Opportunities at Swisscontact Tanzania


TOR Facilitation of development of Training Providers (TPs) Gender Policy and gender training 
Job Summary
The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the TPs in developing their organization’s gender policy and facilitate training on gender aspects of relevance to the TPs and their activities.

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Job Description

1. Introduction
Skills for Employment (SET) is a Swiss Development Corporation (SDC) supported programme implemented in Tanzania. It aims to improve the employment and employability of youth and young women and mothers through skills development. In its bid to strengthen training providers (TPs) capacity and in response to their request; the SET project seeks to support TPs in development of organization’s gender policy. These terms of reference (TOR) are for the development of TPs gender policy and the training on gender aspects with a practical relevance to the gender situation in Tanzania. 

2. Objectives of Assignment
SET is working with a total of 25 TPs supporting skills development in the agriculture sector. All TPs are members of an informal platform of training providers involved in the implementation of ongoing training.
The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the TPs in developing their organization’s gender policy and facilitate training on gender aspects of relevance to the TPs and their activities. 

3. Specific objectives
The activity aims to strengthen gender mainstreaming and focus on TPs program and activities by:

  • Increasing the capacity of TPs staff and partners for addressing gender relevant issues and strengthen the environment for gender mainstreaming in TPs program and activities;
  • Facilitating availability of a document in the form of a gender policy for the TPs that will guide gender focus in planning and other office operations
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4. Scope of work:
The development of the gender policy will include evaluation and conducting separate meetings with respective TPs, review their existing documents and reports. The consultant will undertake the following specific tasks:
  • Conduct a desk review of existing gender relevant documents, reports and conduct consultations with TPs to assess the achievements and identify the key challenges and gaps relating to gender mainstreaming in their activities and organization.
  • Support TPs to draft a gender policy in alignment with the following:
a) The requirements of different donors;
b) Coherence and alignment with the existing laws of the country;
c) Due consideration to the positive aspects of social norms, tradition and culture and other issues that influence gender inequality in their work environment;
d) Organisation’s staff and
  • Conduct consultations with all local government authorities (LGA), and non-government organizations, LGA-Gender Focal Persons and relevant Civil Society Organizations to identify experiences and other best practices that will help in the development.
  • Present the draft TPs gender policy to all respective organizations, discuss and collect their comments before finalization;
  • Facilitate practical training session to TPs staff on gender aspects in a workshop that will be organized by SET.
  • Involve and provide capacity building for Component 3 Gender Coordinator

5. Duration and Placement:
The contract will be for a period of 10 working days including 2 days for the training workshop. The consultant should be available for the assignment in the period between 28 th of July 2020 to 4 th of September 2020.

6. Deliverables:
The consultancy is expected to deliver the following outputs:
  • Conduct a review of existing policies, activities and practices; and present a short report showing the identified key gender gaps from the existing policies and practices from the NGOs
  • Present completed gender policies for 13 TPs and gender field practical tools
  • Completed training documents including, practical sessions, references, PowerPoint, Agenda, Pre- and Post-tests, training schedules with facilitators.
  • Participate in a virtual meeting with SET staff to facilitate the assignment.
  • Written assignment report in English to the SET Deputy Team Leader.
  • Present the training modality, contents, schedule prior to the training
  • Present the pre and post training evaluation report which will help to assess the contribution of the training toward change in TPs practices 
It is expected that the consultant will refer to Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s and Swisscontact’s gender policies and documents as well as SET’s Gender Responsive Training Guide.
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7. Required Qualification
The external consultant must meet the following qualification requirements:
  • Profound knowledge and experience in Agriculture, training needs assessment, entrepreneurship and issues related to East Africa and specifically Tanzania.
  • Proven experience in gender related studies and training.
  • Proven experience in policy formulation for NGOs
  • Excellent report writing abilities.
  • Fluency in the following languages: English.

8. Administrative Clauses
  • A detailed CV and/or company profile with previous clients references for similar assignments.
  • Financial proposal showing the daily rate in Tanzanian Shillings;
  • The payment of the fees is subject to the deliverables outlined under point 3, point 6 and approval by the project. SET reserves the right not to choose the lowest economic offer. The selection will be based on an overall assessment of the proposal.
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9. Deadline
The consultant is requested to forward their proposal under the attention of SET Team Leader at ( recruitment.set@swisscontact.org ) not later than the 22nd of July 2020 at 2 pm Tanzanian time