VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR Consultant – Gender Assessment
FAO’s Policy on Gender Equality established the preparation of a Country Gender Assessment as a minimum requirement for country level planning and programming in particular for the formulation of the Country Programming Framework (CPF). The rationale behind this requirement is that it is fundamental for FAO to have up-to-date objective information at hand to be able to plan evidence-based country level support towards gender equality and women’s empowerment
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The Assessment focuses on
agriculture and the rural sector. Therefore, the objective of the CGA is
to carry out a specific analysis of the gender dimensions of the
agriculture and rural development sectors. Specifically, it should
explore existing gender inequalities in various subsectors of
agriculture, their causes and their impact on the economic and social
development of rural areas and on food security and nutrition.The aim of
the assessment is to explore the situation of rural women compared to
men’s and to understand the extent to which rural women are able to
realize their rights and potential in those areas where FAO is mandated
to assist its Member Countries.The Country Gender Assessment of the Agriculture and Rural Sector (CGA-ARS) has the objective of revealing gender disparities in access to critical resources, knowledge, opportunities and markets, which have been shown to contribute to low agricultural productivity and food and nutrition insecurity.
The objectives of the CGA-ARS are to:
- Inform FAO country level planning and programming in line with national development priorities and FAO’s mandate and strategic framework;
- Facilitate FAO’s contribution to the UN Country Team CEDAW Report with up-to-date and objective information on the situation of rural women in the country.
- Support the FAO country office with updated information on the situation of gender in agriculture and the rural sector to facilitate plans for gender mainstreaming in various projects and programmes
Under the general supervision of the FAO Representative and the technical supervision of the Gender Focal Point, and with technical advice from the Social Protection Division (ESP)’s gender team in FAO Regional office and Headquarters, s/he will:
- Carry out a comprehensive Country Gender Assessment of the Agriculture and Rural Sector (CGA-ARS) (20 days).
- desk review of available secondary information on the gender equality situation of the country
- identify gaps in the information needed to complete the assessment if need be i.e. a primary data collection needs to be carried out to complement the desk review
- Analyse, organize and report collected data, highlighting the main sources of gender inequalities in the country pertaining to the agricultural sub-sectors and rural development.
- Include a stakeholder’s analysis to help FRURT identify potential partners in the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women in agriculture and the rural sector in the country.
- Advanced university degree in Sociology, Social Sciences, Economics, Development Economics, or other related disciplines
- Excellent oral and written English language skills
- Excellent knowledge of the key gender equality, social equity and women’s empowerment issues in the United Republic ofTanzania and/or the East African region in the context of agriculture and rural development,
- Demonstrated ability (through publications in English language) to produce written analysis of socio-economic and gender issues,
- Significant experience in analysing and integrating the perspective of gender equality in programme formulation in the context of agriculture and rural development and experience in socio-economic and gender analysis
- Familiarity with key factors affecting Gender, Agriculture and Rural Development
- Significant knowledge of the UN System, its working and programming mechanism, knowledge of FAO would be an asset
- At least 10 years of working experience.
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Remuneration: Based on UN Local Consultants rate for Tanzania How to Apply
Candidates should complete the FAO Personal Profile Form (PPF) accessible at http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment/en/.Please note the application is not online however, the PPF is to be done online and downloaded.
Applications should include the dully filled PPF, cover letter, detailed CV and a one page Concept Note on the understanding of the assignment and methodology by COB 15 November, 2019. All applications should be sent to the email address FAO-TZ@fao.org or
Applications should be adressed to:
FAO Representative
SIDA H, Ada Estate
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road
P. O. Box 2 Dar es Salaam