Employment Vacancies in DODOMA, KIGOMA, MTWARA and TANGA at Mercy Corps Tanzania


Job Summary
1. Background Mercy Corps is implementing a multi-year, conflict prevention and stability programme, known as Collective Resilience Against Extremism (CREATE), funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office through the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). The programme seeks to engage local and national governments and local civil society organizations and communities to mitigate conflict and instability in East Africa. This is to be achieved through support to policy initiatives, community engagement, and support to civil society organisations.

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The programme is being implemented by a consortium led by Mercy Corps Kenya across five countries, i.e. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Mozambique. Strategies are adapted to the context and opportunities in each country to advance research, policy formulation, legislation and field implementation of programme activities.

The goal of CREATE is to showcase how key stakeholders working to prevent and counter violence extremism (P/CVE) demonstrate improved capacities to discentivise or disrupt the recruitment or radicalisation of at-risk individuals in response to evidence generated by the programme. Further, it seeks to demonstrate the most effective means of preventing radicalisation and recruitment.
Job Description
CREATE seeks to achieve three outcomes:
Outcome 1: Targeted at-risk individuals in violent extremism hotspots and/or hotbeds, are less at risk of radicalisation and recruitment by violent extremist groups.
Outcome 2: Key non-state influencers and partners are better able to respond effectively to prevent or counter radicalisation and recruitment by violent extremist groups.
Outcome 3: Government actors have increased capabilities to constructively engage other stakeholders to prevent radicalisation and recruitment by violent extremist groups
It is against this background that Mercy Corps intends to commission a baseline survey to establish a basis for tracking changes that may occur over time under each outcome due to the programme’s interventions.

2. Purpose of the Baseline
CREATE’s baseline survey seeks to gather data on the perceptions of individual community members and local level stakeholders on the roles played by various state and non-state actors in the prevention of violent extremism (PVE) within their localities. Specifically, the baseline survey will assess community and local level stakeholder perceptions on the:
  • Challenges of violence and insecurity in their localities;
  • Extent and effectiveness of non-state actor engagement in PVE initiatives;
  • Extent and effectiveness of governments’ responsiveness to PVE initiatives;
  • Extent and effectiveness of state’s engagement with non-state and community around VE/PVE;
  • The effectiveness of state and non-state collaboration in the design and implementation of strategies and initiatives on PVE
  • Recommendations for possible solutions to VE challenges within their localities as it relates to government and non-state actors.
In addition to contributing to CREATE’s Results Framework the consultant will seek data to inform the programme on baseline values and the theories of change of each outcome, as well as risk assessment and “Do no Harm” framework. As a result, the information gathered from the baseline will assist
CREATE’s programme team to better guide implementing partners in the delivery of projects within the targeted districts.

3. Scope of Work
3.1 Geographical Scope
In Tanzania, Mercy Corps intends to operate in 4 regions, i.e. Dodoma, Kigoma, Mtwara, and Tanga. The baseline study will sample one district in each region based on the discussion between Mercy Corps and consultant during the inception phase.
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3.2 Technical Scope
The consultant’s technical scope of work will entail:
i.) Desktop review: The consultant will conduct a review of available documentation and based on findings, provide inputs to enrich the survey tool questions
ii.) Prepare the baseline survey work plan in consultation with CREATE’s MEL Manager.
iii.) Enrich and finalise the study methodology: The consultant will finalize plans to conduct the baseline survey including:
  • Reviewing the draft baseline survey tool and proposing any necessary revisions to ensure that accurate data is collected to respond to the objective of the survey;
  • Develop a checklist to guide FGD discussions in each district;
  • Work with CREATE’s programme officer to engage a team of experienced enumerators, consisting of residents from the districts in which data is being collected to enable ease of access to, and responsiveness of community members. Preference should be given to those who have previously conducted similar themed evaluations.
iv.) Training of enumerators: Upon engagement of the enumerators, the consultant will lead a one-day training for all survey team members to ensure a shared understanding of the objectives of the survey, the baseline survey tool questions, data collection techniques and expected deliverables. The training will also consist of a session on conflict sensitivity.
v.) Field work: Field work will take place concurrently in all four target districts over a one-week period. The consultant will pre-test the baseline survey tool, and collect, collate and enter data.
vi.) Data analysis: The consultant will analyse the collected data.
vii.) Baseline report: The consultant will compile a report, no longer than 20 pages (excluding annexes), reflecting findings based on data collected and analyzed, and outlining recommendations.

4. Proposed Methodology
Mercy Corps proposes the following baseline survey design and methodology, which will be discussed and agreed upon with CREATE’s MEL Manager at the commencement of the consultancy.

Sampling frame: The baseline will target community members residing in wards across the four sample district (to be proposed by consultant in the technical proposal and agreed with Mercy Corps team during the inception meeting). The technical proposal should also include sampling strategies and sample size associated with the proposed methods.

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Baseline survey tool: Mercy Corps has designed a draft baseline tool which the consultant will refine and use to gather community perceptions on the effectiveness of various interventions by state and non-state actors in PVE. This information will inform baselines of the outcome level indicators as specified below:
  • 2.2 Change in non-state organisations' abilities' to constructively engage state actors on P/CVE
  • 2.3. Percentage of people who believe that non-state actors working in their communities are effective in delivering interventions to address VE.
  • 3.1 Change in state actors' abilities to understand VE dynamics and risks of radicalisation and recruitment.
  • 3.2 Change in relationships between state and other stakeholders on P/CVE
  • 3.3. Percentage of people who believe that state actors in their area are effective at addressing VE issues in their communities

Data collection methods: Quantitative and qualitative data collection methods will be used to collect primary and secondary data.
  • Primary data will be collected through interviews of respondents.
  • Two FGD will be held in each of the target communities to enable discussions with community members who are more informed about the contributions of state and non- state actors including media in the prevention of violent extremism. Focus groups should be comprised of 8 to 10 community members, and be composed of a mix of: community elders (men and women), parents, private sector actors, religious leaders, teachers, women group representatives and youth group representatives. Male and female FGD should be hosted separately.
  • Secondary data will be collected from a desktop review of existing research reports and databases already in place for P/CVE related work in relevant target areas.

5. Deliverables
Four deliverables are foreseen under the consultancy. They include:
i.) Inception report (5 pages maximum) to be submitted 1 week after signing the contract. This will present:
a. Findings of the desk review;
b. Improvements to the survey tool and questions;
c. Updated survey methodology indicating the overall process, including criteria for the selection of the respondents and quality assurance to ensure the survey’s objectives are achieved;
d. The finalized work-plan.

ii.) Draft Report: This is to be submitted within one week after the fieldwork. The report will present the quantitative and qualitative findings of the baseline survey and practical recommendations to Mercy Corps. The format for the draft report will be agreed with Mercy Corps at the outset of the consultancy. The consultant is encouraged to use creative ways to present findings to enable ease of understanding, including the use of charts and graphs as appropriate.

iii.) Presentation of findings: The consultant will present the survey’s findings to the Mercy Corps team for discussion.

iv.) Final report: The consultant will produce the final report, taking into consideration comments from the Mercy Corps team.

6. Time Frame
The consultancy will be conducted over 20 working days, staggered over a month’s period, as proposed below:
Baseline Survey Activity                                                                                       Proposed Duration
Desktop review, revision of baseline tool and recruitment of enumerators            3.0 days
Training of enumerators and testing of survey tool                                                0.5 day
Testing of survey tool                                                                                              0.5 day
Data collection across the 4 regions                                                                        8.0 days
Data cleaning and collation                                                                                     2.0 days
Data analysis                                                                                                           2.0 days
Draft report writing & submission                                                                          3.0 days
Presentation to CREATE team                                                                                0.5 days
Final report editing & submission                                                                           0.5 days
The consultancy will commence immediately upon signing of the contract.

7. Consultant Management:
The consultant will report to CREATE’s MEL Manager, and work closely with the Country Coordinator. The MEL Manager will track progress of the various activities under the consultancy.

8. Confidentiality and Authorship:
Ownership and copyright of all data, drafts and final products of the survey will be the sole and exclusive property of Mercy Corps. The consultant will submit all original documents, materials and data to Mercy Corps. Therefore, all the outputs of the survey will not be disseminated in part or whole without express authority from CREATE’s Team Leader. The consultant shall not produce information in these materials in any form (electronic, hard copies, etc.) to a third party without a written permission from CREATE’s Team Leader.

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9. Administration and Payment arrangements:
The consultant, with support from Mercy Corps, will be responsible for sourcing of required enumerators. The consultant will make necessary arrangements pertaining to the consultancy, including organizing for enumerator’s training and transport costs within the sub-counties. Applicants are therefore expected to submit their financial proposals, inclusive of withholding tax, for the entire exercise. All withholding tax amounts will be deducted from the total amount at source (i.e. by Mercy Corps) as per the Government of Tanzania regulations. Payments to the consultant will be phased out based on delivery of the agreed products as follows:

Deliverable                                                                              Percentage payable
An inception report acceptable to Mercy Corps                                    30%
Draft final baseline survey report acceptable to Mercy Corps              30%
Final baseline survey report acceptable to Mercy Corps                      40%
10. Required Skills, Experiences and Competences
Mercy Corps is looking for a consultant who has the following requirements:
  • A masters’ degree qualification from a recognized university in any of the following areas: sociology, peace studies, conflict resolution, peace-building, development studies or any other relevant field.
  • Demonstrable experience in leading teams in the conduct of baseline surveys for similar themed resilience programmes in Eastern Africa, Tanzania in particular.
  • Must have good understanding of fragility and resilience programmes. Preference will be given to those who have a good understanding of P/CVE programmes.
  • Solid methodological and research skills, demonstrated through a list of research pieces and evaluations.
  • In-depth knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic and political context of Tanzania.
  • Excellent report writing skills, demonstrated by a list of published articles or reports.
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Kiswahili.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with multiple individuals and groups.
  • Ability to produce high quality work under tight time-frames
  • Knowledge and experience of gender, human rights and conflict sensitive approaches.
  • Preference will be given to those who have conducted similar surveys in the region and Tanzania.

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11. Application Procedure
Interested consultants are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for delivery of the assignment. The EOI should include:
  • The consultant’s understanding of the terms of reference and a work-plan.
  • The financial proposal detailing: consultant’s costs, enumerators’ costs and any other costs anticipated in undertaking the consultancy.
  • Detailed CV of the consultant with full description of the profile and experience, including a list of previous research and evaluations.
  • One copy of relevant sample report.
The application, written in English, should be submitted to Mercy Corps before 4.00 PM on Monday 31 st August 2020.
Applications should be addressed to TZ-pr@mercycorps.org
Note: A detailed technical proposal is not required due to the background inputs and approach for delivery that Mercy Corps has already proposed for delivery of the assignment. The consultant will expand on, and revise Mercy Corps’ proposals and submit this as part of the inception report.

12. Disclaimer:
Mercy Corps reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without any explanation whatsoever.

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13. Scoring Basis:
Applications will be evaluated based on the selection criteria outlined in the table below:
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kp9FYA-1XfvYv2pG5WzvDpkECzb6ZJlH/view?usp=sharingads2