Kigoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
Authority (KUWASA) is an Autonomous Utility which was established under
section 3(1) of Water Works Act, Cap. 272 as repealed by the Water
Supply and Sanitation Act. No.05 of 2019. KUWASA has the overall
responsibility of operations and management of portable, clean and safe
water and sanitation services in Kigoma Municipality. KUWASA performs
its duties under supervision of the Board of Directors.
is hereby inviting applications from energetic, dedicated, qualified,
motivated, experienced and performance driven Tanzanians to fill the
following vacant posts below;
Job title: Finance Manager
Appointing Authority: Board of Directors
Responsible to: Managing Director
Subordinates: Accountant
CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview
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Duties and responsibilities:• To manage financial and accounting affairs of the Authority efficiently by following professional accounting principles and ethics.
• Provide financial advice to the Managing Director and the Board of Directors.
• Timely payment of taxes, salaries, imprests, debtors and statutory contributions without incurring penalties.
• Coordinates the preparation, and submits to the Managing Director and the Board, the annual accounts of the Authority within four months of the end of the financial year.
• Ensure that all the Authority's financial transactions are authorized and controlled in accordance with the agreed procedures and the proper systems of internal control are
• maintained.
• To prepare and submit to the Executive Board financial plans and budgets timely before the beginning of a new financial Year
• Keeping books of accounts relating to revenue grants and expenses accurately and timely according to accounting professional standards established from time to time.
• Ensuring that the books of accounts are audited by external auditors within the required legal period and presented to the Executive Board.
• Answering all internal and external audit queries accurately and on time.
• Instituting and implementing sound control systems and procedures of physical property, cash, cheques, purchase order, receipt books and other Accountable documents.
• Ensures that the Authority's assets are properly safeguarded.
• Establishes, administers and coordinates the funding requirements of the Authority,
• Supervises and directs the development of financial policies, systems and procedures.
• Liaises with the Commercial Manager and Technical Manager in the fixing of financial performance targets for operational activities and capital projects.
• To carry out any other related duties as may be assigned by the Managing Director.
Read Also:
Required Qualifications and Experience:
• Bachelor's degree or Advanced Diploma in Accountancy, Finance or its equivalent from a recognized institution with at least 5 years relevant work experience from reputable organizations 3 of which being in a senior position.
• Must be registered by NBAA as Professional Accountant and possess CPA (T) Having Masters' Degree in Accountancy or Finance will be an added advantage.
• Must be computer literate and be able to manage Accounting Tally System.
• Effective communication skills and proven ability to work effectively in a team environment and independently.
• Must have strong leadership capabilities; and, capable of influencing (xcelled performance and results by his/her subordinates.
• Ability in negotiation and motivational skills.
Appointing Authority: Board of Directors
Responsible to: Technical Manager
Subordinates: Mechanical Technicians, Water Technicians .
Duties and responsibilities
• Primarily responsible for the implementation of a leak detection programme to reduce the physical and metering losses in the distribution networks.
• To ensure that the non-revenue water levels are within acceptable levels in accordance with acceptable guidelines for non-revenue water reduction and sound engineering and
• management practices.
• Maintains proper records of water network inventory and monitors all factors affecting the network.
• Liaison with Customer Service Section in handling customer complaints relating to water supply.
• Carry out studies for water losses and recommend corrective measures to solve the problems.
• Responsible for curbing Non Revenue Water (NRW) scientifically.
• Implement district metering programmes and carry out steps to ensure accurate night line readings are obtained in order to identify leaks in different zones.
• Ensure that the bulk metering devices are calibrated or replaced so that accurate production or supply zone data is measured accurately.
• Implement appropriate consumer metering programmes to ensure the metering losses are minimized.
• Responsible for planning and designing of water projects and supervision of construction works.
• Perform any other duties as may be assigned by Technical Manager
Required Qualifications and Experience:Read Also:
• Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Civil/Water Engineering from recognized University or Technical College or any other related field with at least 3 years' experience working in a recognized institution and at least 1 year in water supply and sanitation field.
• Must be registered with the Engineers Registration Board of Tanzania as Professional Engineer.
• Must have Computer literacy including software knowledge on plant operation, maintenance and repair is an added advantage
All applicants must be Tanzanians
• The post applied for must be written on the heading of application letter and on the top of enclosed envelope.
• Applicants currently employed in the public service should route their applications through their respective employers.
• Must be computer literate.
• All posts are on contract basis of five years which are renewable subject to previous contract work efficiency, good performance and behaviour. Transcripts, testimonials, provisional results, statement of results
• and form six are not acceptable.
• Applicants should not be more than 45 years of age.
• Submission of forged documents or information shall result in serious legal consequences.
• The applicants who pursued their education abroad must have their certificates certified by responsible Authority (TCU and NECTA).
• Attractive remuneration as per KUWASA Scheme of Service and fringe benefits will be offered to the successful candidates.
• Submission of application by hand to KUWASA is not allowed.
• Qualified and interested candidates may apply by sending a detailed application letter clearly stating why should be considered for the position and how you will add value to the Authority (KUWASA), accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of relevant Academic Certificates, Professional and birth certificates and Letters from 3 referees; telephone numbers and e-mail address to the address below not later than three weeks after publication of this advertisement from 27 November 2019 to 20 December 2019.Read Also:
• Application should be sent to KUWASA as Registered mails by postal office, EMS and DHL. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Never pay for your Application to be considered. A call requesting payment for any reason is swindle.
The Managing Director,
Kigoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (KUWASA),
P.O.Box 812, KIGOMA.ads2