1.0 The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
1.0 The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
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The AECF is a development institution which supports businesses to
innovate, create jobs, leverage investments and markets to create
resilience and sustainable incomes in rural and marginalized communities
in Africa. Launched in 2008, the AECF has mobilized over US $356
million to date, leveraging more than US $658 million in matching
capital and improving the lives of more than 19 million people in 2018
alone through jobs and increased household incomes. The AECF has so far
supported 268 companies in 26 countries in sub-Saharan Africa across 40
value chains in our focal sectors of agribusiness and renewable energy.Read Also:
In the new 2018-2020 strategy, our goal is to “double our impact in half
the time”. To achieve this, we will continue to focus on the
agribusiness and renewable energy sectors, increase support to
climate-smart technologies, refine our challenge model, expand regional
presence, deepen the focus on gender, youth and employment by expanding
our products and partnership approach to better meet our investees’
current needs; and ensure they rapidly scale and transition to external
financing and sustainability thereby attaining our vision of ‘A
Prosperous and Enterprising Rural Africa’.
In delivering on the strategy, AECF’s Investments Advisory Services
(IAS) department is increasingly providing supplementary support to AECF
investees to accelerate their business growth, sustainability and
impact delivery.
2.0 About Biobuu
In 2017, AECF invested in Biobuu, Tanzania to support the company to test and refine their innovative business model around maggot production for animal feed, to bring efficiencies and alternative and affordable feeds to smallholder farmers. Biobuu is focusing on the factory model that uses organic compost from organic waste and back soldier fly to produce insect-derived high protein chicken feed and fish meal. This protein can act as a feed supplement for chicken and fish meal to replace the use of expensive and inefficient traditional sources of protein. Additionally, the company makes bins that can be used at the household level to produce insect-derived protein using kitchen waste to reduce the cost of keeping chicken at the household level.
3.0 Purpose and Deliverables of the Assignment
Production of insect-derived protein at the warehouse commenced in the second half of 2018. However, due to some delays, and COVID-19 related disruptions, Biobuu is looking into ways of adding value to the insect-derived protein to maximise returns from the current low levels of production (waste from hotels has also drastically reduced).
To maximise returns and keep the company afloat, the investee has recognised the opportunity in the fish feed sector, that can be a new revenue stream to the business, to complement the current chicken feed product. Preliminary analysis has presented real value in this potential product, especially due to the existing demand by the fish farming community.
Biobuu seeks the assistance of a fish feed formulation expert, to develop and test the most optimal feed mixes required at various stages of the fish value chain.
In 2017, AECF invested in Biobuu, Tanzania to support the company to test and refine their innovative business model around maggot production for animal feed, to bring efficiencies and alternative and affordable feeds to smallholder farmers. Biobuu is focusing on the factory model that uses organic compost from organic waste and back soldier fly to produce insect-derived high protein chicken feed and fish meal. This protein can act as a feed supplement for chicken and fish meal to replace the use of expensive and inefficient traditional sources of protein. Additionally, the company makes bins that can be used at the household level to produce insect-derived protein using kitchen waste to reduce the cost of keeping chicken at the household level.
3.0 Purpose and Deliverables of the Assignment
Production of insect-derived protein at the warehouse commenced in the second half of 2018. However, due to some delays, and COVID-19 related disruptions, Biobuu is looking into ways of adding value to the insect-derived protein to maximise returns from the current low levels of production (waste from hotels has also drastically reduced).
To maximise returns and keep the company afloat, the investee has recognised the opportunity in the fish feed sector, that can be a new revenue stream to the business, to complement the current chicken feed product. Preliminary analysis has presented real value in this potential product, especially due to the existing demand by the fish farming community.
Biobuu seeks the assistance of a fish feed formulation expert, to develop and test the most optimal feed mixes required at various stages of the fish value chain.
Read Also:
3.1 Specific Duties and Responsibilities of the Consultant
a) Review Biobuu’s existing Quality Management and Feed production methods, procedures and policies
b) Develop and market-test the appropriate feed formulations for the various stages along the fish lifecycle
c) Develop and establish Quality control measures and procedures at the facility to guarantee quality and standardization
d) Train the staff in quality management and feed quality management
e) Recommend to Biobuu all required technologies to ensure quality
f) Provide light-touch coaching to the team for at least three months, to empower the team to deal with any emerging challenges with production and marketing of the formulations.
3.2 Outputs and Reporting Requirements
Comprehensive TA delivery report, detailing:
- Tested fish meal formulations for all stages of a Tilapia lifecycle.
- Quality control methods and procedures in place to guarantee the shelf life of the fish meal.
- Light touch support to the company over three months to assist with perfecting formulations and training the team in quality management
4.0 Duration of Service
The duration of the service will be 30 man-days spread over 3 months, plus three extra months of light-touch coaching and support. This service is expected to commence on 10th August 2020.
5.0 Proposal Submission
Qualified consultants (individual or institutional consultants) are invited to submit the proposal that includes the following:
a) Qualification and experience of the individual/institution.
b) Approach and methodology to undertake this assignment.
c) Previous experience in similar assignment(s).
d) Detailed financial budget (in USD) and work plan.
e) Technical and Financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents.
6.0 Qualifications
· Experience in developing Animal Feed formulations for agribusiness companies in Africa
· Experience in Quality management and training for certifications and standardization
Read Also:
7.0 Reporting
The consultant will be accountable to the AECF’s Advisory Manager.
8.0 Pricing
The AECF is obliged by the Kenyan tax authorities to withhold taxes on service contract fees as well as ensure VAT is charged where applicable. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their tax position with regards to provisions of Kenya tax legislation when developing their proposals.
9.0 Evaluation Criteria
An evaluation committee will be formed by the AECF and shall include employees. All members will be bound by the same standards of confidentiality. The Vendor should ensure that they fully respond to all criteria to be comprehensively evaluated.
The AECF may request and receive clarification from any Vendor when evaluating a proposal. The evaluation committee may invite some or all of the Vendors to appear before the committee to clarify their proposals. In such event, the evaluation committee may consider such clarifications in evaluating proposals.
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In deciding the final selection of qualified bidder, the technical quality of the proposal will be given a weighting of 80% based on the evaluation criteria. Only the financial proposal of those bidders who qualify technically will be opened. The financial proposal will be allocated a weighting of 20% and the proposals will be ranked in terms of total points scored.
The mandatory and desirable criteria against which proposals will be evaluated are identified in the table below.
Key Areas for Evaluation/ Assessment
Weighted Award
a) Technical Proposal - 80
i) An understanding of the consultancy requirements;
· Demonstrate understanding of the assignment -5
· An in-depth understanding of Feed formulation and quality management-10
ii) Methodology and work-plan that will deliver the best value on the assignment: Demonstrate the capacity to deliver the task(s) within a realistic timeline, based on the consultancy days designated per task. -20
iii) Strategy and demonstrated capability to deliver a large part of this assignment virtually. Being based in Tanzania will be preferable.-10
iv) Relevant services undertaken by the bidder in the past engagements: Demonstrate relevant experience and recent engagements with innovations in the fish feed formulation industry. -20
v) Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments:
· Letters of reference from past customers or associates to the lead consultant or the consulting organization. -10
· Registration and other relevant statutory documents (applies to institutional consultants). -5
Read Also:
b) Financial Proposal: Clarity, relevance, reality to market value/ value for money of cost for the assignment (inclusive of any applicable tax).-20
10.0 Disclaimer
AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, number of short-listed participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this tender at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party.
How to apply
Application Details To be considered, your proposal reference “CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – FISH MEAL FORMULATION” must be addressed to procurement@aecfafrica.org and received by Wednesday, 29th July 2020 5:00 PM EAT.