Grade: No grade
Contractual Arrangement: Special Services Agreement (SSA)
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 0,3,0
Job Posting: Aug 26, 2024, 5:59:05 PM
Closing Date: Sep 10, 2024, 12:59:00 AM
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of-Dodoma
Organization: AF_TZA Tanzania
Schedule: Full-time
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings.
1. Purpose of the contract:
For decades, the United Republic of Tanzania has been actively addressing public health emergencies. Throughout this period, the World Health Organization (WCO) has consistently provided support and guidance to the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the implementation of preparedness and response measures for various health emergencies including Cholera. In the year 2023, Tanzania experienced several outbreaks of cholera in various regions, whereby as of 31st Dec 2023 there were a total of 1,040 cases and 20 deaths (CFR =1.9 %) reported from the 12 regions of Tanzania Mainland.
Since 1st January 2024 cholera outbreaks have been reported in 20 regions in Tanzania Mainland, where a total of 3,820 cases and 65 deaths (CFR 1.9%) have been reported. Out of 20 regions, Cholera outbreak was declared over in 12 regions. Field assessments and situation reports have indicated weak WASH conditions in some of the affected regions. Evidence supports that strengthening IPC and WASH at healthcare facilities and the community level will prevent and control infection spread, thereby protecting both healthcare workers and the community. WHO has continued providing technical and operational support to MOH and partners in combating the ongoing Cholera response, as well as supporting national efforts in strengthening preparedness and response activities for other events.
2. Work to be performed
Recognizing the critical role of IPC/WASH in cholera outbreak containment and preventing the spread of infection, upon reviewing the ongoing efforts by the WHO Incident Management team to support cholera outbreak response in the country, it has been revealed the necessity to further strengthen the WHOs Cholera response efforts. The suggested WASH Officer will be assigned to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other partners and contribute to the effectiveness of the country’s Cholera response.
Key deliverables from this assignment will include:
1. Provide technical guidance on tools and procedures for emergency rapid assessment for water, hygiene, sanitation, and waste management and infection control inventory and needs in the health facilities and communities for prevention and response to Cholera and other highly infectious diseases.
2. Identify WASH related gaps and propose remedial actions and strategies for cholera prevention and response.
3. Provide technical expertise in the adaptation and implementation of WASH guidelines and standards for readiness and response to cholera and other public health emergencies
4. Provide technical expertise and when required, onsite support to the health partners on prioritization and implementation of WASH interventions for cholera response.
5. Provide technical support to ensure applicability and appropriate implementation of the recommended infection control activities in the health facilities and communities including medical waste management, decontamination, health workers and patient’s protection and safe and dignified burial of infectious bodies.
6. Provide technical guidance for the designing, rehabilitation, or construction of cholera treatment units (CTU) and to ensure that WASH, and IPC set up in the CTUs, health facilities are conducted according to WHO Standards.
7. Organize and facilitate required training for health workers and community health workers to enhance in country competences and facilitate the compliance with the WASH standards for prevention and control of cholera outbreak
8. Follow up and report country progress on health facility and community WASH response activities at national and subnational level in the context of the incident management system.
9. Participate in WASH pillar meetings and other government and partners WASH coordination and technical platforms and provide appropriate guidance.
10. Prepare and share required technical situation and evaluation reports to ensure appropriate communication with the WASH lead, Incident Manager, and all related technical experts.
11. Support designing and implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation for WASH interventions during the outbreak to measure the performance of the response.
12. Perform any other incident-specific related duties, as required by the supervisor.
3. Specific Requirements
English and Swahili Language is required
Read: Expert knowledge
Write: Expert knowledge
Speak: Expert knowledge
Essential: First university degree in Environmental Health, Engineering, water resources, environmental management, or a field related to humanitarian WASH from an accredited/ recognized institution, with specialization in water and sanitation.
Desirable: Advanced university (Master’s level or above) in public health, water sanitation, and hygiene. Degree or training in computer applications in water and sanitation project design and related database systems.
At least five (5) years of relevant experience, at the national and/or international levels, in the design and implementation of water and sanitation and hygiene or related projects in emergency situations. Experience in developing and promoting collaborative actions with government authorities.
Read Also:
Sound knowledge of WHO mandate and goals, relevant work experience in UN organizations/agencies, international institutions, health cluster partners, recognized humanitarian organizations or NGOs. Skills Demonstrated knowledge of emergency response situations in the field of water and sanitation with proven ability to identify and solve technical problems in difficult circumstances. Excellent analytical and organizational skills, with proven ability to elaborate and implement projects. Excellent interpersonal skills with ability to promote cohesive actions and convince officials with tact and diplomacy. Ability to write in a clear and concise manner, and to present information. Knowledge of WHO, the UN System or NGO work in the field of response relief and/or of their practices and procedures as related to the work.
WHO Competencies REQUIRED
Communicating in a credible and effective way
Fostering integration and teamwork
Producing Results
Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond
Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Other Skills (e.g. IT): Good command of Computer Application Systems
WHO shall pay the expert under the package of NO-B per month, payable at end of every month.
The expected duration of the assignment for period of 3 months
Proprietary rights
Outputs delivered under this contract will remain the property of WHO
1. Purpose of the contract:
For decades, the United Republic of Tanzania has been actively addressing public health emergencies. Throughout this period, the World Health Organization (WCO) has consistently provided support and guidance to the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the implementation of preparedness and response measures for various health emergencies including Cholera. In the year 2023, Tanzania experienced several outbreaks of cholera in various regions, whereby as of 31st Dec 2023 there were a total of 1,040 cases and 20 deaths (CFR =1.9 %) reported from the 12 regions of Tanzania Mainland.
Since 1st January 2024 cholera outbreaks have been reported in 20 regions in Tanzania Mainland, where a total of 3,820 cases and 65 deaths (CFR 1.9%) have been reported. Out of 20 regions, Cholera outbreak was declared over in 12 regions. Field assessments and situation reports have indicated weak WASH conditions in some of the affected regions. Evidence supports that strengthening IPC and WASH at healthcare facilities and the community level will prevent and control infection spread, thereby protecting both healthcare workers and the community. WHO has continued providing technical and operational support to MOH and partners in combating the ongoing Cholera response, as well as supporting national efforts in strengthening preparedness and response activities for other events.
2. Work to be performed
Recognizing the critical role of IPC/WASH in cholera outbreak containment and preventing the spread of infection, upon reviewing the ongoing efforts by the WHO Incident Management team to support cholera outbreak response in the country, it has been revealed the necessity to further strengthen the WHOs Cholera response efforts. The suggested WASH Officer will be assigned to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and other partners and contribute to the effectiveness of the country’s Cholera response.
Key deliverables from this assignment will include:
1. Provide technical guidance on tools and procedures for emergency rapid assessment for water, hygiene, sanitation, and waste management and infection control inventory and needs in the health facilities and communities for prevention and response to Cholera and other highly infectious diseases.
2. Identify WASH related gaps and propose remedial actions and strategies for cholera prevention and response.
3. Provide technical expertise in the adaptation and implementation of WASH guidelines and standards for readiness and response to cholera and other public health emergencies
4. Provide technical expertise and when required, onsite support to the health partners on prioritization and implementation of WASH interventions for cholera response.
5. Provide technical support to ensure applicability and appropriate implementation of the recommended infection control activities in the health facilities and communities including medical waste management, decontamination, health workers and patient’s protection and safe and dignified burial of infectious bodies.
6. Provide technical guidance for the designing, rehabilitation, or construction of cholera treatment units (CTU) and to ensure that WASH, and IPC set up in the CTUs, health facilities are conducted according to WHO Standards.
7. Organize and facilitate required training for health workers and community health workers to enhance in country competences and facilitate the compliance with the WASH standards for prevention and control of cholera outbreak
8. Follow up and report country progress on health facility and community WASH response activities at national and subnational level in the context of the incident management system.
9. Participate in WASH pillar meetings and other government and partners WASH coordination and technical platforms and provide appropriate guidance.
10. Prepare and share required technical situation and evaluation reports to ensure appropriate communication with the WASH lead, Incident Manager, and all related technical experts.
11. Support designing and implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation for WASH interventions during the outbreak to measure the performance of the response.
12. Perform any other incident-specific related duties, as required by the supervisor.
3. Specific Requirements
English and Swahili Language is required
Read: Expert knowledge
Write: Expert knowledge
Speak: Expert knowledge
Essential: First university degree in Environmental Health, Engineering, water resources, environmental management, or a field related to humanitarian WASH from an accredited/ recognized institution, with specialization in water and sanitation.
Desirable: Advanced university (Master’s level or above) in public health, water sanitation, and hygiene. Degree or training in computer applications in water and sanitation project design and related database systems.
At least five (5) years of relevant experience, at the national and/or international levels, in the design and implementation of water and sanitation and hygiene or related projects in emergency situations. Experience in developing and promoting collaborative actions with government authorities.
Sound knowledge of WHO mandate and goals, relevant work experience in UN organizations/agencies, international institutions, health cluster partners, recognized humanitarian organizations or NGOs. Skills Demonstrated knowledge of emergency response situations in the field of water and sanitation with proven ability to identify and solve technical problems in difficult circumstances. Excellent analytical and organizational skills, with proven ability to elaborate and implement projects. Excellent interpersonal skills with ability to promote cohesive actions and convince officials with tact and diplomacy. Ability to write in a clear and concise manner, and to present information. Knowledge of WHO, the UN System or NGO work in the field of response relief and/or of their practices and procedures as related to the work.
WHO Competencies REQUIRED
Communicating in a credible and effective way
Fostering integration and teamwork
Producing Results
Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond
Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Other Skills (e.g. IT): Good command of Computer Application Systems
WHO shall pay the expert under the package of NO-B per month, payable at end of every month.
The expected duration of the assignment for period of 3 months
Proprietary rights
Outputs delivered under this contract will remain the property of WHO
National Professional Officer (Health Financing) at WHO
National Professional Officer (Health Financing) – (2406766)
Grade: NO-C
Contractual Arrangement: Fixed-term appointment
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 2 years
Job Posting: Aug 26, 2024, 6:02:26 PM
Closing Date: Sep 10, 2024, 12:59:00 AM
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of-Dar-es-Salaam
Organization: AF_TZA Tanzania
Schedule: Full-time
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings.
Read Also:
How to Apply:
To submit your application, please follow the link provided below.
Individual Consultant: Data Manager for The Big Catch-Up Routine Vaccination Data Management at WHO
Individual Consultant: Data Manager for The Big Catch-Up Routine Vaccination Data Management – (2406764)
Grade: No grade
Contractual Arrangement: External consultant
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 12 MONTHS
Job Posting: Aug 26, 2024, 6:03:50 PM
Closing Date: Sep 10, 2024, 12:59:00 AM
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of-Dodoma
Organization: AF_TZA Tanzania
Schedule: Full-time
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings.
1. Background
Please briefly describe why the work is needed and the context.
WHO supported the Ministry of Health (MoH) in the development of a catch-up plan and implementation of Vaccine-Preventable diseases activities. These include routine immunization, supplementary immunization campaigns and surveillance.
Due to increased demand for human resource to support the government, WHO has received funds from Gavi to recruit a data manager to support MoH in the implementation of catch-up vaccination activities. This is among the multiple positions requested by WHO AFRO for support as per detailed ToRs attached. The consultant will provide guidance on data systems to be set up in the country to collect, analyse, and use data for the Big Catch Up (BCU) Initiative, integrated with the routine immunization data system and IA2030 monitoring indicators.
Under the direct supervision of the WHO IVD Focal Person, and overall supervision of the WHO Representative (WR), the incumbent will provide technical support to the Ministry of Health, Immunization and Vaccine Development program for data management specifically related to BigCatch up vaccination activities.
2. Deliverables
Outline clear tasks and deliverables, to be carried out in the framework of the background described above. These need to be time-bound and specific.
• Set up a system for monitoring the implementation of BCU at regional and district level.
• Perform analysis of BCU data and design dashboards aiming at visualizing country progress in the implementation in BCU.
• Develop quarterly reports on the status of the implementation of BCU in the country including sub national level.
• Prepare at least one manuscript related to the implementation of BCU in the country for a peerreviewed journal.
• Develop a comprehensive chronogram for implementation of immunization data improvement activities.
3. Qualifications, experience, skills and languages
Identify the educational qualifications and expertise needed for the terms of reference outlined above.
Educational Qualifications:
Master’s degree in health information systems, health statistics, epidemiology, or other relevant field.
November 2021
• Experience working with a national VPD programme or experience working with WHO or other UN Organization is an asset.
At least five (5) years of experience in data management and analytics or infectious disease epidemiology/surveillance.
Health Informatics, Computer Science, Biostatistics, Data Management, Data Science, or related fields.
SQL, Access, Epi info, Excel, ArcGIS/ R and other data base & mapping software, PowerBI or other BI tool.
Languages and level required:
Excellent knowledge of English is required. An additional Swahili language would be an asset.
4. Technical Supervision
Indicate the name and title of the supervisor with email address.
The consultant will be under the direct supervision of the WHO IVD Focal Person
5. Location
Please specify where the consultant will work:
The consultant will be stationed at MoH/IVD offices in Dodoma
6. Travel – If travel is involved, full medical clearance is required
The consultant will travel as per the work arrangement.
7. Remuneration and budget (travel costs excluded)
Rate [daily or monthly or for language and publishing services by word count or number of pages]:
A monthly rate is based on NO-B/ICS9
Currency: TZS
Work schedule (if applicable): The duration of assignment will be for a period of 12 months.
Please refer to Information Note 09/2021 for guidance on rates for consultants.
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How to Apply:
To submit your application, please follow the link provided below.