Position: Consultant
Job Summary
SNV is looking for a professional Consultant with enough experience in
baseline design and statistical analysis to provide high quality
technical assistance in gathering all the fundamental information
regarding Cooking Practices.
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Job Description
Title - Baseline and End line survey Consultant
Purpose -
To conduct Baseline and End line survey for the implementation of
Behaviour Change and Communication strategy in Mvomero District
Location- Morogoro Region - Mvomero District
Expected Contract Duration - 59 days
Starting Date - March 2020 - March 2021
Deadline for application - 4th February 2020
Open to - National and International Individual consultants or firms
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1. Background
is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in
the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence
in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and
Latin America.
Our global team of local and international advisory works with local
partners to equip communities, businesses and organizations with the
tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and
gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle
of poverty and guide their own development. The overall goal of SNV’s
engagement in the Renewable Energy (RE) sector in Tanzania is to
contribute to improve the livelihoods of the rural and peri- urban
people by accelerating the dissemination and use of renewable energy
products and services. SNV Tanzania is involved in two renewable energy
sub-sectors: Biomass Cooking Energy and Solar with a variety of projects
and cross-cutting initiatives.
SNV is the implementing agency for the Energizing Development (EnDev) programme
in Tanzania. EnDev Tanzania focuses on two key project components: the
development of markets and sustainable supply for improved cook stoves
(ICS) as well as for small plug-and-play solar (picoPV) technology in
rural and peri-urban areas in the Lake Zone, Northern Zone and
throughout the Central and Southern Zones of Tanzania.
SNV began implementation of the EnDev programme in April of 2013 with the Tanzania Improved Cook Stoves (TICS)
project. TICS works to build upon existing local ICS supply chains to
initiate the
production, distribution and sales of clean and marketable ICS options
that meet the need of rural households. The project works closely with
existing stove entrepreneurs to realize improved performance,
quality and marketability of cook stove options. Through regular and
verifiable sales monitoring undertaken by the programme, emerging ‘cook
stove champions’ are identified and availed access to advanced and
individualized products and services in business development, marketing
and production scaling.
based approaches employed in the EnDev Tanzania programme are an
innovative way to unlock the potential of local entrepreneurs by
providing them the means and flexibility to make rural markets work.
While champion producers are making great progress in increasing
their production capacity and product quality, there is excess capacity
relative to demand for theirmproduct. This indicates that there is an
opportunity for shifting behaviours around unhealthy cooking practices
near to these producers. It is anecdotally observed by our team that in
villages surrounding EnDev programme producers most households continue
to engage in unhealthy cooking practices such as cooking indoors with
poor ventilation (contributing to toxic indoor air pollution) and using
inefficient three-stone open fires (requiring more wood fuel to be
collected, usually by women and girls, putting them in vulnerable
situations and at risk of sexual violence). In this regards SNV Tanzania
is expecting to implement a Behaviour Change and Communication (BCC)
programme in five villages across three zones of Tanzania aimed at
shifting to Smart Cooking practices and up-scaling demand for ICS. The
vision for the BCC component is a participatory, multi-dimensional,
transformation intervention aimed at establishing a community-driven
improved cooking culture that promotes health and nutrition,
environmental conservation and economic growth.
In this regards
there is a need to explore the underlying causes of poor cooking
practices to identify the key focus behaviours, behaviour determinants
or factors that influence whether a person has the motivation to engage
in a given improved cooking behaviour, the drivers that will
trigger behaviour change, and the messaging and communication channels
that will be effective in motivating changes to the focus behaviours.
SNV Tanzania is planning to undertake baseline and endline surveys into
two wards of Mvomero district (Treatment and control wards) in Morogoro
region. Treatment ward is the selected ward for year one
implementation where the project is intended to pilot the developed BCC
strategy and the control ward is the second ward where the project will
implement the BCC strategy in the following year 2021.
for the appropriate programme design SNV is looking for a professional
Consultant with enough experience in baseline design and statistical
analysis to provide high quality technical
assistance in gathering all the fundamental information regarding Cooking Practices.
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2. Objective and scope of study
a) Objectives
baseline study will focus on the collection of data/information for a
set of performance indicators. The baseline will form the basis for the
final evaluation (endline survey) other than
setting the benchmark
and helps to set targets for the BCC indicators. Hence, the
selected consultant will provide technical support in designing,
analysing and producing a baseline survey report. The baseline report
will be used for monitoring benchmark and evaluating the
project results.
Specific Objectives are:
- To collect and establish social data of households (HH) specifically on education, health and economic wellbeing.
- To collect existing information on cooking practices, behaviours and attitudes
- To collect existing data and information in cooking energy supply and demand
- Map sources of acquisition and utilization patterns and marketplace dynamics of cooking fuel
- To gather all information related to marketing situation of ICS including but not limited to availability, accessibility, affordability, willingness to pay and acceptable price for ICS
- To assess the number of actors/players and identify the level of coordination and involvement at the regional level.
- To assess the environment and possibly channels for promoting ICS
The baseline study will cover key cooking stakeholders that the project will engage with, including house holders, ICS enterprises and producers, Government including sub-village, village and district leaders, elders and influential leaders. A total of 400 randomly selected households will be surveyed (200 per each ward) to generate quantitative data/information and two focus groups will be convened with a total of 10 members each to get an insight of the things originated in the interviews. A total of 2 wards of Mvomero District will be target areas for this baseline survey. Data will be gathered through two rounds of field visits during February-March 2020 (baseline survey) and Jan-Feb 2021(Endline survey), respectively.
c) Methodology (Data collection and triangulation)
An approximate mix of quantitative and qualitative methods will be applicable to gather and analyse data/information, to diverse perspective to baseline, and to promote participation of different
groups of stakeholders. The detailed baseline methodology should consider the project beneficiaries includes households mostly female and men headed households, enterprises and
marginalised people.
All survey instruments should be based on a thorough review of relevant documents and existing questionnaires and should, therefore, be designed to capture not only project outputs and
outcomes (e.g. User needs and preferences, types of stove used, accessibility and affordability of ICS, time spent in the kitchen and in fetching firewood as well as adoption of improved kitchen)
but also impacts/final outcomes (e.g. income/expenditure, women’s empowerment).Elaboration of the proposed data collection methods are listed below.
Desk review
The consultant team will be provided with all the project documents once selected but they can also use other secondary data sources for further data analysis.
Quantitative Data collection
The project is intended to have baseline data at goal, outcome and if applicable at output levels. The quantitative information is vital to assess knowledge, behaviours, and skills on
cooking practises of the target population. This will help to determine the availability, accessibility, utilization of ICS and Improved kitchen and identify the different service delivery channels to be applied by the project. Possible key respondents or data sources will be determined by the project and consultant team; However, the detailed data sources and methods including full questionnaires that have been produced by the project team will be refined by consultant team.
The data collection will be covered a total of 400 households 200 per each ward includes selected for treatment and control wards which will be identified by the project team.
Qualitative Data collection
Key method will be focus group discussions and in-depth interview with key partners who are the part of project audience. Two focus groups discussion with elders, influential people, and
district specialists, house headed (women + men), Stove producers and the like are proposed. Moreover, the consultant team will be free to propose other partners to be interviewed based on the information needed/gap.
Data analysis and interpretation
The consultant team will be obliged with data analysis using industry-recognized statistical software. The draft finding will be presented to the stakeholders meeting to validate.
Triangulation of information and data through different methods and sources is considered fundamental to draw evidence based findings, conclusion and recommendation. Data should be disaggregated by sex and other characteristics (such as household main economic activity) as relevant to demonstrate equity focus to the extent possible, along with gender responsive analysis.
Read Also:
The baseline assessment will consist with two phases namely
- Phase One: Baseline survey to be carried out on Feb-March 2020.
- Phase two: end line survey expected to be carried out on Jan-Feb 2021 for better understanding progress and results in greater detail, with a focus on the effectiveness and sustainability of the BCC interventions.
Copy and Paste this link to a new tab to view the Activities - https://bit.ly/2TP7sSg