Employment Opportunities at SNV in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions

Participatory Review and User-Friendly Guideline Preparation for Women Access to Finance at LGAs

Job Summary  The project is supporting 19 women groups to access finance at the 6 LGAs located in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions. The consultant is required to undertake the following key activities and produce the associated deliverables

  • Minimum Qualification: Unspecifie
  • Experience Level: No Experience
  • Experience Length: No Experience/Less than 1 year

Job Description

Terms of reference title -Making Revolving Fund at LGAs Work for Women SMEs in Sunflower Market System

Sector and Program - Agriculture Sector

Project - Transforming Agricultural Markets (TAM)

Geographical focus - Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions

Proposed start date - 14th January 2020.

Proposed end date - 15th February 2020.

1.0. Introduction

SNV, Netherlands Development Organization is an international, not-for-profit, development organization, working in 36 of the poorest countries worldwide, including 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. We focus on achieving impact in Agriculture; Energy; and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. By sharing our specialist expertise in Agriculture; Energy; and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services

– empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

SNV is implementing a two-year project called Transforming Agricultural Markets (TAM), which started in August 2018, and funded by UKAID. The TAM project aims to improve livelihoods and economic opportunity for smallholder farmers by empowering them to effect changes in the dairy and sunflower market systems through engaging with government and private sector providers.

The TAM project Theory of Change is that by working with citizens, private sector and government at sub- national level on specific, actor-led systems issues to produce data and facilitate stakeholder analysis the project can broaden understanding, build consensus, and strengthen accountability relationships for collective action to: i) make existing policies work at the local level, and to ii) provide documented evidence for national level policy dialogue and reforms. The project aims at achieving the following impact and outcomes:

Impact: Improved livelihoods of SHFs and SMEs in the dairy and sunflower market systems

Long term outcome: Increased access and inclusiveness to basic services (production, financial, capacity services) and strengthened business environment for SHFs and agribusinesses in dairy and sunflower market systems. 


a) Increased responsiveness of Government to the issues of smallholder farmers and SMEs.

b) Increased collective actions of stakeholders for the improvement of access to basic services and entitlements, and business environment.
The TAM project focuses on making policies work for smallholder farmers (SHF), and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by enhancing good governance, accountability and responsiveness by government, local organisations and stakeholders in dairy and sunflower market systems. The targeted areas for increased responsiveness and accountability relations are, functioning cooperatives and harmonisation of regulations in the dairy market system; and contract farming and women access to finance from local government authorities (LGAs) in the sunflower market system.
2.0 Background to the Assignment
The government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children developed and approved the “Policy on Women in Development in Tanzania” in March 2019. The policy provides a framework to address key challenges hindering women in development initiatives including access to finance
The Policy led to the establishment of Women and Youth Development Fund – a Revolving Fund and during the financial year 2018/19 (FY 2018/19), the parliament amended the Local Government Finances Act # 9 of 1982 through Finance Act of 2018 by inserting section 37A in which the Revolving Fund and the law became effective from July 1st 2018. The amendments to the Local Government Finances Act were followed by The Regulation for Issuance and Governance of Group Loans to Women, Youth and People with Disabilities at LGAs which sets the conditions and requirements for accessing loans from LGAs by the target groups.

TAM Project has been facilitating women SMEs to form and register groups at LGA level in order to access funding from the LGAs in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions. During implementation of the women access to finance interventions, through the revolving fund, several governance problems were raised by stakeholders. Some of the issues includes; lacking transparency, inadequate availability of information on procedures and requirements to the target beneficiaries, low levels of sensitization by government officials on the fund activities, fear of penalty for failures to repay loans, and long bureaucratic procedures. The TAM project has facilitated and built the capacity of involved stakeholders to collaborate in addressing the issues in issuance of loans from LGAs to women in order to make The Local Government Finances Act and Regulation for Issuance and Governance of Group Loans to Women, Youth and People with Disabilities from LGAs work for women SMEs in sunflower market system. It is therefore against this background that SNV is seeking the services of an individual consultant to carry out a participatory review of the Regulation (Regulation for Issuance and Governance of Group Loans to Women, Youth and People with Disabilities from LGAs), prepare and develop the User-Friendly Guidelines for Women Access to Finance at LGAs, and use as a case from Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions, develop a Policy Brief for national level advocacy for women Access to Finance from LGAs.

3.0 Purpose and objectives of the assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to enable key stakeholders in Women Access to Finance at LGAs in the four project regions to review the Regulation for Issuance and Governance of Group Loans to Women, Youth and People with Disabilities, and develop User-friendly Guidelines for women groups in sunflower processing and businesses, and Policy brief to enable these players to advocate for needed policy changes.
The objectives of the assignment are to:
a) Review of existing Regulation for Issuance and Governance of Group Loans to Women, Youth and People with Disabilities in reference to Women Access to Finance at LGAs of project intervention districts of Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions. The review should put particular emphasis
on: i) efficiency and effectiveness the regulations, in terms of costs and time associated to groups forming and registration as well as the extent to which LGAs achieved objectives of the Law in
this area; ii) processes in terms of what works well and what don’t and why (contributing factors), iii) Institutional Structure whether it supports or hinders the implementation of the Regulation;
iv) Case for strategic change, in terms of what is proposed to change and what the change should look like;
b) Develop User-friendly Guidelines manual in Kiswahili with a format which explains sequentially the topics, the steps, conditions and requirements, government and banking institutions with its
related procedures and contact persons and elaborating expected outputs per each step.
c) A policy brief for national level advocacy for Women Access to Finance at LGAs which provides the effects and evidence which is required to review national regulations on women access to finance.

4.0 Scope of work
The project is supporting 19 women groups to access finance at the 6 LGAs located in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions. The consultant is required to undertake the following key activities and produce the associated deliverables:
Key Activity 1: Participatory Review of the Regulation
i. Consultation with TAM project staff for clarification on the assignment especially on Women Access to Finance at LGAs intervention area and on the TOR’s objectives and deliverables.
ii. Desk review of secondary resources such as Local Government Finances Act as amended in 2018 especially section 37A together with the Regulation for Issuance and Governance of Group Loans
to Women, Youth and People with Disabilities from LGAs. He/she is also expected to familiarise with the TAM project reports.
iii. Develop and share with TAM staff questionnaires for key resource persons and FGD. Incorporate inputs from TAM staff on the questionnaires.
iv. Facilitate Focus Group Discussions (women groups) and key informants interviews. The discussions and interviews should aim at capturing issues and their effects which hinders access to finance relate to groups’ registration fees, differences on the application of the law between LGAs, procedures and requirements for opening bank accounts,
v. Prepare and facilitate validation workshops (one workshop per region or one workshop for everytwo regions) including workshop agenda, facilitation tools n collaboration with TAM project staff.
vi. Produce a report on the FGDs and workshop outputs.
vii. Prepare Report of the Review of the Regulation and its policy recommendations
Deliverables: A Concise Report of the Review of the Regulation with methodology used, main findings and policy recommendations. The FGD and workshop outputs should be annexed to the report.
Key activity 2: Develop a User-Friendly Guideline manual and policy brief for Women Access to Finance at LGAs.
i. Review existing Regulations and use it develop a manual of user-friendly guidelines in Swahili which is easily accessible and understood by women SMEs and businesses in sunflower.
ii. Organise and facilitate a validation workshop for the guidelines which, in consultations with TAM project, will involve Community Development Officers from the LGAs, Women SME Groups, and
other relevant actors.
iii. Incorporate inputs and comments from the validation workshop to produce a final draft of the manual for User-Friendly Guidelines for Women Access to Finance at LGAs.
Deliverables: Workshop reports detailing the process and key findings in developing the use-friendly guidelines; and a Draft manual of User-Friendly Guidelines for Women Access to Finance at LGAs.
Key activity 3: Develop a policy brief for use by key stakeholders (Women SME groups, Regional MSPs etc) for Women Access to Finance at LGAs to advocate for policy changes in the Regulation for increasing Women Access to Finance.
i. Draft the policy paper based on the Report of the Review of the Regulation and stakeholders’ recommendations documented during workshops including validation workshop.
ii. Prepare and make a PPT presentation to the validation workshops in consultation with TAM project staff) and the TAM project team on the main points of the policy brief.
iii. Finalise the policy brief by incorporating stakeholders’ feedback during the validation workshop
Deliverables: A final draft policy brief with maximum five pages. 

5.0 Methodology
The consultant is expected to propose the methodology and the justifications for the proposed methodology. The whole assignment will be participatory in nature whereby the project stakeholders are the key participants in the focus group discussions and the main users of the User-friendly Guideline.
Therefore, the methodology shall include at the minimum the following: sampling of the women groups and districts, face to face discussions, FGD, validation meetings and reporting. 

6.0 Time Frame and reporting
6.1 Timeframe
The assignment period is 15 working days, delivered within the period of Monday 14th January 2020 and Tuesday 15th February 2020.
6.2 Reporting
The consultant will work in close supervision of and report to, the TAM Policy Advisor.

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7.0 Competence required
The consultant must clearly demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience for this assignment by presenting:
• Relevant academic qualification especially in governance, public policy and laws, rural development and laws, etc
• Proven experience in conducting participatory reviews and producing high quality reports.
• At least 7 years of experience in governance and legal review projects in Tanzania
• Proven experience in agriculture sector development in Tanzania, a sunflower market system experience is an added advantage
• A proven ability to produce high quality reviews and documentation.
8.0 Selection criteria for engagement
Applicants are advised that applications will be evaluated using the following criteria: (CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO A NEW TAB TO VIEW THIS CRITERIA)

9.0 Applicants are requested to submit:
A: Technical proposal with the following details:
• Understanding of the assignment and its tasks,
• Methodology and approach to be used,
• Operational plan with clear timeline,
• CV of consultant that will implement the work
B: Past Performance
Applicants must prove that they have enough experience in assignments comparable with the work they are bidding for in terms of scope and complexity. Applicants must prove this experience using only and exactly three references for work they have done in the last five years.
Applicants must provide written proof for each of the references giving at least the following data:
- Name of the contracting company/donor, name of the person who managed the contract for the company/donor and e-mail and telephone numbers of the contact person who managed the
- Title of the project or contract or grant and / or the contract/grant number;
- Time and place of execution for the work done;
- Clear description of the services provided by the applicant (no more than one page); organisations/contractors worked with and assignment performed in the last 3 years.
C: Financial proposal (in TZS) broken out to provide at least the following details
• Consultancy fees (please note that under Tanzanian Law, withholding tax of 5% for national and 15% for international is deducted at source and paid direct to TRA.
• Transport and per diem costs,
• Communication and stationeries.
E: Mandatory Requirements - Copies of:
• Completed and filled Conflict of Interest Statement
• TIN certificate
All these are mandatory items whereby failure to provide any of them will result to disqualification of the whole bid.

How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
Please submit your EOI entitled “EOI - “Making Revolving Fund at LGAs Work for Women SMEs in Sunflower Market System – TAM Project” in the subject line and email to: tanzaniaprocurement@snv.org no later than 1700 hrs on 06th December, 2019.


Media for Development for enhancing Women Access to Finance from LGAS
Job Summary
The project’s focus in the dairy market system is on harmonization and rationalization of dairy regulations, and governance of dairy cooperative societies; and in the sunflower market system is on women access to finance at local government authorities (LGAs), and governance of contract farming
arrangements (CFA).

  • Minimum Qualification: Unspecified
  • Experience Level: Management level
  • Experience Length: 3 years
Job Description

Name of assignment - Media for Development Terms of reference title - Media for Development for enhancing Women Access to Finance from - LGAS Sector - Agriculture Sector Project Transforming - Agricultural Markets (TAM) Geographical focus - Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi Proposed start date - 14th January 2020 Proposed end date - 28th February 2020 Open to -  Individual Consultants
1.0. Introduction SNV, Netherlands Development Organization is an international, not-for-profit, development organization, working in over 25 developing countries worldwide, including 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. SNV focuses on achieving impact in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. By sharing her specialist expertise in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, SNV’s global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
SNV is implementing many projects within the agriculture sector including Transforming Agricultural Markets (TAM). TAM is the project which started in August 2018 and is funded by UKAID under the Accountability (Act II) programme. The project works in dairy and sunflower market systems. The project’s focus in the dairy market system is on harmonization and rationalization of dairy regulations, and governance of dairy cooperative societies; and in the sunflower market system is on women access to finance at local government authorities (LGAs), and governance of contract farming arrangements (CFA).

The TAM project aims to improve livelihoods and economic opportunity for smallholder farmers (SHFs) and SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) by empowering these key players to affect changes in market systems through engaging with government and other private sector actors. The TAM’s Theory of Change evolves at making the existing policies work at the local level by increasing stakeholders understanding of policy issues so that they take collective actions which result into increased responsiveness from the government leading to improved livelihoods of SHFs & SMEs in the dairy and sunflower market systems in terms of increased incomes and jobs creation. As a result of working in this manner to address agricultural market development systemic issues, the project aims to achieve the following impact and outcomes: Impact: Improved livelihoods of SHFs & SMEs in the dairy and sunflower market systems. Outcomes: 1) Increased Responsiveness of government to the issues of SHFs and SMEs. 2) Increased collective actions of the stakeholders for the improvement of access to basic services, entitlements and business environment.
To achieve its intended impact and outcomes the project has already identified boundary and strategic partners in these market systems and are engaged in carrying out interventions which intend to address actor-led issues in a responsive and accountable manner; and enhance delivery of basic services and strengthen the business environment. Boundary partners are those actors whom the project interacts directly, build their capacity in order to effect change and engages in mutual learning and strategic partners are organisations selected because of their potential to contribute to the objectives and whom the project works directly with to achieve the objectives, without necessarily wanting to change their behaviours. For this project, the boundary and strategic partners include SHF organisations, women SME groups, LGAs and national government institutions. These partners are involved in addressing issues in 4 key result areas highlighted above.
The project has been running for over a year now since its inception in August 2018, and throughout this time the boundary and strategic partners have been supported to collaborate with each other in order to address governance constraints which limit the delivery of services and conducive business environment in the two market systems. 
2.0 Background to the Assignment Women SMEs in sunflower oil processing and women in sunflower businesses in general face governance related challenges in accessing women loans from local government authorities’ Women Fund. These governance constraints exist even though the fund is governed by a law and guidelines which mandates the LGAs to issue interest free loan to women groups who follows the procedures and meet the required conditions for the women fund. The governance issues lead to inefficient and ineffective revolving fund policy implementation for most LGAs in the Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions. One approach used by TAM project, to address the governance issues and increase women access to finance, is to use media to increase the availability of information on the fund, build the voice of women and advocate for women access to loans from the LGAs in order to expand their sunflower processing and businesses. So far, the project media interventions have demonstrated that, media is effective in building the voice of the women and could lead to behavioural changes resulting into more women, in the project area, accessing loans from LGAs. It has also been realised that use of the Media for Development (M4D) approach which aims for behavioural changes of key actors towards addressing the governance issues in women access to finance is a more effective approach.
The approach is participatory and empowering in nature because it closely involves the primary (women) and secondary (LGAs) target groups to think through the governance constraints, identify barriers and motivators, develop the communication objectives and agree on the effective media format to influence policy implementation. It is against this backdrop that SNV seeks the service of an individual consultant who is knowledgeable and experienced in M4D to support the TAM project and key stakeholders in effective use of media for development approach to increase women access to finance from LGAs in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Katavi regions where the assignment will be implemented.
3.0 Purposes, Objective and key activities of the Assignment The purpose of the M4D assignment is to enable the project to use M4D: i. To identify the problems, their causes and effects, limiting women access to finance from the LGA women fund identified through M4D interventions and ii. To increase women’s demand for and access to finance from LGAs through increased awareness of the constraints and the positive examples of LGA and women’s engagement and their successes. The objectives for the M4D assignment are to: i) Help TAM Project and key stakeholders, in women access to finance from LGA, to develop a media and communication strategy to increase women’s access to finance at LGAs intervention area within the sunflower market system; ii) Develop episode work-plans, including topics to be covered, journalists/radio stations to be used, who should be involved, when and how the activities will be done (e.g. drama, live interviews, panel discussions etc.) and iii) Facilitate the production and broadcasting of the episodes with partner radio stations. The Key activities of this assignment are to: a) Facilitate brainstorming by primary key stakeholders (women SMEs in sunflower oil, women in sunflower business) and secondary stakeholder on the topics which are relevant to women access to finance, core problem with its causes and effects, barriers, motivators, drivers of change b) Facilitate primary and secondary stakeholder to develop the communication objectives and media format for women access to finance c) Facilitate episodes work-planning for the communication strategy with emphasis on topics to be covered, journalists/radio stations to be used, who should be involved, when and how will the activities be done (e.g. drama, live interviews, panel discussions etc)To facilitate production and airing of episodes with partners radio stations.
4.0 Methodology The consultant is expected to propose his/her own approach and justification for the choice. The assignment is expected to start by the consultant to familiarize with the project documents, producing the inception plan for the assignment, and obtaining and integrating comments from SNV TAM project team. It is advised that the consultant must first have an in-depth review of the project documents including governance of women access to finance from LGAs reports and then visit the project areas with project staff to familiarize with the physical environment in which the women SME groups operate. In view of this, the consultant is expected to propose a methodology to be used to carry out the assignment as described herein. It is important to note that the methodology adopted should be able to cater for the needs of the project and objectives outlined in this TOR. 
5.0 Expected deliverables The deliverables for this assignment shall therefore be: a) Media for development strategy which shall include the core problem, barriers to changes, drivers of change, media landscape, communication objective and media format, b) Episodes created for media for development c) Work plan with a proposed monitoring and Evaluation system d) Airing of Media for development products

5.0 Competence required The proposed consultant will have to meet the following requirements: • Good educational background on media and communication, mass communication, journalism, and related academic disciplines • Proven track record in conducting similar assignments • Hand on experience with media and communication strategy development and implementation. • Strong interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence • Should be result oriented, creative, flexible and gender sensitive Excellent communication skills with good command of Kiswahili and English • Excellent report writing skills 
6.0 Selection criteria for engagement   Applicants are advised that proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: (Please copy and paste the link below to see details on this criteria) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz0n2K1Q9FOnNnhHNjdqNUFGaUN3THJweU1ON1hYd2J3YXAw/view?usp=sharing
7.0 Applicants are requested to submit: A: Technical proposal with the following details: • Understanding of the assignment and its tasks, • Methodology and approach to be used, • Operational plan with clear timeline, • CV of consultant that will implement the work B: Past Performance Applicants must prove that they have enough experience in assignments comparable with the work they are bidding for in terms of scope and complexity. Applicants must prove this experience using only and exactly three references for work they have done in the last five years. Applicants must provide written proof for each of the references giving at least the following data: - Name of the contracting company/donor, name of the person who managed the contract for the company/donor and e-mail and telephone numbers of the contact person who managed the contract; - Title of the project or contract or grant and / or the contract/grant number; - Time and place of execution for the work done; - Clear description of the services provided by the applicant (no more than one page); organisations/contractors worked with and assignment performed in the last 3 years.
C: Financial proposal (in TZS) broken out to provide at least the following details • Consultancy fees (please note that under Tanzanian Law, withholding tax of 5% for national and 15% for international is deducted at source and paid direct to TRA. • Transport and per diem costs, • Communication and stationeries. E: Mandatory Requirements - Copies of: • Completed and filled Conflict of Interest Statement • TIN certificate
All these are mandatory items whereby failure to provide any of them will result to disqualification of the whole bid. Please submit the EOI named “EOI - Media for Development for enhancing Women Access to Finance from LGAS – TAM Project” in the subject line and email to: tanzaniaprocurement@snv.org no later than 1700 hrs on 25th November, 2019.


Behaviour Change Communications (BCC) Advisor

Programme Summary
The overall goal of SNV's engagement in the Renewable Energy (RE) sector in Tanzania is to contribute to improve the livelihoods of the rural and peri-urban people by accelerating the dissemination and use of renewable energy products and services. SNV Tanzania is involved in three renewable energy sub-sectors: Domestic Biogas, Biomass Cooking Energy, and Solar with a variety of projects and cross-cutting initiatives.
SNV is the implementing agency for the Energising Development (EnDev) program in Tanzania. EnDev Tanzania focuses on two key project components: the development of markets and sustainable supply for improved cookstoves (ICS) as well as for small plug-and-play solar (picoPV) technology in rural and peri-urban areas in the Lake Zone, Northern Zone and throughout the Central and Southern Zones of Tanzania.

SNV began implementation of the EnDev program in April of 2013 with the Tanzania Improved Cook Stoves (TICS) project. TICS works to build upon existing local ICS supply chains to initiate the production, distribution and sales of clean and marketable ICS options that meet the need of rural households. The project works closely with existing stove entrepreneurs to realise improved performance, quality and marketability of cook stove options. Through regular and verifiable sales monitoring undertaken by the program, emerging 'cook stove champions' are identified and availed access to advanced and individualized products and services in business development, marketing and production scaling.
In the third stage of the project (Quarter 4 of 2019-2022) the project aims at expanding its geographical area in six new regions, use a Behavior Change Communication (BCC) approach to trigger demand for the JIKO MATAWI, use small grant incentives for the Champions of Champions to increase their production and sales capacity and hence transform their businesses from family into small/medium/semi industrial levels, and also continue working with its core producers in 14 regions of Tanzania.
Job Description
Overview of the Position:
SNV is seeking to recruit Behaviour Change and Communication (BCC) Advisor who will be responsible for guiding and supporting smooth delivery of behaviour change focused on project planning,organising and implementing project activities,stackholder's engagement ,M&E and reporting and extend BCC assistance throughout the EnDev country programme as a whole. The BCC Advisor will form part of the EnDev project team which is currently based in Mwanza, Dar es Salaam and Arusha, with increasing activities in the Central and Southern Zones of Tanzania. The BCC Advisor will report to BCC Coordinator in all BCC related activities.
Responsibilities of the position:
  • Execute BCC interventions - Ensure high quality BCC planning and delivery against intended objectives and targets.Facilitate the design and development of supply hubs and nodes. Generate increased Demand around the Supply Hubs using targeted messaging and communication tools, and a community-driven campaign led by Improved Cooking Advocates (ICAs) to enable adoption of ICS through promotion of behaviours around cooking, health, nutrition and environment. As the main BCC fields implementer; the BCC Advisor will oversee all aspects of BCC elements and deliverables in line with objectives, budgets, timelines and standards of the project. The BCC activities will be undertaken in one ward of each of the 5 Districts. These districts are Morogoro DC, Mvomero, Kilombero (Ifakara),Mufindi and Misungwi.
  • Advisory Servises : In coordination with other SNV advisors,volunteers and local service providers (LSPs), provide advisory services to equip small and medium enterprises skills on sells technics including ICS production, branding, business skills development, marketing and product diversification. This will be inclusive of Product Quality Control, establishments of enterprise associations as well as Enterprise Coaching.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Verification - Collaborate with MERV advisor to support timely M&E work plans delivery for regular sales data collection, producer assessment, customer verification, risk monitoring and reporting. Participate in Monitoring and Evaluation of project activities, while actively being engaged in the day-to-day implementation of programme objectives. This include but not limited to sales point monitoring and verification ultimately availing the dissemination of tailored ICS producer support packages.
  • Network and Relationship Building - Build and maintain effective relationships with a). New and core producers/ stove enterprises in the project implementation areas, b). Government and local authorities c) Development partiners including local and international NGOs d)Community development and saving groups e) Community Based Organisations (CBOs)
  • Gender Focus (Mainstreaming): In collaboration with SNV Gender expert to plan and execute gender mainstreaming activities in all of the project interventions using approved PALS and Balancing Benefit approaches to project partners.
  • Knowledge, Documentation and communication - Ensure full synthesis, analysis and documentation and sharing of project insights and results, and engage in research and studies that contribute to gathering evidence-based knowledge.
  • Other - Engage in any other activities discussed with the programme manager that contribute to SNV, the Energy sector and the projects success.

Qualifications Requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field (Renewable Energy, Business Administration, Economics of Sustainable Development, Agro-economy,social behaviours,gender, Rural development, etc.)
  • Tags advisory services behavior change behaviour change business development entrepreneurship monitoring and evaluation pro poor product quality project implementation renewable energy rural development skills development social inclusion solar supply chain sustainable development value chain
  • Five year experience in managing a BCC intervention in an international or national NGO including minimum 3 years 'hands on' direct implementation at grassroots level.
  • Sound experience of working with partner organizations (NGOs or local government).
  • Technical knowledge of Improved Cooking Solutions
  • Proven track record in Renewable Energy project implementation; team work and leadership; programme design, development and resource mobilisation.
  • Work experience in private sector business and entrepreneurship and value chain development with a proven track record in pro-poor growth approaches taking into consideration social inclusion, gender and sustainability.
Desired Skills and attitude:
  • A proactive and entrepreneurial individual who will explore and develop innovative approaches to achieve impact and results;
  • Analytical skills combined with a practical and pragmatic approach oriented towards lasting results;
  • Strong interpersonal and influence skills and experience of working in a matrix organization;
  • Good team player, pragmatic, negotiator with solution orientated approach
  • Readiness to live, work and travel in rural districts with minimal amenities;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, in English and Kiswahili, including reporting and presentation skills.
Additional Information
Contract Type: National
Contract Duration: 15-months initial term, with possibility of extension
Expected Start Date: 2nd January, 2020
Information Duty Station: Dar es Salaam (with frequent field travels to Morogoro, Mwanza and Iringa)

Working at SNV:
SNV offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. We offer a challenging work environment, opportunities to lead and innovate, and a commitment to growing your skills in a fulfilling and diverse working environment. Our staff benefit from, and contribute to, an internal global network of Energy experts. For more information, please visit our website: www.snv.org.
How to Apply:
The vacacy is for internal Candidates only and it will active up to 30th November, 2019 and all application should be throght Smart Recruiters on the following link https://careers.smartrecruiters.com/SNV
Only the internal candidate will be considered .Tanzania Nationals Only
Click the button below to visit the original announcement on the recruiting organization's website.
Closing date: Saturday, 30 November 2019
 More Information and Application Details
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