New Job Vacancies at The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Position: Seaweed-Farming Trainer in Zanzibar –Tanzania
Job Summary
Background and Rationale The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a leading conservation organization working around the world to conserve lands and water on which all life depends. In Africa, TNC works in conservation partnerships with other International Organizations, governments, communities and private sector to advance solutions for conservation (through Best Management Practices) of Natural Resources and improved community livelihoods for the benefit of people and nature. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has an ambitious agenda to put the world on a path towards sustainability by 2050. Part of the plan to make that happen is to work with Seaweed farmers to create sustainable livelihoods solution and supplies of food for future generations while conserving their nature. In Zanzibar, Tanzania, seaweed farming is a major industry employing over 25,000 farmers, 80% of whom are women.
However, annual production of seaweeds in Tanzania has been declining in recent years suggesting a need for improvement of the farming system and method to better align with changing environmental factors. TNC has learned the existing gap and is willing to share lessons learned from successful models in Indonesia and Belize to support the development of sustainable seaweed farming in Tanzania. TNC believes that using market-based initiatives coupled with best farming methods and enabling policies, seaweed production can grow to provide an ecologically beneficial part of the global food system and livelihoods while conserving the beautiful coastal and marine nature of Tanzania. To achieve this goal, TNC aims to contract a strong and Job

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TNC aims to build strong community capacity through training, mentor-ship and follow up of seaweed farmers on best farming practices and be able to demonstrate a proof of concept for the seaweed sustainability and livelihoods program in two initial villages in Pemba –Zanzibar.
Specific objectives will include but not limited to:
  • Improved seaweed farming production outcomes from 2019 baseline.
  • Recruit two field implementer and provide on-the-job training in respective villages where improved seaweed farming practices is being carried.
  • Develop an innovative scientific methods (including proper site selection and husbandry), analyses, tools, and frameworks to address the development and management of seaweed farming program.
  • Increased the understanding of the need for bio-security to seaweed farmers
  • Communicate lessons, solutions and best practices, and engages support for the TNC local, regional and global leads and the conservation community as well as seaweed farming groups.
  • Carry out training sessions to seaweed farmers on Best Business Management Practices (BBMP) for seaweed production and respective value chain including planting, harvesting, post-harvest handling, processing and marketing.
  • Plan, implement and follow up on peer-to-peer exchange visit/learning to make sure Best Management Practices are practically implemented.
Scope of work
This work is initially located in two villages of northern Pemba.
  • The Seaweed Trainer will report directly to the Tanzania Fisheries Technical Advisor on daily operations and execution of the project.
  • He/She will collaborate with the Government through the Focal person at the (Department of
  • Fisheries - Ministry of Agric Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries (MANLF), Fisheries extension officers and village leadership (Shehia);
  • The Seaweed Trainer will engage in four key areas for community capacity building including but not limited to:
(1) strengthening seaweed community groups, organizations and stakeholder engagement,
(2) farmer training programs including sharing of best practices to improve productivity and reduce environmental impacts,
(3) identify challenges related to policies, science and propose necessary interventions necessary to achieve goals at scale.
(4) project monitoring and evaluation. 

Under the technical supervision of Tanzania Fisheries Technical Advisor, the Regional and Global leads, the Seaweed Trainer (contractor/expert) shall:
1. The seaweed Trainer will have regular meetings and visits with seaweed farmers in-situ of the two pilot villages in Pemba to:
i. build a relationship with the community,
ii. learn of community distinct challenges/needs that can be addressed through trainings,
iii. establish a baseline for the status of the two pilot villages in farm coverage, production/Ha, input needs, available farmers, existing challenges
iv. identify and recruit a village-level field implementer within each community to support trainings, mentor-ship and follow ups.
2. The seaweed Trainer will develop, tailor, and refine the best approach to leading the in-class (theoretical) and in-water (practical) trainings, as well as the mentor-ship based on the unique needs of each village.
3. The seaweed Trainer will launch in-class (theoretical) and in-water (practical) trainings at the two villages, including two offerings of the course and on-site follow-up and mentor-ship on a bi-weekly basis as needed/determined
4. The seaweed Trainer in collaboration with the broader TNC team will conduct regular routine and periodic field site visits to evaluate training and mentoring progress, and to determine necessary course corrections.
5. The seaweed Trainer in collaboration with the broader TNC team will conduct a situation analysis to evaluate the use of mangrove stakes within the two pilot villages and other adjacent communities, as well as existing harvest, farming, and/or restoration practices this will include coordination with local academic and government researchers.
6. The seaweed Trainer in collaboration with the broader TNC team and Mangrove expert from MANLF will integrate baseline guidance around best practices around mangrove management within the best management practices for seaweed farming guidelines and associated training curriculum document
7. The seaweed Trainer in collaboration with the broader TNC team will capture, share and disseminate the lessons learned, and best practices gained through implementation of this project, including a written interim and final report on the project.
8. Report on bi-weekly, monthly and quarterly progress and challenges of field development and propose solutions for improvement.


  • A tailored training manual on improved seaweed farming practices based on BMP;
  • At least 100 seaweed farmers trained on improved and BMP through local and external lessons;
  • Increased seaweed farm coverage, production and harvest per site or per hectare;
  • Improved livelihoods (from 2019 baseline) of at least 300 individuals among whom have been trained on improved seaweed farming practices.
  • At least 100 hectares of coastal area are under improved environmental management.
  • Proven evidence of results for increased production and quality gains within each village.

Minimum qualifications
  • At least a bachelor’s degree in mariculture or related fields specifically in seaweed industries or equivalent combination of education and experience.
  • 5 years of experience in seaweed industry management, development, processing, product development, and marketing.
  • Extensive experience in farming production of seaweed and its value addition.
  • Extensive experience of working with coastal/remote communities, seaweed farmers associations, groups and clusters.
  • Communicating clearly via written, spoken, and graphical means in English and Swahili languages as working languages
  • Demonstrated experience influencing, developing and implementing conservation policy and plans.
  • Knowledgeable of current trends and practices in Tanzania seaweed farming industry and on methods and standards of biodiversity information systems.
Expression of interest:
An interested and a strong candidate is invited to send his/her resume’ (CV) and an application cover letter to happiness.urassa@TNC.ORG briefly explaining why he/she thinks he/she is the most suitable candidate for this contract.
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