Opportunities | RFA for Competitors for the AgResults Tanzania Dairy Productivity Challenge Project

Title: RFA-for Competitors for the AgResults Tanzania Dairy Productivity Challenge Project
Location: Dar es Salaam 
Job Summary
Land O’Lakes Venture 37 is calling for applications from potential Competitors who are established entities from the private, parastatal, and non-profit sectors to participate in the project.
Job Description
Request for Application for Competitors for the AgResults Tanzania Dairy Productivity Challenge Project
On behalf of the AgResults Tanzania Dairy Productivity Challenge Project, the Project Manager (PM) Land O’Lakes Venture 37 invites your organization to participate in a prize competition through which the Project aims to test Pay-for-Results mechanism approaches to scaling up innovative technologies, tools, and approaches to increase dairy productivity through the use of improved input. The competition will take place in the coastal region of Tanzania, and specifically the regions of Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Tanga, and Morogoro (excluding Kilombero and Ulanga districts).
Land O’Lakes Venture 37 is calling for applications from potential Competitors who are established entities from the private, parastatal, and non-profit sectors to participate in the project. The RFA outlines the competition background, objectives, and rules, and includes an application form. In submitting an application, your organization consents to the RFA terms, including the application procedures and instructions.
Please note the deadlines for receipt of the application, with all required signatures and certifications, is due no later than 1700 Hrs. ET on February 28, 2020. Application documents must be submitted in one email to AgResultsTanzania@gmail.com or hand delivered to Veterinary Complex;131 Nelson Mandela Road, Dar es Salaam. Please indicate “Competitor RFA-AgResults Tanzania Dairy Productivity Project” in the subject line of the email or on the cover page.
The Project management team will review applications according to the criteria described herein. The applicants whose applications meet the selection criteria will be invited to participate in the competition. We encourage you to submit an application and join us for a chance to win prizes and contribute to the development of a dairy sector in Tanzania. Should you have any questions or comments please direct them to NMrema@landolakes.org We appreciate your timely response to this RFA and look forward to cooperating with you on this important project. 
AgResults Tanzania Dairy Productivity Challenge Project Competitor Request for Applications
To get more details about the competition, Copy and Paste this link to a new TAB
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