Employment Vacancies at Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT)


Job Title: Design Thinker for FinSights Lab 
Location: 400 Toure Drive, Dar es Salaam 255, TZ
Deadline July 26, 2019  
About this organization
FSDT is looking to recruit an experienced design thinker that will:
Offer technical support in the FinSights Lab’s Design Pillar
A problem brought into FinSights Lab goes through 4 stages (Understand / Design / Test / Scale) in pursuit of a market solution, each of the stages form the core pillars on which FinSights Lab supports the market in developing appropriate solutions for different problems. In order to strengthen FinSights Lab as a vehicle for delivering market change, we would like to recruit a design thinker/agency to work with FSDT and the implementing partners to strengthen FinSights Lab’s design pillar.
Which will assume that the selected design thinker will have reviewed the existing FinSights Lab Charter Document and previously developed design materials. Below is the actual scope of work at the programmatic level;
• The Design Thinker is expected to develop DIY (Do IT Yourself) design sprint toolkits and programmes for three categories of market problems (E.g. New solution, New features, Policy recommendation and Process Improvement)
• The Design Thinker is expected to provide constructive feedback to work done by other design thinker towards finalization of the DIY toolkits.
• The Design Thinker is expected to collaborate with colleagues and FSDT to develop final FinSights Lab design framework and programme.
• The Design Thinker is expected to train the market on how to use the toolkit during one of the Executive Education Programmes. 

Offer technical support in the design of two market solutions
Upon the launch of FinSights Lab, market players were asked to apply for a project with FinSights Lab. Through a free and fair process, FinSights Lab selected 4 partners in the round one application.
Below are the specific responsibilities of the design thinker / agency will take up in the development of the two solutions:
• Provide inputs to the research design and survey instruments
• Organize a design sprint programme for two market players
• Develop content / tools for each of the problems at hand
• Conceptualize and facilitate a design sprint for two market players
• Work with the market player and the implementing partner to design the solution

The consultants will be expected to collaborate with the second independent design thinker as highlighted above.

Level of Language Proficiency, Proficient in English

How To Apply
For more details on application requirements and full scope of work visit:
www.fsdt.or.tz/opportunities. We will only consider applications that adhere to expression of interest requirements.
We will only consider applications that adhere to expression of interest requirements.