NACTE Online Application Window for all Programs 2020/21

NACTE Online Application for all Programs 2020/21

The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) is a corporate body established by the National Council for Technical Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 9 of 1997). The Act provides a legal framework for the Council to  coordinate provision of technical education and training and establish an efficient national qualifications system that will ensure that products from technical institutions are of high quality and respond to changing needs as well as technological innovations in the world.

Technical education in this context is defined as “education and training undertaken by students to equip them to play roles requiring higher levels of skills, knowledge and understanding and in which they take responsibility for their areas of specialization”. NACTE is thus, a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral body empowered to oversee and coordinate the provision of technical education and training in Tanzania.

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The Scope of the Council
The scope of NACTE covers all tertiary education and training institutions, other than Universities and their affiliated colleges, delivering courses at technician, semi-professional and professional levels leading to awards of certificates, diplomas, degrees and other related awards.


The mandate of the National Council for Technical Education as derived from Cap. 129 is three fold and may be summarized as below:
  • Regulatory Function: to establish the regulatory framework for technical education and training, leading to quality assured qualifications;
  • Quality Assurance Function: to assist technical institutions to improve and maintain the quality of the education they provide and to ensure that their programmes meet labour market demand, by guiding and monitoring their adherence to the regulatory framework; and
  • Advisory Function:to advise both Government and technical institutions on the strategic development of technical education and training can be made.
These three aspects are interrelated and together make up the core functions of NACTE; a process leading to quality assured qualifications in technical education and training in our country.

NACTE Online Application Health Programs 2020/21 Welcome to Student’s Admission Verification System for Certificate and Diploma Applicants.

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The System allows you to apply for Admission into Certificate and Diploma programmes for academic year 2020/2021.
Currently Available Application Categories:-
    • Health and Allied Sciences :- Deadline 15/09/2020
    IMPORTANT NOTES: You are advised to select your most preferred Programme according to your qualifications. To proceed with application for Admission make sure you have:
    • 1. Valid and Working Email Address
    • 2. Valid Mobile Phone Number
    Read Admission Guidebook:
    To know the requirement(s) for programme(s) you wish to apply, it is highly recommended to carefully read the Admission Guidebook. Click here to View/download Admission Guidebook.
APPLICATION FEE (Non refundable):Application fee for this academic year are as in following categories:-
  • – For Certificate/Diploma And Higher Diploma in
    • Health and Allied Sciences :- TShs 10,000/= Per Institution
Which shall be paid through Mobile Money services or Bank. using the provided control number after registration
REGISTRATION:To apply for mentioned category you must be registered to NOAVS. Follow the below link to proceed.
  • If this is your first time click here to start your application.
  • If you are already registered please click here


Registered and Accredited Institutions
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