NACTE: Training Opportunities Certificate and Diploma for Teachers | NAFASI ZA ZA MAFUNZO YA UALIMU KATIKA VYUO VYA UALIMU VYA SERIKALI


The National Council for Vocational Education (NACTE)
NACTE: Teachers Training Opportunities Certificate and Diploma 2019/2020

NACTE Teachers Training Opportunities Certificate And Diploma 2019/2020, NACTE Admission, NACTE Application, NACTE Almanac 2020/21, NACTE Verification

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The National Council for Vocational Education would like to inform the public that qualified fourth and sixth form graduates should apply to join certificate and Diploma in Teachers training for the 2019/2020 academic year.
The deadline for application is 28/11/2019 and Classes are expected to begin 30/11/2019.
Applicants for this course are those who are qualified for Level One to Three exams in Form Four exams (for Diploma - Two Years) and SIX Format (for Diploma-Two Years). Applicants will be required to apply directly to colleges and will be registered through the 'Instititutional Panel' of the respective colleges.
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