A consolidated digital platform called the Ajira Portal was created to make it easier for Tanzanians to apply for jobs in the public sector. The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) oversees it, and its goal is to make the hiring process for government positions more accessible and effective for candidates.All things considered, the Ajira Portal is an essential tool for Tanzanian nationals looking for work in the public sector since it offers a thorough platform that streamlines application processes while guaranteeing accessibility and openness.
In Tanzania, Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) are national-level institutions that work with Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to provide services and governance.
- Formulate and implement national policies and programs
- Provide technical support and funding
- Focus on specific sectors like health, education, agriculture, and infrastructure
- Manage local resources
- Implement development projects
- Provide services like education, health, and infrastructure
- Overseen by local councils
- Responsible for local governance and service delivery
- Empower people to participate in social and economic development
- Maintain law and order
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How to apply for a job
1. The applicant should create account in the recruitment portal and activate it
2. Applicant should read and understand the advertisement before applying for the job.
3. Applicants should indicate the position he/she is applying for on the head of the cover letter
4. Applicant should remember to attach all necessary documents (academics certificates).
5. Submit your application letter and you will be notified on your successful or failure of your application
A consolidated digital platform called the Ajira Portal was created to make it easier for Tanzanians to apply for jobs in the public sector. The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) oversees it, and its goal is to make the hiring process for government positions more accessible and effective for candidates.All things considered, the Ajira Portal is an essential tool for Tanzanian nationals looking for work in the public sector since it offers a thorough platform that streamlines application processes while guaranteeing accessibility and openness.
We invites Several Tanzanians to fill the mentioned below job Vacancies
Write a good CV
After having an email address and Register to recruitment portal applicants should activate his/her account and fill all information needed (Personal Details) effectively as shown in the following stages;
- Contact Details
- Academic Qualifications
- Professional Qualifications
- Language Proficiency
- Working Experience
- Training & Workshop Attended
- Computer Literacy
- Referees
- Other Attachments
- Declaration
The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS Vacancies) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate the recruitment process of employees to the Public Service.
The organ was established by the Public Service Act No. 8 0f 2002 as amended by Act No. 18 of 2007, section 29(1). Our Vision is To be a Centre of Excellence in Public Service in the region. Our mission is to To undertake recruitment of Public servants using modern approaches by adhering to principles of equity, transparency and merits as well as providing advice to employers on employment related matters. Human resource is an ankle and significant factor in public service delivery, thus, PSRS Vacancies has been given a role of recruiting public servants in fair, transparent, and timely manner; while observing and guaranteeing quality and access to all applicants in order to deliver equitable Service in Tanzania. Our aim is to improve government public Service on issues concerning recruitment process According to our rules and regulations and at the same time enhance good relations with Our stakeholders. The PSRS Vacancies organ is an equal opportunity employer.