The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR Vacancies) is a Parastatal Organization under the Ministry of Health established by an Act of Parliament No. 23 of 1979 (CAP.59, R.E.2002) and became operational in 1980. The Institute is mandated to carry out, control, coordinate, register, monitor, evaluate, and promote health research in Tanzania. The institute has 7 centres and 7 stations in 7 regions of
Tanzania. Coordination is done by the Headquarters. The Vision of Medical Research Centre is to become a Centre of Excellence Biology and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases Research, Development and Application of Innovative Vector Control Tools and the application of social sciences (research methods) to address diseases of poverty ( health needs of the underprevileged people) in Africa and beyond. In August 2005, a decision was made by the NIMR Vacancies Council to split the Amani Medical Research Centre into two Centers, namely Tanga and Amani Medical Research Centers. Amani Medical Research Centre was re-established with the two remaining sites of Amani Hill and Gonja Research Stations with a field research station in Handeni. The Headquarters of Amani Medical Research Centre was then relocated from Amani Hill to Ubwari in Muheza, Tanga.
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The Institute is inviting applications from suitable candidates to apply for new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: