Tusiime Schools comprise Pre- Primary, Primary and Secondary Schools .
The schools are owned by a private company “Tusiime Holdings (T)
Limited”. It was officially founded in 1999 from private investors and
parents’ initiatives. The Schools are located off Mandela road 5 km from
the Segerea prison junction and 8km from the city centre. They are on
an 8.5 acre piece of land at Plot No. 47 Tabata Industrial Area and Plot
No. 827 Block H, Segerea Ward – Ilala District.
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The School is situated off Mandela road 5km from Segerea Prison Junction
and 8km from city center, it’s on a 15 acre piece of land at Plot 47 Ky
Tabata Segerea- Ilala District, Dar es Salaam. You can see the location
on the map below:
The closing date for applications is 30 October 2019.
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