SAUT Arusha Centre is
a University Centre of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)
which has its main campus in Mwanza. The Centre was established in 2013
and started to offer various programmes in Education, Business Studies,
Tourism, Accountancy and Law. Geographically, the Centre is located at
the heart of Arusha City in a famously area known as Kwa Father Babu.
Like the main campus, SAUT Arusha Centre envisions at fostering
holistic development of a person and respect for human dignity.
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mission is to strive at:
(i) being a Centre of excellence by providing high quality education, research and public service;
(i) being a Centre of excellence by providing high quality education, research and public service;
(ii) promoting the
pursuit and defense of truth with transparency and honesty, and service
with competence and dedication;
(iii) developing a sense of care for
personal and community property, and;
(iv)a holistic development of the
person. SAUT Arusha does all that by recruiting competent academicians
capable of imparting professional skills and inculcate civic and social
values to students.
SAUT Arusha Centre announces job opportunities for different academic staff in the following areas below.....1.0 Job Details
A: Lecturers –Faculty of Education and Social Sciences (03 Positions)
- Lecturers in Masters of Arts in Education Management (MEM) – 3 Posts
- Holder of a Bachelor Degree in Education from an accredited Higher Learning Institution with GPA 3.8 or above.
- Holder of a Master Degree in Education from an accredited Higher Learning Institution with GPA 4.0 or above.
- Holder of a PhD in Education from an accredited Higher Learning Institution with GPA 4.0 or above.
B: Assistant Lecturers – Various Faculty (10 positions)
- Department of Law (4 Posts)
- Faculty of Education and Social Sciences (4 Posts in the department of Kiswahili)
- Faculty of Business Administration (in areas of Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Procurement, Human Resource, Banking) (3 Posts) for each area.
Entry qualifications for Assistant Lecturer Post
- Holder of a Bachelor Degree in the relevant field from an accredited Higher Academic Institution with GPA 3.8 or above.
- Holder of a Master Degree in the relevant field from accredited Higher Academic Institution with a GPA 4.0 or above.
The general attributes for all the applicants for an Academic position
- Ability to design, set, administer and supervise different assessment items
- Ability to mark student scripts and coursework assessment items and provide feedback
- Ability to prepare and deliver own teaching materials
- Ability to carry out independent research and provide feedback
- Ability to supervise research and other knowledge and skills development activities.
2.0 Terms of Employment
- Successful candidates will be employed on Contract terms of three (3) years renewable upon satisfactory performance and through mutual agreement.
- Attractive remuneration package will be offered to successful candidates.
Read Also:
4.0 Deadlines and Mode of Application
- The applications should be submitted to the address below not later than Friday 25th September, 2020. Applications should be accompanied with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), providing names, detailed contacts of three (3) referees and copies of relevant Academic Certificates and Transcripts. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs,Email: sautarusha@saut.ac.tz | P. O. Box 12385, Arusha, Tanzania | Website: www.sautarusha.ac.tz |+255 782 930 433.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania – Arusha Centre,
P.O. BOX 12385, ARUSHA.
Email: sautarusha@saut.ac.tz