Job Vacancies at Nutrition International


Health and Development Specialist

Support Implementation of a Regional Nutrition Knowledge Sharing Platform for the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)
Overall objective
The overall objective of this TA is to provide medium term support to ECSA-HC to develop, and begin the implementation of, a plan for a regional learning and sharing platform. Considering this, the following objectives are to be attained through this assignment.

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Specific objectives
  1. Development of an implementation plan for a regional knowledge-sharing platform, for improved coordination on scaling up multi-sectoral nutrition programs
  2. Support to ECSA-HC for the implementation, documentation and sharing of the pilot phase of the regional knowledge-sharing platform and monitor progress
  3. Development of proposals for the funding part of the post-pilot portion of the implementation plan
Expected results
This technical assistance is expected to bring a significant contribution to the ability of the targeted stakeholder groups to contribute to the scaling up of nutrition actions in one or more ECSA-HC member and partner countries. It is expected this consultancy will lead to the following results, which the selected consultants should be able to demonstrate by the end of the assignment:
  • Strengthening capacity of ECSA HC to manage and share knowledge using the established regional platform
  • Strengthening of the capacity of the individuals within the prioritized stakeholder groups (nutrition planners and managers, researchers, including a significative representation of women’s groups)  to contribute to scaling up nutrition actions in one or more countries
  • Strengthening of the capacity of the countries where these individuals intervene to scale-up nutrition actions
  • Sustainability of resource allocation to the regional knowledge learning and sharing platforms
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Duty Station/Location
The consultant will perform part of the work from their home base, and part at ECSA-HC’s office in Arusha, Tanzania. It is expected the consultant will spend one work week per month in Arusha.
All travels required under this consultancy will be provided for by Nutrition International. Travel allowances maximums are based on standard rates of the organization.
The TA will begin on July – August, 2020, and end on May 30 , 2021. It is expected that the consultant will dedicate approximately 60 days to this TA.
Profile/qualifications of consultant
  • Post graduate degree in Nutrition, Organizational Development, Adult Education, Public Health, Social Sciences, Health, or related field.
Professional Experience:
  • More than 10 years’ experience in international development, and/or the design and management of nutrition or health-related programs
  • Familiarity with nutrition programs or initiatives in ECSA-HC member countries, or other African countries
  • Familiarity with regional and continental nutrition initiatives, and with the SUN Movement
  • Working experience in coordinating, leading or managing regional technical entities and groups
  • Experience in knowledge management is a key asset
  • Experience in working with government institutions, various levels of public services, and international development organizations and donor agencies, or equivalent
  • Excellent communication, analytical, planning and writing skills
  • Strong client handling skills, including the ability to work confidently across a variety of stakeholders and levels
  • Strong facilitation and capacity development skills
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within strict deadlines
  • Familiarity with DFIDs Digital Spend Guidance and

Application Process

Interested candidates are invited to submit the following by email to before close of business on June, 9, 2020 at 5pm EST (Ottawa, Canada)
  1. Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)
  2. Technical proposal: not exceeding five pages, describing the consultant’s understanding of the task, proposed methodology, responsibilities of key stakeholders and detailed work plan that breaks down activities and outputs.
  3. Financial proposal: including daily fee rate, suggested number of trips/days in-country and any other expenses required to fulfill the terms of the consultancy (field trips, meetings, materials, etc.). Indicate the budget limit for this TA
  4. Confirmation email following completion of NTEAM’s Technical Assistance Provider Recruitment Form for all consultants listed on application
  5. Please title your application email as: ECSA-02 Application: Name – Regional Nutrition Learning Platform
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For the complete Terms of Reference, including the application process please visit:
NI is committed gender equality. Consultants are required to indicate how they will ensure that gender equality considerations are included in the provision of technical assistance.
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