University of Dar es salaam - UDSM Scholarships 2020/2021

UDSM Petroleum Scholarship 2020/2021. Applications are invited from eligible candidates to undertake M.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Dar es Salaam, department of Chemical and Mining Engineering (CME).

The scholarship will be financed by the capacity building project funded by NORAD under a special scheme designated as Energy and Petroleum (EnPe). The scholarship covers tuition fee, research costs, and limited subsistence allowance (stipend).

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The duration of study is 18 months. The MSc program focusses on the petroleum drilling, reservoir, and production engineering.
  • The scholarship is open to BSc. graduates in Petroleum Engineering, Mining Engineering, Mineral Processing Engineering, and Chemical and Process Engineering from a
    recognized institution.
  • Applicants should have a GPA of 3.5 or above on a five-grade scale in their first degrees.
  • Applicants should not be more than 35 years old as of November 2020.
Procedure for Application
Applicants must follow the following procedure:
  • Complete the UDSM online application procedure through and submit the required documentation. Indicate in the application that you are applying under EnPe Scholarship Scheme.
  • Submit the application locally in electronic form or hard copy to the contact provided in this advertisement by providing detailed
    curriculum vitae, scanned certified copies of your BSc. transcripts, birth certificate (or passport), and recommendations from two referees.
Deadline for Application
  • The deadline for the application is 30th August 2020. Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be conducted for those who will receive the admission letters to study the M.Sc. program at the University of Dar es Salaam at a date that will be communicated later. The M.Sc. program commences in November 2020.
Read Also:

The Head,
Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering (CME),
College of Engineering and Technology
University of Dar es Salaam
P. O. Box 35131, Dar es Salaam
Phone: +255 22 2410368
This Scholarship is Open to ALL Tanzanians.
Female candidates are encouraged to apply Petroleum Scholarship 2020
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