CBE, TUDARCo and UOI: Students Selected to Join Degree Programmes 2019/20

First Round Selection of Bachelor Degree Students 2019/2020 
College of Business Education (CBE) SINGLE and MULTIPLE Selections
The College History in brief:
The origin of the College of Business Education (CBE) is closely linked to the history of the Nation itself. It was soon after Independence on 9th December 1961, that the newly independent state found itself in need of trained personnel to Commercial and Industrial activities. At that time there were very few nationals with commercial education and expertise.

  The need to train nationals for the commercial sector therefore gave birth to a business training institute in the country. His Excellency, J.K. Nyerere, the first President of the United Republic of Tanzania officially opened the new College in Dar es Salaam - January 1965. The College was officially named the “College of Business Education” (CBE).
Over the years the College has grown in size and a second campus was opened in Dodoma in October, 1983. This campus was also officially opened by the then President Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere. The College opened another campus in Mwanza in December, 2007. Recently, in 2013 the College established another campus in Mbeya which currently offers Ordinary Diploma and Basic Certificate courses. The number of programmes has increased from one (1) in 1965 to ten (10) in 2018.
College of Business Education (CBE) Selection 2019/20 | SINGLE and MULTIPLE Selections
CBE selection, for 2019/2020 academic session is out and now available online. 
Please click on the following respective links to see the selected students in 2019/202 academic year and confirmation: DOWNLOAD NAMES IN PDF FILE HERE!

TUDARCo: Student Selected Join Tumaini University 
Dar es Salaam College 2019/20 Round One
Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo) is one of four Constituent Colleges of Tumaini University Makumira (TUMA). The other three are Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, Stefano Moshi Memorial University College and the Josiah Kibira University College. In addition TUMA has one Teaching Centre, the Mbeya TUMA Teaching Centre. TUDARCo was awarded its Letter of Interim Authority on 1st July 2004 and its Certificate of Provisional Registration on July 14th 2005.

Certificate of Full Registration was granted in 2007. TUDARCo was awarded its Charter on 20th August, 2013 by HE The President of the United Republic of Tanzania. TUDARCo is owned by the Lutheran church, however, recruitment of staff and admission of students is irrespective of their faith.
TUDARCo joined the Tumaini University family on 1st April, 2003 having existed since 1997 as Waldorf College Tanzania. It has since grown from 249 students during 2004/2005 academic year to over 2,300 students during 2013/2014 academic year.
These students were initially enrolled in three degree programmes, namely - the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Service (BALIS) and the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B). The range of degree
Programmes has grown from three to seven and now includes the Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (BMC), Bachelor of Arts in Information Management (BIM), Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM) and Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED).
In addition, the College offers two Diploma Programmes, namely Diploma in Business Administration and Management (DBAM), Diploma in Law (DL) and three Certificate Programmes which are Certificate in Law (CL), Certificate in Accounting and Business Administration (CABA) and Certificate in Records Management (CRM)
The candidates listed in the attached PDF file below have been selected to join Tumaini University Dar Es Salaam College (TUDARCo) for the academic year 2019/2020

UOI:Selected Students To Join Iringa University 2019/20

The University community at large, and the University Management in particular, cordially welcome newcomers, be it students or staff, as well as visitors to the University of Iringa so as to give your contributions to its future, but also to take the opportunity to discover a learning experience that will definitely widen the horizons of your personal, academic, intellectual, and moral boundaries. 

SELECTION 2019/2020

Please click on the following respective links to see the selected students for different levels of studies in 2019/202 academic year
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