New Vacancies at IOM



Individual Consultant at IOM

Inception Phase
Objective: To lay the groundwork, refine the scope, and develop a comprehensive work plan for the subsequent phases.

Key Activities:
i.    Conduct an initial review of relevant background materials (2022 PHC data, previous census and surveys reports, policies, etc.);
ii.    Engage with key stakeholders, including NBS, OCGS, ILO and IOM, to clarify objectives, scope, and expected deliverables;
iii.    Develop an inception report outlining the work plan, methodology, key deliverables, and a timeline for each stage of the consultancy; and
iv.    Identify and propose a thematic structure for the monograph (e.g., internal migration, international migration, labour migration, urbanization, and policy implications).



Inception report, including detailed work plan, methodology, proposed thematic structure, timeline and consultation outcomes.

Data Review and Analysis
Objective: To conduct a comprehensive review and analysis of the 2022 PHC migration data.

Key Activities:
i.    Extract and clean migration-related data from the 2022 PHC dataset;
ii.    Identify data gaps, inconsistencies, or limitations and propose mitigation measures;
iii.    Conduct a preliminary analysis of migration trends, disaggregated by key demographic variables (age, gender, location, education, marital, citizenship, etc.); and
iv.    Validate findings with NBS, OCGS, and other stakeholders.

i.    Data review and analysis report, including data tables, key trends, and preliminary visualizations/presentations.
ii.    List of identified data gaps and proposed measures to address them.

Chapter Development and Drafting
Objective: To develop detailed thematic chapters of the Migration and Urbanization Monograph.

Key Activities:

i.    Draft content for each thematic chapter, including narrative analysis, graphics, and data visualizations/presentations;
ii.    Incorporate case studies, policy implications, and insights from stakeholder consultations;
iii.    Submit initial drafts of all chapters for review by NBS, OCGS, IOM, ILO and other key stakeholders; and
iv.    Revise drafts based on feedback from stakeholders.

Thematic Chapters Includes:
i.    Overview of the 2022 Population and Housing Census
ii.    Introduction to migration concepts, the background of census migration data, relevant census questions and definitions.
iii.    Internal migration,
iv.    International migration, the levels, trends and demographics, including gender, of Tanzanians moving across borders.
v.    Internal labour migration
vi.    International labour migration,
vii.    Urbanization; trends, the history of urbanization and the relationship between migration and urbanization.
viii.    Policy implications of the findings,


i.    First draft of all chapters of the Migration and Urbanisation Monograph.
ii.    Revised chapters incorporating stakeholder feedback.

Stakeholder Review and Validation
Objective: To validate the content of the monograph with stakeholders and ensure alignment with policy and strategic priorities.

Key Activities:
i.    Organize a stakeholder review workshop to present draft chapters for validation, this will be done by NBS, OCGS, IOM and ILO;
ii.    Collect feedback and recommendations from stakeholders;
iii.    Revise the draft chapters based on stakeholder input; and
iv.    Ensure the monograph aligns with national development priorities and policies.


i.    Validation workshop report, including participant feedback and key recommendations.
ii.    Final draft of the Migration and Urbanization Monograph, incorporating inputs from stakeholders.

Finalization and Dissemination
Objective: To finalize the monograph, prepare dissemination kit, and support the launch and distribution process.

Key Activities:
i.    Finalize the migration monograph, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and quality;
ii.    Design and format the final monograph, including graphics, infographics, and layout;
iii.    Prepare a policy brief summarizing key findings and recommendations; and
iv.    Develop a dissemination strategy and support the launch event.

i.    Final, formatted Migration and Urbanization Monograph ready for publication (Printing or posting to the website).
ii.    Policy brief highlighting key findings and policy recommendations.
iii.    Dissemination plan and support for the launch event.

Expected Deliverables of the Monograph
i.    Migration and Urbanization Report
ii.    Popular report (results highlights)
iii.    Policy Brief
iv.    Factsheet (summary of facts and figures)
v.    Analytical spreadsheets/models

In order to enhance capacity within the country, national consultants will be given priority. Government MDAs will be requested by NBS and OCGS to release a qualified staff to work with NBS and OCGS to write the report. Released staff will be required to attend all workshops and continue with other members through correspondence. Likewise, the Statistician General and Chief Government Statistician, Zanzibar will select among their staff to join the team. As part of capacity building, statistical or demographic training institutions in the country will be requested to choose students (preferably Masters or PhD) to join the teams.

The consultant will work closely with the Census Technical Advisor and the technical committee on migration data. The technical committee will be convened by the National Bureau of Statistics to review the draft  report. Workshop and review meetings will be conducted to ensure a structured development process for the Migration and Urbanization Monograph.

6.    Performance indicators for the evaluation of results
The consultant is expected to observe the following:
i.    Provide a comprehensive but compact literature review highlighting the state of research and knowledge (including available or emerging methodologies), and policy considerations in the thematic area. Give due consideration to past and current government policy frameworks and global development goals.
ii.    Develop or adopt a simple (but not simplistic) population and development theoretical or  analytical framework to ensure policy orientation and user friendly.
iii.    Define different migration-related sub-populations for estimation, in alignment with international, regional, and national definitions.
iv.    Document any discrepancies.
v.    Review and refine counting rules for each population definition, in consultation with thematic experts in the review team, and documentation of limitations.
vi.    Develop and review a tabulation plan to translate the raw data from the sixth Post-Union Population and Housing Census 2022 dataset into a structured format for a monograph, including organizing consultation sessions between lead author and IOM project team.
vii.    Conduct exploratory analysis, identify descriptive indicators, and possible lines of secondary analysis in coordination with the review team.
viii.    Identify and develop methodology for inclusion of sources of administrative data which may complement the exercise.
ix.    Provide written assessment of administrative data and develop recommendations for their improvement to support the production of statistics in future.
x.    Describe clearly the methods and procedures used. These methods must be internationally accepted or recommended
xi.    Develop or adopt a spatial-temporal framework that will enable analysis of trends of the key indicators at regional level.
xii.    Highlight aspects of the monograph relevant to achievement of the third National Five-year Development Plan 2021/2022 – 2025/2026 (FYDP III) and Zanzibar Development Plan 2021/2022 – 2025/2026 (ZADEP) strategies in a policy brief
xiii.    Provide a comparative analysis of Tanzania and selected countries (in East Africa, Africa, other developing countries, and developed countries).
xiv.    Provide adequate citations of all resources and published materials used in the monograph, according to internationally accepted conventions. The author is encouraged to use peer-reviewed material and published policy documents.
xv.    Make adequate reference to the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for the Population and Housing Census, especially for the 2020 round;
xvi.    Familiarize with and make adequate reference to past censuses methodology in Tanzania;
xvii.    Consultant has overall responsibility over other team members.
xviii.    Organize document writing sessions with key stakeholders to review and edit the draft monograph; and
xix.    Develop communication material on the monograph to be disseminated including via TV and radio spots, leveraging various media channels.

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  • At least a master’s degree in either demography, statistics, IT (with experience on demographic analysis) and econometrics
  • At least 10 years experience in research and/or data analysis in the field of demography, statistics or other social sciences
  • Adequate knowledgeable of the Tanzania context, including demographic, social and economic dynamics at national and sub-national levels
  • Good analytical and report writing skills especially analysis of census data and/or large (national) scale surveys
  • Previous experience working on the production of national statistics with national statistical offices is strongly preferred
  • Knowledge of census-taking
  • Previous participation in census data analysis will be an added advantage; and
  • Familiarity with statistical processing software or packages and Microsoft application (Word and Excel)
  • English & Swahili
Travel required
  • Yes
Required Competencies
IOM’s competency framework can be found at this link. Competencies will be assessed during the selection process.
Values – all IOM staff members must abide by and demonstrate these three values:
  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: Respects and promotes individual and cultural differences. Encourages diversity and inclusion.
  • Integrity and transparency: Maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: Demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.
  • Courage: Demonstrates willingness to take a stand on issues of importance.
  • Empathy: Shows compassion for others, makes people feel safe, respected and fairly treated.
Core Competencies – behavioural indicators
  • Teamwork: Develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  • Delivering results: Produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner. Is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
  • Managing and sharing knowledge: Continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Accountability: Takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own actions and delegated work.
  • Communication: Encourages and contributes to clear and open communication. Explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.
  1. Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.
  2. Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, verification of residency, visa, and authorizations by the concerned Government, where applicable.
  3. IOM covers Consultants against occupational accidents and illnesses under the Compensation Plan (CP), free of charge, for the duration of the consultancy. IOM does not provide evacuation or medical insurance for reasons related to non-occupational accidents and illnesses. Consultants are responsible for their own medical insurance for non-occupational accident or illness and will be required to provide written proof of such coverage before commencing work.
  4. IOM has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and IOM, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination based on gender, nationality, age, race, sexual orientation, religious or ethnic background or disabilities.
  5. IOM does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training or other fee). IOM does not request any information related to bank accounts.
  6. IOM only accepts duly completed applications submitted through the IOM online recruitment system. The online tool also allows candidates to track the status of their application.

How to Apply:

 To submit your application, please follow the link provided below.

