreamed into LVFO
Job Ref:LVFO/TRUEFISH /HR/2020/01
Job TitleDirector, Aquaculture Management and Development
EAC Grade:P4
Reports to:Deputy Executive Secretary
Duty station:Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization SecretariatPlot 7B/E Bell Avenue, Jinja, Uganda
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A. Major duties and responsibilities
  1. Oversee the work of the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) of TRUEFISH Project;
  2. Ensure effective and efficient coordination of inputs to TRUE-FISH from FAO, EU, WorldFish and Consultancy company managing SO1;
  3. Coordinate the development of M&E systems and indicators, assisting Deputy Executive Secretary (DES) in checking quality of reports from implementing partners, field verification missions, and consolidating and summarising reports to be presented to the Steering Committee;
  4. Prepare and submit overall Programme inception, six-monthly,annual reports and field mission, on the basis of reporting from implementing partners;
  5. Assist Deputy Executive Secretary of LVFO to perform all duties as the as Secretary to the Programme Steering Committee;
  6. Manage and coordinate TRUE-FISH communication and visibility programme jointly with the EU Delegation (EUD) in Dar es Salaam and in coordination with programme implementers;
  7. Coordinate the harmonization of aquaculture management and development policies and legal framework in the region to ensure development of sustainable climate smart aquaculture in the EAC;
  8. Formulate strategies for the formation and strengthening of aquaculture associations and groups to enhance farmed fish production;
  9. Formulate and coordinate programmes for the management and development of aquaculture in the EAC;
  10. Conduct awareness creation to promote aquaculture development in the EAC Region;
  11. Evaluate the effectiveness of the existing national policies and legal instruments in achieving the desired goals in aquaculture development and advise on changes where required;
  12. Assess the impact of existing investments in aquaculture and identifies possible areas for further public/private investment to stimulate commercial aquaculture development;
  13. Advise on the financial and economic viability of planned investments, integrating it with technical feasibility and environmental suitability;
  14. Assess and identifies research gaps in aquaculture management and development and provides recommendations;
  15. Collaborate with aquaculture Research and Management institutions in the development of aquaculture;
  16. Advise on improving post-harvest fish handling methods and techniques including preservation methods, handling and processing techniques, labelling, distributing and storage of farmed fish;
  17. Promote adherence to guidelines on compliance with the required aquaculture standards for sustainability;
  18. Promote investments in aquaculture and marketing of farmed fish and organize regional fora for networking;
  19. Liaise and collaborate with other specialists in the Organization in carrying out all the above responsibilities;
  20. Disseminate data and information in relation to aquaculture development;
  21. Perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
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B. Required qualifications, competences and experience
1. Academic Qualifications
  • Master’s Degree in aquaculture or any relevant field
  • PhD in the same field is an added advantage
2. Work Experience
  • At least Ten (10) years of experience in aquaculture in the East African region, five (5) of which at senior level
     3. Desirable
  • Specific experience in managing programmes/projects with Donor funding within an international or regional organization, national government, or other public or private organization.
      4. Other knowledge and competences
  • Very good working knowledge of ICT (MS Office, statistical software)
  • Very good written and oral knowledge of English
  • Track record of scientific publications in the respective field (4 publications minimum in reputable journals, books or book chapters, 2 of which as principal author)
  • Track record in resource mobilization (in terms of successful grant awards)
  • Very good in communication skills
  • General knowledge in Project Management; Monitoring and Evaluation; Proposal Writing; Managerial Skills
B. Assessment method
Evaluation of qualified candidates will include a competency-based interview and any other assessments deemed necessary.
   1. Education Qualifications
All candidates applying must have qualifications that are recognised by the relevant national accreditation body in their respective countries. This condition is applicable for locally and internationally attained qualifications.
 2. Relevant Working Experience
Relevant working experience in this regard refers to post education work experience. Internship, training, apprenticeship and clerkship will not be considered as relevant work experience.
C. Terms and conditions of employment
The Contract period is for five (5) years renewable once upon satisfactory performance.  The initial contract is subject to a six (6) months’ probation, to be confirmed upon satisfactory performance.
  1. Remuneration
An attractive Basic Salary package at EAC P4 scale including monthly Housing and Transport allowance.
  2. Fringe Benefits
In addition, this post offers attractive fringe benefits including an installation allowance paid once, plus gratuity paid monthly, a personal medical Insurance, and personal accident insurance cover.
D. Eligibility
Eligibility is restricted to candidates from EAC/LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania).
E. Age Requirement
Must be preferably not more than 50 years of age as per the project requirement.

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F. How to Apply
  • Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned position are advised to apply online through this system by clicking on the button labelled “Apply Now“. Once you have created an account, you will be required to upload an application letter (pdf), detailed curriculum vitae (pdf), photocopies of academic certificates (pdf), names and contact details of three referees, and a copy of National Identity Card (pdf), or Passport (pdf).
  • Please quote the respective reference number on the application letter
  • Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your application, please send an email with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted to the address below not later than Friday, 11th September  2020 at 17:00hrs local time (East Africa Time).
Please note:
  • All applications must be submitted online through this system ( )
  • Nationality and age (birthdate); an application letter (Addressed to the Executive Secretary and must indicate the Job reference number); Certified copies of their academic degrees and other professional Certificates; and three referees are key and must be provided
  • Only qualified candidates will be contacted. All invitations for interviews will be done in writing.
  •  LVFO Staff Rules and Regulations precludes consideration of applicants above fifty-five (55) years of age
  • LVFO does not require candidates to pay money for the recruitment process.
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)                   
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue                       
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000

Project Driver- G2

The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) is a specialized institution of the East African Community (EAC) whose mandate is to coordinate the management and development of fisheries and aquaculture resources in the EAC region. The LVFO Secretariat is stationed in Jinja, Uganda.

Free CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview Questions and It's Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here

E€OFISH programm
LVFO received a grant from the European Union (EU) to implement -Contribution of Sustainable Fisheries to the Blue Economy of the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Region – ECOFISH programme. The overall objective is to enhance equitable economic growth by promoting sustainable fisheries in the East African- South African-Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO) region. The specific objective is to support sustainable management and development of fisheries, while addressing climate change resilience and enhancing marine biodiversity The programme purpose is to support the implementation of fisheries management interventions on Lake Victoria.
TRUE FISH project
LVFO has further received funding from EU through FAO to implement the TRUEFISH project. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of a competitive, gender equitable and sustainable commercial aquaculture sector in order to support economic development and sustainable management of natural resources in the Lake Victoria basin. The project will deliver three result areas which include BUSINESS (access to commercial networks), SKILLS (availability and quality of local skilled workers in aquaculture-related businesses) and SUSTAINABILITY (sustainable and bio-secure regional aquaculture production systems).
It is against this background that the LVFO Secretariat is recruiting staff to support the implementation of the two programmes.
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Summary positions
This is an exciting opportunity for highly motivated and result-driven professionals who are citizens of the LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and The United Republic of Tanzania) to apply for the following positions tenable at the LVFO Secretariat stationed
in Jinja, Uganda namely;
  • Project Driver- G2 (LVFO/TRUEFLSH/HR/2020/03)
All previous applicants are required to re-apply electronically for the re-advertised positions using the LVFO Online Application System.
To download the detailed job adverts including the required qualifications, professional experience, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of service plus indicative remuneration, please visit the LVFO website: – under the link; ‘Opportunities -> Employment’.
How to Apply
Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned positions are advised to submit their applications electronically by following the Online Application Procedures as detailed on the LVFO Website under the link ‘Opportunities -> Employment’
Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your electronic application, please send an email, before the deadline date, with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
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Applications should be submitted not later than 3 September 2020 at 17:00hours Local time.
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000 Website:

Principal Aquaculture Management and Development Officer

Summary positions
This is an exciting opportunity for highly motivated and result-driven professionals who are citizens of the LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and The United Republic of Tanzania) to apply for the following positions tenable at the LVFO Secretariat stationed
in Jinja, Uganda namely;
  • Principal Aquaculture Management and Development Officer- P3(LVFO/TRUEFLSH/HR/2020/01)
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All previous applicants are required to re-apply electronically for the re-advertised positions using the LVFO Online Application System.
To download the detailed job adverts including the required qualifications, professional experience, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of service plus indicative remuneration, please visit the LVFO website: – under the link; ‘Opportunities -> Employment’.
How to Apply
Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned positions are advised to submit their applications electronically by following the Online Application Procedures as detailed on the LVFO Website under the link ‘Opportunities -> Employment’
Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your electronic application, please send an email, before the deadline date, with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted not later than 3 September 2020 at 17:00hours Local time.
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000 Website:

Project Administrative Assistant- G5

Summary positionsThis is an exciting opportunity for highly motivated and result-driven professionals who are citizens of the LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and The United Republic of Tanzania) to apply for the following positions tenable at the LVFO Secretariat stationed
in Jinja, Uganda namely;
  • Project Administrative Assistant- G5 (.LVFOZ TR UEFISH/HR/2020/02)
All previous applicants are required to re-apply electronically for the re-advertised positions using the LVFO Online Application System.
To download the detailed job adverts including the required qualifications, professional experience, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of service plus indicative remuneration, please visit the LVFO website: – under the link; ‘Opportunities -> Employment’.
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How to Apply
Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned positions are advised to submit their applications electronically by following the Online Application Procedures as detailed on the LVFO Website under the link ‘Opportunities -> Employment’
Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your electronic application, please send an email, before the deadline date, with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted not later than 3 September 2020 at 17:00hours Local time.
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000 Website:

Project Administrative Assistant-G5 Re advertised

Summary positionsThis is an exciting opportunity for highly motivated and result-driven professionals who are citizens of the LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and The United Republic of Tanzania) to apply for the following positions tenable at the LVFO Secretariat stationed
in Jinja, Uganda namely;
  • Project Administrative Assistant-G5 (LVFO/E€OFISH/HR/2020/01)- Re advertised
All previous applicants are required to re-apply electronically for the re-advertised positions using the LVFO Online Application System.
To download the detailed job adverts including the required qualifications, professional experience, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of service plus indicative remuneration, please visit the LVFO website: – under the link; ‘Opportunities -> Employment’.

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How to Apply
Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned positions are advised to submit their applications electronically by following the Online Application Procedures as detailed on the LVFO Website under the link ‘Opportunities -> Employment’
Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your electronic application, please send an email, before the deadline date, with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
Applications should be submitted not later than 3 September 2020 at 17:00hours Local time.
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000 Website:

Project Accounts Assistant- G5 Re advertised

Summary positionsThis is an exciting opportunity for highly motivated and result-driven professionals who are citizens of the LVFO Partner States (The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Uganda and The United Republic of Tanzania) to apply for the following positions tenable at the LVFO Secretariat stationed
in Jinja, Uganda namely;
  • Project Accounts Assistant- G5 (LVFO/E€OFISH/ HR/2020/02)- Re advertised
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All previous applicants are required to re-apply electronically for the re-advertised positions using the LVFO Online Application System.
To download the detailed job adverts including the required qualifications, professional experience, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of service plus indicative remuneration, please visit the LVFO website: – under the link; ‘Opportunities -> Employment’.
How to Apply
Interested candidates who meet the qualification and experience requirements for the above-mentioned positions are advised to submit their applications electronically by following the Online Application Procedures as detailed on the LVFO Website under the link ‘Opportunities -> Employment’
Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your electronic application, please send an email, before the deadline date, with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the problem to the email:
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Applications should be submitted not later than 3 September 2020 at 17:00hours Local time.
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO)
Busoga Square Plot No. 7B/E Bell Avenue
P. O. Box 1625, Jinja – Uganda.
Tel: +256 434 125000 Website:

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