Terms of Reference For Reviewing of Training of Trainers Training Materials
Location: Dar es salaam
Job Summary
Objectives of Assignment:
The aim of this activity is to adapt, learn, adjust and improve the
training materials used including reviewing and customizing existing ToT
training materials. The consultant is expected to customize other
stakeholders’ materials in order to fit to trainer and other instructors
in the formal and informal settings
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Job Description1. Introduction: Swisscontact is an International NGO registered in Tanzania in 2020 which is implementing Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project in Morogoro region. The Programme Phase 1 runs from 2018–2022.
The project aims at improving prospects of gainful youth (self-) employment through a contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development. The Training of Trainers (ToT) focuses towards improving the quality of trainers by enhancing the impact and effectiveness of trainers or instructors. In so doing, the quality of training will be improved and subsequently lead to improved livelihood of youth and young mothers at the grassroots level. In 2019, SET facilitated ToT to 71 trainers from public and private training providers (TPs) the training that was facilitated by Sustainable agriculture
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Tanzania (SAT). This TOR is developed to improve ToT training through review of the past three training materials, discussion with TPs, review of Morogoro Vocational Teacher Training College (MVTTC) teachers training modules and other existing materials that may contribute to a more trainer specific module.
2. Objectives of Assignment:
The aim of this activity is to adapt, learn, adjust and improve the training materials used including reviewing and customizing existing ToT training materials. The consultant is expected to customize other stakeholders’ materials in order to fit to trainer and other instructors in the formal and informal settings.
2.1 Specific objectives
To complete this assignment the consultant will:
a) Review training materials for the three ToT conducted, and identify gaps that need to be revised, improved and updated for the next training
b) Conduct meeting with Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), Sokoine University Entrepreneurs Graduates Cooperative (SUGECO) and (MVTTC) to identify standard packages for ToT training in agriculture.
c) Support identification of the competencies required by the trainer or instructor in the formal and informal setting
3. Scope of work:
- Review ToT training materials and suggest areas for improvement including proposing modules for next ToT training.
- Identify the learning objectives and expected outcomes for each suggested module
- Designing and develop training materials for each module proposed in consultation with other training providers
- Develop a list of competencies requires for trainers or instructors in the formal or informal sectors
4. Duration and Placement:
- A total of 10 working days have been allocated for this assignment and will take place within Morogoro region.
- The consultant will need to deliver the following;
- A report on the identified gaps and recommended way forward availed Present one ToT training module which will include the training assessment tools and trainer’sguide
6. Required Qualification
The external consultant should meet the following qualification requirements:
- Profound knowledge and experience in Agriculture, Vocational training, training needs assessment, and entrepreneurship specifically for Tanzania context.
- Experience of conducting ToT.
- Proven experience with development of training materials.
- Excellent report writing abilities.
- Fluency in English language.
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7. Administrative Clauses
- A detailed CV and/or company profile with previous clients references for similar assignments.
- Financial proposal showing the daily rate in Tanzanian Shillings (TZS).
- The payment of the fees is subject to the deliverables outlined under point 3, point 5 and approval by the project. SET reserves the right not to choose the lowest financial offer. The selection will be based on an overall assessment.
8. Deadline:
The consultant is requested to forward their proposal under the attention of SET Team Leader at (recruitment.set@swisscontact.org) not later than the 04th August, 2020 at 2 pm Tanzanian time.