It’s a lot more than you might think.
Our country and the
world need individuals who are skilled in the field of education. Yes,
we need teachers, and the Education Studies major can be a pathway to a
teaching career, but it is also a way to educational and societal change
outside the classroom. The Education Studies degree
leads to careers in education for individuals and institutions. Because
the degree is so broad-based and interdisciplinary, there are a
plethora of job possibilities. If you know what career you’d like, you
can usually cater the degree to your interests.The nature of the
Education Studies degree, whether you take it online (see our 10 Best Online Education Studies Degree ranking),
residential, or hybrid, applies to many sectors of our society. You can
get jobs in public or private educational institutions, nonprofits,
business or corporate jobs, and service organizations. You can work in
educational policy, law, or program development. You can go on to
graduate school or teach in private schools. Whatever the case may be,
you can see, the Bachelor’s in Education Studies
is a degree that leads many directions. Graduating with an Education
Studies major will give you the tools of integrating and applying
systematic knowledge to helping individuals and institutions. The
research component provides a valuable asset to just about every
educational endeavor, as the need for assessment grows more every day.
The degree will also empower you to lead within educational institutions
and among children and youth for positive change. Some schools place a
strong emphasis on the social justice component of the degree.
Career outlook for Education Studies majors.
Children, Family and Community Outreach
- GED Instruction
- Adult Education
- Job/Skills training
- Literacy programs
- English as Second Language services
- Senior services
Youth Development
- Youth leadership and enrichment programs
- Juvenile delinquency prevention programs
- Tutoring programs
- Boys and Girls clubs
Nonprofit/Social Service Organizations
- Homeless/transitional shelters
- Suicide prevention programs
- Refugees
- At-risk programs
- Peace Corps
- AmeriCorps/City Year
- Teach for America
Early Childhood Education (Non-certification)
- Preschool/day care provider
- Private pre school
- Headstart
- Tutoring
- In home health provider
Higher Ed/Student Affairs
- Academic Advisor
- Career Counselor
- Recruiter
- College/university admissions staff
- Start own daycare
- Start own tutoring services
- Develop charter school, online school, and more
Social and Educational Policy
- Lobbyist
- Research analyst/associate
- Government agencies
- Special Assistant (D.C.)
- Community Outreach Coordinator
- Educational assessment
- Think tanks
Corporate Careers
- Human Resources
- Marketing/sales
- Customer service
- Public relations
- Management
Education Law
- Juvenile Justice Advocate
- Social Work
- Family and Child Protective Services
- Disabled Person’s Advocacy
- Social Justice Advocacy
Development of Educational Programs
- Education publishers
- Developer
- Instructional designer
- Corporate Training Executive
- Camp and Wilderness Program Development
- Program Development for NGO’s, Prisons, Geriatric Homes, and Children’s Organizations
- Museum Programs and Exhibitions
- Science centers
- Tutoring centers
Classroom Teaching (Alternative to Traditional Licensure)
- Charter Schools
- Peace Corp
- School Administration
- International Teaching
- School Board Member
- Day Care Administration
you can see, there are incredible opportunities in our country and
around the world for someone with knowledge and skills in education. If
you are a people person or introvert, data-minded and research-driven,
geared to work with individuals, or passionate about institution policy
and societal issues, the Education Studies degree can lead to jobs that
fit each personality and passion.ads2