New Job Vacancies at Equal Measures 2030

Consultancy: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for EM2030 and EM2030 Partner-led Advocacy in Tanzania
Equal Measures 2030 is a global civil society and private sector led partnership with the mission of fuelling progress towards gender equality by making sure girls’ and women’s movements, advocates and decision makers have easy-to-use data and evidence to guide efforts to reach the Global Goals by 2030 and leave no one behind.
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Partners include Plan International, ONE Campaign, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Data2X, Women Deliver, KPMG, International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), Comité de América Latina y El Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (CLADEM), The African Women’s Development & Communication Network (FEMNET), and the Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW).
Equal Measures 2030 seeks the services of a consultant or consultancy firm that can support with monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) related to EM2030-funded national, regional and global advocacy. The consultant will help to finalise EM2030’s Theory of Change, as well as related systems and processes for global MEL activities. The consultant will also gather learning from the partnership’s work in Tanzania in particular, and help make recommendations about the future of EM2030’s programs in Tanzania.
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The selected candidate or agency will have specific expertise with MEL for advocacy work, experience in working with small start-up organisations, and an understanding of the constraints faced by community-based organisations and movements. Experience working on gender equality issues, and working with girls’ and women’s rights organisations, will be an asset. The EM2030 Secretariat team and the EM2030 partners are based in several countries and time zones, meaning that the ability to work with clients and key informants remotely and flexibly will be essential.
Visit our website for the full TOR:
This work is expected to commence as soon as possible and be completed no later than 31 December 2019
Estimated number of days in total is 25-45 days

Prospective candidates or agencies should submit:
• A letter of interest
• A CV, or CVs of key project personnel
• Estimated cost of the project, broken down by number of days and daily rate or by project phase
• Client testimonials for similar work (desirable)
• Please submit to and
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