12 Job Vacancies at Tanzania National Roads Agency TANROADS - ARUSHA


TANZANIA NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY (TANROADS) is a Semi -Autonomous Agency under the Ministry’ of Works, Transport and Communication established on July 1, 2000 and suitably is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Tanzania Mainland’s Trunk and Regional Roads Network.

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Its primary functions include the roads network maintenance and axle load control, the implementation of road safety and environmental measures, provision of advice on the strategic framework policies and plans for the road sector.
Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is vested with the responsibility of Maintenance and Development of Trunk and Regional Roads Networks in Tanzania Mainland. The Agency is also responsible for conducting Axle Load Control Operations through Weighbridges.
The Regional Manager’s Office TANROADS – Arusha, on behalf of the Chief Executive, TANROADS, intends to recruit qualified and competent Tanzanian to fill various vacant posts on specific duties short-terms contracts within the Region.Successful applicants must be ready to work for considerable lengths of time if situations warrants.
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