New Employment Opportunities at DAI Global LLC

Title: Call For - Annual Program Statement
DAI/ Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth 

Job Summary
All applicants are encouraged to propose a mix of approaches and/or activities that will achieve the results indicated under the projects objectives, outputs and technical scope.
  • Minimum Qualification: Unspecified
  • Experience Level: No Experience
  • Experience Length: No Experience/Less than 1 year

Job Description
Funding Opportunity Number: AY-APS-002
Issuance Date: November 11, 2019
Deadline for Questions: Ongoing basis
Deadline for Submission of Concept Papers: See the below- Submission Deadlines
Submit Concept Papers to:

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To Interested Applicants:
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through DAI is pleased to announce applications for funding to implement Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth
project. Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth (AY) aims to implement activities that will empower young people in Tanzania to enhance their employability, entrepreneurship, leadership,
community engagement and healthy life skills. Interventions for this project will be implemented in Iringa (Kilolo, Iringa DC, Mafinga and Mufindi), Mbeya (Kyela and Rungwe DC) and Zanzibar
(Unguja and Pemba).
This annual program statement (APS) outlines the priority areas for application, expected results, funding type, application process, procedures and format required for submitting concept notes and applications.  All applicants are encouraged to propose a mix of approaches and/or activities that will achieve the results indicated under the project’s objectives, outputs and technical scope.
Note that two types of grants will be awarded:
1. Small grants: An amount not exceeding $25,000 will be awarded to small, community or youth led entities that are still in their infancy.
2. Major Grants: An amount not exceeding $150,000 will be awarded to large organizations with previous experience in implementing projects in the related activity area and showing tangible results and impact. This category includes non-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations (FBOs), CBOs, academic institutions, private organizations, professional associations and consortium of the above.

The grants facility will enhance income-generating potential across agricultural and other rural value chains and facilitate access to information, skills, and opportunities to ensure their success
in business start-ups and sustained employment. Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth is both market and demand driven; it connects youth with opportunities while providing them with
life skills, an entrepreneurial mindset, and basic job seeking capabilities and skills in areas demanded by private sector employers.

AY focuses on developing and delivering training and mentoring in the three ‘L’s – Life skills, Livelihoods, and Leadership - designed to offer youth choices and to facilitate their journey along a pathway to richer, fuller, healthier and productive lives. The approach capitalizes on youth’s passion, energy, and positive attitude. Furthermore, the program builds youths’ capacity to contribute effectively to the economic development of Tanzania by creating examples of lawful, responsible, and accountable leaders. The program is focused on increasing incomes and employability skills across agriculture value chains and includes the recently initiated industrialization program.

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AY intends to achieve success through three Intermediate Results (IRs):
  • IR1: Entrepreneurship and workforce-readiness skills of youth increased;
  • IR2: Leadership and positive community engagement by youth strengthened; and
  • IR3: Life skills for healthy living enhanced.
The program will engage a three-step process to select eligible grant applications to implement
activities that will empower young people in Tanzania to enhance their employability, engage in business, learn leadership skills, health life skills, and civic engagement.
Step 1; Concept Note: Interested organizations should submit concept papers, in English and with a five-page limit, summarizing proposed activities that will detail how a grant will contribute
to more employability skills, actual employability, better life skills and new or expanding business opportunities.

Concept paper submission deadlines
Round one - 13th December 2019
Round two - 28th February 2020
How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
The full detailed Annual Program Statement (APS), including all terms and conditions for interested organizations can be obtained in the link at the end of this advert. The detailed APS also contains more information on eligibility, direction and guidance on what is expected in the concept note.
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