Career Jobs at ADD International Dar es salaam


Project Officers

Project:The Disability Inclusive COVID-19 Response and Recovery Coordination (DICC)
Location:Dar es Salaam
Reporting to:Head of Programmes
Contract: Fixed Term One Year Contract
Disabled candidates are particularly encouraged to apply and as a ‘disability confident employer’ ADD guarantees to interview all disabled candidates who meet the minimum criteria.

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Disabled people living in poverty are among the most vulnerable, marginalised and discriminated people on earth. Often, they have no access to basic human rights, education or the opportunity to work. There are approximately 1 billion disabled people in the world according to the World Health Organisation, 80% live in developing countries – and around 150 million have very high levels of need. Shockingly small numbers of disabled children go to school leading to low literacy and low employment, and, for most disabled people, even basic health services are inaccessible. Disabled people are frequently discriminated against, stigmatised, and excluded from wider society – even by their own families.
After many years of relentless campaigning, we are now beginning to see the global political will, high profile champions and relevant policies that are needed to respect the rights of disabled people around the world. ADD International has been at the heart of this global movement, ensuring that the voices of disabled people grow ever louder.
For over 32 years ADD International has been supporting some of the world’s most remarkable disability activists working on the frontline of discrimination. We give them and their organisations the tools and resources to build powerful movements for change; and we make sure their voices are heard by global leaders and people with the power to make real change. Based in the UK, we have 5 offices in East Africa and Asia with a staff team of approximately 100 people and a turnover of over £3m.
ADD International in Tanzania works in partnership with the Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations (SHIVYAWATA), national disabled people’s organisations (DPOs).
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The DICC brings together Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), disability-focused NGOs, and other mainstream NGOs working on disability inclusion in Tanzania. In itself, this represents an innovative alliance between multiple DPOs and NGOs, working with a common purpose in a crisis response, in a way that has never been seen before in Tanzania. DICC partners have reach and representation across the country, which will enable a grassroots and district-based disability-inclusive COVID-19 response where PWD play a leading role through their representative organisations.
The project overall goal is to contribute to COVID -19 response in Tanzania that leaves no one behind by ensuring that PWD are reached and included equitably in efforts to raise awareness, prevent infection, access support and mitigate the social and economic impact of the pandemic. This will be achieved through enhanced coordination among organizations from different sectors and government, effective planning and implementation of inclusive COVID-19 response by Government at all levels, improved knowledge, capacity of PWD and their households to prevent infection and access medical, social and livelihood support, DPO effective support to PWD during COVID-19 Pandemic/recovery period and demonstrated evidence and learning that inform decision-making at all levels on the impact of COVID-19 on PWD, barriers to accessing support, and effective strategies for including PWD.
The project will be implemented in collaboration with SHIVYAWATA covering 10 National DPOs and 9 SHIVYAWATA region offices across Tanzania.
The Project Officer will have overall responsibility for ensuring effective implementation of five areas of project activities namely; Strengthening coordination; Joint advocacy campaigns; Reaching excluded PWD at district level through DPOs; Evidence gathering and; Monitoring and evaluation as well as managing activity budgets and reporting.
  • Coordinate the formation of a Coordination Secretariat and Task Team to deliver the project, including monthly regional/ national coordination meetings, mapping services (legal, social protection etc),  expand participation to include 10 national DPOs, Strengthening DICC links with other forums engaged in COVID-19 response, Pooling resources from DICC members’ existing projects to ensure a coordinated COVID-19 response.
  • Engage with key government departments (national/ district) WHO, WFP, ICRC.
  • Make recommendations based on evidence in key areas: Public health messages in accessible formats/channels; School return arrangements inclusive of CWD; Social support to reach PWD in all districts; PWD loan terms adapted; Social protection and health to include PWD
  • Develop accessible information messages & deliver through TV, radio, online.
  • Capacity building technical support and accompaniment to DPOs so they can: Develop distribution plans and systems; train PWD community volunteers; identify and reach excluded PWD; strengthen data management & communication systems; link with social and medical service providers; engage with decisionmakers on loans and social protection
  • Train DPO activists as peer data gatherers; conduct rapid situation analysis on PWD impact of COVID-19, gender issues including GBV, DPO/ DICC learning meetings to review evidence,
  • Develop accessible resource information on PWD challenges/ best practice guidelines,
  • Disseminate survey report & other learning outputs to decisionmakers/ social media/ DPO networks
  • Development of indicators and tools for monitoring of activities and evaluation of progress against outcomes;
  • Support to DPOs to establish monitoring systems and gather monitoring data using tools;
  • Quarterly monitoring against indicators;
  • Internal end of project evaluation of progress against outcomes
  • Develop and submit activity budgets for DICC project implementation, compile and review working budgets
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  • Develop activity report and participate in the development and submission of donor reports
  • Ensure familiarity, and compliance with, ADD’s Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding policy and undertake training as required. In particular:
  • Contribute to creating and maintaining an environment (including within ADD) that prevents safeguarding violations and promotes the implementation of ADD’s policy
  • Report any concerns or suspicions regarding safeguarding violations by an ADD staff member or associated personnel to the appropriate staff member
  • Ensure partners are fully briefed on ADD’s safeguarding policies and procedures, SHIVYAWATA child and vulnerable adults safeguarding including reporting mechanisms
  • Develop publicity materials on ADD’s safeguarding policies to be shared with communities with whom ADD works
We are committed to ensuing we are a safe organisation, delivering safe programmes that ensure we do no harm to people we work with. Our processes ensure all posts are graded, based on interaction with children and vulnerable adults. This post is a Level 2 post. See outline of all levels below:
  • Level 1 – HQ based, no real direct access to children/vulnerable adults
  • Level 2 – a travelling role, possible access to children/vulnerable adults but unlikely to be alone
  • Level 3 – regular access to children/vulnerable adults including on their own, or lead responsibility for safeguarding within office/location
  • Minimum of a university degree in communication, social science, community development, behavioural change communication, strategic communication, journalism, public relations, or related field, or equivalent level of work experience
  • Experience in Advocacy work with marginalised and vulnerable groups.
  • Programme coordination and monitoring and evaluation experience
  • Excellent oral/written communication skills in English and Swahili
  • At least 4 years’ experience in lobbying and advocacy or related field of work
  • Experience in designing, planning, implementing and monitoring lobbying and advocacy strategies
  • Experience of training/capacity building in areas such as advocacy or MEL
  • Commitment to and understanding of the Social Model of Disability and a rights-based approach to development
  • Experience of safeguarding policy and practice related to children and/or vulnerable adults
  • Shows respect for, and understanding of, diverse points of view and demonstrates this understanding in daily work
  • Awareness of the value of diversity and cultural difference
  • Positive, energetic and with organized behaviour
  • Productive with strong working ethics
  • Keen to learn and acquire new experience on disability inclusive programming
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Interested applicants should send the following attachments by email:
  • Their CV (max 3 pages)
  • Letter of motivation (max 2 pages), please state your current or most recent salary
  • Completed equal opportunities form (please choose relevant form dependent on whether you are applying for a job in the UK or one of our country offices)
  • The names, contact numbers and addresses of 2 referees (please state if you are not happy for them to be contacted at this stage)
  • Application deadline: 04.30pm/20th August 2020
  • Interviews will be held in Dar es Salaam on 28th August 2020
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. We are unfortunately only able to reply to those shortlisted.
We are keen to promote strong principles of equality and diversity and would welcome applications from all backgrounds. Disabled people are strongly encouraged to apply and as a ‘disability confident employer’ ADD guarantees to interview all disabled candidates who meet the minimum criteria. For more information on this please see our Equal Opportunities Policy.
The nature of ADD’s work is as an ally to the global disability movement promoting the rights of all people with disabilities. It does mean that our staff, consultants, trustees and volunteers may come into contact with children and vulnerable adults in some capacity or another. ADD is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults, and expects all staff, consultants, trustees and volunteers to share this commitment.
At ADD, we’re committed to creating a safe and rewarding environment for all of our people to work and volunteer, as well as for those we come into contact with through our work.
This means we have robust safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure everyone is treated properly, and a whistle-blowing policy and process so people can raise any concerns they have, confidentially.
For more information on this please see the safeguarding pages on our website.

Safeguarding Consultant

Project:                            Modelling Inclusive Pre-Primary Project (MIPE)
Location:                         Dar es Salaam
Contract:                         Two Months 1st September – 31st October 2020
Disabled candidates are particularly encouraged to apply and as a ‘disability confident employer’ ADD guarantees to interview all disabled candidates who meet the minimum criteria.
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To develop a Child and Vulnerable Adult safeguarding policy for the ADD partner organization SHIVYAWATA, together with its associate policies such as whistleblowing, human resource, risk management, code of conduct and governance and to support and monitor its roll out and implementation.
Ritha Paul
Jess Gleeson
The Old Church School, Butts Hill, Frome, BA11 1HR, United Kingdom
Registered charity number 2033925
ADD through its Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding policy has laid out its commitments to keep children and adults (including staff, partners and beneficiaries) safe from any harm and abuse that may be caused due to their involvement in ADD International interventions.
SHIVYAWATA is an umbrella organisation of persons with disabilities in Tanzania. Its mission is to bring together ten national Disabled People’s Organizations to afford a larger, louder and common voice on issues of lobbying and advocacy. As one of ADD International Tanzania main partner and as organisation fighting for the rights of all person with disabilities in Tanzania, it is important that it has systems and mechanisms  in place to keep its staff, volunteers, members and other stakeholders safe from harm.
An action plan has been drawn up and a request for an individual consultant to work with ADD and SHIVYAWATA to support the development of  a Child and Vulnerable Adult safeguarding policy for our partner SHIVYAWATA together with its associate policies such as whistleblowing, human resource, risk management, code of conduct and to support and monitor its roll out and implementation. We would need a consultant with an understanding of the safeguarding context in Tanzania and/or an understanding of safeguarding in the disability sector to carry out this assignment. She/he should be aware of
further collaborations planned to be sought between organizations supporting SHIVYAWATA.
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To provide support on the following areas:
  • Work with ADD to co-facilitate the safeguarding capacity needs mapping for SHIVYAWATA
  • Through participatory approach, support the development of SHIVYAWATA Child and Vulnerable Adult safeguarding policy
  • Support the SHIVYAWATA to update its Human resource manual, Code of Conduct, to better include safeguarding standards, especially PSEA.
  • Develop a sexual harassment policy
  • Support the organisation to design safeguarding training for its Board members, Staff and Volunteers
  • Support the organisation to strengthen its complaints handling mechanism, with a focus on safeguarding and whistleblowing complaints.
  • Development of risk management
  • SHIVYAWATA requires support to improve their safeguarding policies and practice. Safeguarding practice should focus on beneficiaries and their own staff members and representatives, many of whom have disabilities.
  • The work will primarily be undertaken in Tanzania. The work (travel and consultation) will ideally take place between 1st September and 30th October 2020.
  • If an extension to the timeframe is required, this should be justified by the consultant in his/her application.
The contracted person shall:
  • Have an excellent understanding of safeguarding concerning minority groups, and experience in developing child and vulnerable adult safeguarding policy.
  • Have experience in safeguarding capacity building work with other organisations
  • Have an understanding of safeguarding in a development context. Experience of safeguarding in Tanzania would be beneficial.
  • Have an understanding of the safeguarding risks faced by people with disabilities.
  • Previous experience working with a disabled persons organisation would be a bonus.
We are committed to ensuing we are a safe organisation, delivering safe programmes that ensure we do no harm to people we work with. Our processes ensure all posts are graded, based on interaction with children and vulnerable adults. This post is a Level 3 post. See outline of all levels below:
  • Level 1 – HQ based, no real direct access to children/vulnerable adults
  • Level 2 – a travelling role, possible access to children/vulnerable adults but unlikely to be alone
  • Level 3 – regular access to children/vulnerable adults including on their own, or lead responsibility for safeguarding within office/location
Work must be conducted and reported in a timely way and may not continue beyond the specific time frame as outlined in this ToR without the written consent of ADD International.
Activity Time period 
0.Contractor appointment and contracting24th August to 28th August
1.Document review, define workplan and capacity building methodologies1st -13th of September
2.Consultation on the ground14th to 26th September
3.Report submission5th of October
4.Report discussion with Organizations supportingSHIVYAWATA9th of October 2020
This is the suggested timeline, but we will be open to negotiation on this.
Expected deliverable(s) include:
  1. A sexual harassment policy
  2. An updated Safeguarding policy which includes protections for children and vulnerable adults together with its associated policies
  3. Accessible training resources that can be used at induction sessions for new staff, representatives, and SHIVYAWATA Board members
  4. Evidence of a complaints handling mechanism
  5. A Code of Conduct for staff and representatives (Board members, secretariat, volunteers etc.)
  6. Evidence of named safeguarding leads, who have ownership over the safeguarding policy and sexual harassment policy
The contact persons for this Terms of Reference is  Rose Tesha ADD Tanzania Country Director 
Further support will be provided by Shabani Abeid Tanzania Safeguarding Focal Person and Adil Shah Director of Finance and Operation and Safeguarding Focal Person;
  • Interested applicants should send their applications  and appropriate attachments by email to by the closing date specified below. 
  • Application deadline: 04.30pm/20th August 2020
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. We are unfortunately only able to reply to those shortlisted.
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We are keen to promote strong principles of equality and diversity and would welcome applications from all backgrounds. Disabled people are strongly encouraged to apply and as a ‘disability confident employer’ ADD guarantees to interview all disabled candidates who meet the minimum criteria. For more information on this please see our Equal Opportunities Policy.
The nature of ADD’s work is as an ally to the global disability movement promoting the rights of all people with disabilities. It does mean that our staff, consultants, trustees and volunteers may come into contact with children and vulnerable adults in some capacity or another. ADD is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults, and expects all staff, consultants, trustees and volunteers to share this commitment.
At ADD, we’re committed to creating a safe and rewarding environment for all of our people to work and volunteer, as well as for those we come into contact with through our work.
This means we have robust safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure everyone is treated properly, and a whistle-blowing policy and process so people can raise any concerns they have, confidentially.
For more information on this please see the safeguarding pages on our website.
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