Orodha ya Walioitwa kwenye Usaili wa Mchujo pdf, Majina ya Walioitwa kwenye Usaili wa Mchujo TRA 2025, Call For interview TRA 2025. TRA SELECTED NAMES FOR WRITTEN INTERVIEW.
Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA) ilianzishwa kwa Sheria ya Bunge Na.11 ya mwaka 1995 na kuanza rasmi tarehe 1 Julai 1996. Mamlaka hii imepewa jukumu la kutathmini, kukusanya, na kuhasibu mapato ya Serikali kwa mujibu wa sheria.
Kwa sasa, TRA inatekeleza Mpango Kazi wa Sita (CP6: 2022/23 – 2026/27) wenye Dira ya kuwa “Taasisi ya Mapato Inayoaminika kwa Maendeleo ya Jamii na Kiuchumi” na Dhamira ya “Kurahisisha na Kuimarisha Ulipaji Kodi wa Hiari kwa Maendeleo Endelevu”.
TRA inapenda kuwataarifu waombaji kazi wote walioomba kazi kati ya 06 Februari, 2025 – 19 Februari, 2025 kuwa usaili utafanyika kuanzia tarehe 29 Machi, 2025.
Wasailiwa wote wanapaswa kuzingatia maelekezo yafuatayo:
1. Tarehe na Mahali pa Usaili
Usaili utafanyika kwa mujibu wa tarehe, muda, na sehemu zilizoainishwa kwenye tangazo rasmi la TRA.
2. Barua ya Kuitwa Usaili
Kila msailiwa anatakiwa kuja na barua rasmi ya mwaliko yenye namba ya mtahiniwa iliyotumwa kwenye anuani yake ya barua pepe.
3. Kitambulisho Halali
Kila msailiwa anapaswa kuwa na kitambulisho kwa utambuzi:
- Kitambulisho cha Uraia
- Kitambulisho cha Mkaazi
- Kitambulisho cha Mpiga Kura
- Leseni ya Udereva
- Hati ya Kusafiria
- Barua ya Utambulisho kutoka Serikali ya Mtaa/Kijiji
Vitambulisho tofauti na vilivyoainishwa havitatambuliwa!
4. Vyeti Halisi vya Elimu
Msailiwa anapaswa kufika na vyeti vyake halisi (Original Certificates) pamoja na nakala zake:
- Cheti cha Kuzaliwa
- Cheti cha Kidato cha IV na VI
- Astashahada, Stashahada, Stashahada ya Juu, Shahada na kuendelea
- Hati za matokeo za vyuo (Transcript)
Wanaowasilisha Testimonials, Provisional Results, Statement of Results au Form V & VI Results Slips hawataruhusiwa kuendelea na usaili!
5. Vyeti kwa Waliosoma Nje ya Tanzania
- Vyeti vyao vihalalishwe na mamlaka husika (TCU, NACTE au NECTA).
6. Usajili kwa Kada Maalum
- Wale wanaotakiwa kuwa na usajili wa bodi za kitaaluma waje na vyeti vyao halisi vya usajili na leseni za kazi.
7. Uhakiki wa Vyeti
- Uhakiki utaanza saa 12:00 asubuhi kwa ratiba ya asubuhi na saa 6:00 mchana kwa ratiba ya mchana.
- Msailiwa ataruhusiwa kuendelea na usaili baada ya kuthibitisha vyeti na kuthibitishwa kuwa anastahili.
8. Gharama za Usaili
- TRA haitatoa malipo yoyote kwa chakula, usafiri au malazi ya wasailiwa.
9. Mambo Yanayokatazwa
Msailiwa haruhusiwi kuleta simu, saa au kifaa chochote cha kielektroniki kwenye eneo la usaili.
10. Wasailiwa Wenye Mahitaji Maalum
Wanashauriwa kufika mapema na kuripoti kwa msimamizi wa kituo ili kupata msaada unaohitajika.
Kama jina lako halipo kwenye tangazo, inamaanisha hukukidhi vigezo vya awali.
Usikate tamaa! Unaweza kuomba tena nafasi mpya za kazi zitakapotangazwa.
PDF Ya Majina Hapo Chini
Namba za simu bila malipo: 0800 780078 au 0800 750075
WhatsApp: 0744 23 33 33
Barua pepe: au
“Pamoja Tunajenga Taifa Letu!”
Imetolewa na:
Idara ya Usimamizi wa Rasilimali Watu na Utawala – TRA
The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has recently announced the call for interviews for 1,596 job positions across various fields, with the application process spanning from February 6 to 19, 2025. After receiving an overwhelming 135,027 applications, TRA carefully reviewed all submissions and shortlisted 112,952 candidates who met the established criteria (Majina ya Walioitwa kwenye Usaili TRA 2025 or Kuitwa kwenye Usaili TRA 2025.). These candidates are now invited to attend the written interview process, which will take place from March 29 to 30, 2025. For the full list of shortlisted candidates and additional details, refer to the TRA recruitment portal.
In addition to portal updates, shortlisted candidates will receive direct notifications via email, which will include crucial details such as the date, time, and location of their interview.
The Interview Process
The TRA Call For Interview marks the beginning of a rigorous selection process. The written interviews will take place in various regions across the country. The locations are as follows:
Dar es Salaam: For applicants from Dar es Salaam and Pwani
Zanzibar: For applicants from Unguja and Pemba
Arusha: For applicants from Arusha, Manyara, Kilimanjaro, and Tanga
Dodoma: For applicants from Morogoro, Dodoma, Singida, Iringa, and Tabora
Mtwara: For applicants from Mtwara, Lindi, and Ruvuma
Mbeya: For applicants from Mbeya, Songwe, and Rukwa
Mwanza: For applicants from Mwanza, Shinyanga, Mara, and Simiyu
Kagera: For applicants from Kagera and Geita
Kigoma: For applicants from Kigoma and Katavi
Candidates are encouraged to check their specific interview locations and times on the TRA recruitment portal.
- Website:
Important Information for Applicants
The TRA Call For Interview process will be conducted with fairness and transparency. Special arrangements will be made for candidates with specific needs, ensuring that they can participate in the interview without any hindrances. To ensure fairness, a professional consultant will oversee the recruitment process, and TRA will closely monitor to ensure that all candidates are treated equitably.
After completing the written interview, successful candidates will be invited for the next phase—an oral interview. Specific details regarding the location, date, and time of these interviews will be communicated later to the shortlisted candidates.
TRA urges all candidates to prepare thoroughly for the interview process to enhance their chances of success and secure a position within the Tanzania Revenue Authority.
Contact Information for Further Inquiries
For any further information regarding the TRA Call For Interview, candidates can contact TRA through the following channels:
Phone (Free of charge): 0800 750 075 / 0800 780 078 / 0800 110 016
WhatsApp: 0744 23 33 33
Email: /
- Website:
Stay updated and ensure that you have all the details needed for a smooth interview experience by checking the Majina ya Walioitwa kwenye Usaili TRA on the official TRA recruitment portal.