New Jobs at IOM

Vacancy Number: IOM/DAR/042/2024

Position Title: Individual Consultant

Duty Station: Home Based

Duration of Assignment: Three (3) Months

Type of Appointment: Consultancy Contract Organization Unit: Programme Unit

Reporting direct to: Programme Coordinator Estimated Starting Date: August 2024.



The Ex-Post Evaluation of the project “Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Republic of Tanzania”

Commissioned by: International Organization for Migration (IOM) country office in the United Republic of Tanzania. 

Managed by: Programme Coordinator for IOM country office in the United Republic of Tanzania.

  1. Evaluation context

The project ‘Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Republic of Tanzania’ supported by the IOM Development Fund aimed to strengthen disaster risk reduction capacity, empower communities, and enhance disaster risk reduction and management effectiveness, thereby saving lives, protecting the environment and economy, and fostering national resilience.

The project was developed based on the United Republic of Tanzania’s needs and challenges in addressing disaster risks, as evidenced by its National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy. The country is prone to various disasters due to vulnerability factors such as climate change, weather variability, assets exposure, population increase, unplanned urban settlements, and environmental degradation. These factors negatively impact economic development, leading to loss of lives, infrastructure destruction, disruption of livelihoods, and environmental degradation, thereby hindering social and economic development. Disasters, especially floods and droughts, force populations at risk to migrate to safer places as a coping and life-saving mechanism.

The link between disasters and mobility is evident. IOM’s work on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and environmental degradation has contributed to Member States’ efforts to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 by advancing mobility-based strategies in disaster risk reduction and resilience. As environmental degradation and climate change are expected to increase the frequency and intensity of hazards, the implications for human mobility will be significant. In line with its global mandate on human mobility, IOM is committed to supporting Member States in implementing DRR strategies.

The project had the following Outcomes and Outputs:

Outcome 1:  The Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) take appropriate actions and effective measures to reduce disaster risks in line with national policies, priorities and systems

Output 1.1: The government of the United Republic of Tanzania has improved capacity to address transboundary hazards through Cross-Border Collaboration

Output 1.2: New training manual on Disaster Risk Reduction, which integrates the needs of women, men, girls and boys, has been developed

Output 1.3: Capacity of stakeholders in Disaster Risk Reduction has been strengthened in line with the National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy

Output 1.4: ‘Build Back Better’ in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the United Republic of Tanzania is strengthened through community resilience by means of Psychosocial Support and Mental Health Services interventions

Outcome 2: The United Republic of Tanzania effectively achieves community participation in socially inclusive disaster risk reduction

Output 2.1: Disaster response volunteers in communities at risk have enough knowledge and skills, including on integration of gender, vulnerable groups’ needs and cultural diversity into DRR, for effective disaster preparedness and response

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Output 2.2: Communities at risk have improved understanding and awareness on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management for enhanced resilience

  1. Evaluation purpose and objective

As part of project activities, IOM will undertake an ex-post evaluation one year after the aforementioned project is completed with the main objective of examining and reviewing the results achieved by the project. The ex-post evaluation will focus on impact and outcome level analysis, increasing transparency, and ensuring adherence to IOM evaluation requirements.

The evaluation is being conducted for use by the IOM management and project team, so as to assess the results of the project to both beneficiaries and the donor, document key lessons learned and best practices from a completed set of activities but also provide recommendations for future programming.

The intended audience of the evaluation includes IOM, government counterpart (Disaster Management Department), and the project beneficiaries covering the local government authorities and stakeholders.

The evaluation report and its recommendations are intended to benefit the IOM management and project team as a learning experience on what works better and what does not, to inform better planning and implementation of the ongoing and future IOM programmes.

  1. Evaluation scope

The interventions period being evaluated covers from 01 December 2020 to 31 May 2023. The phases of a project to be covered include the project conceptualization, stakeholders’ engagement, implementation of the activities, and project reporting.

Geographically, the evaluation will involve the interviews with stakeholders involved in implementation of the project activities from the local and national level covering Morogoro, Mwanza, Mbeya, Tanga, Arusha and Dodoma regions.

It is expected that the evaluation report’s recommendations will inform IOM about good practices to be adopted when developing and implementing future programming.

The evaluation is expected to assess how well the IOM cross-cutting themes were integrated in the project development, implementation and reporting. These cross-cutting themes includes climate change, gender and inclusion, sustainability and environmental protection.

  1. Evaluation criteria 

The evaluation criteria to be used includes relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. Cross cutting issues such as gender and human rights will also be evaluated.

  1. Evaluation questions

The hired consultant will be required to answer several questions under each of the pre-evaluation criteria and cross-cutting themes.

Table 1. Questions per evaluation criteria

  Q1 Was the project aligned with national priorities and strategies, government policies and global commitments?
  Q2 Was the project relevant to the needs of beneficiaries and target groups? To what extent were those needs taken into account during project design?
  Q3 How is the quality of the intervention logic design? Was the project designed with a logical connection between its objective, outcomes, outputs and indicators based on a solid rationale/needs assessment?
  Q4 Does the intervention logic remain relevant to date? To what extent do the expected outcomes and outputs remain valid and pertinent as originally intended in terms of direct beneficiary needs?
  Q5 Is the project in line with IOM/IOM Development Fund priorities and criteria?
  Q6 How did project stakeholders, including partners, beneficiaries, and duty-bearers, show their participation and ownership? More precisely, in what ways did they contribute to the project’s design and implementation via collaboration, coordination, or providing support?
  Q7 To what extent does the project align and is compatible with other IOM projects or activities? Have any complementarities or synergies been observed?
  Q8 To what extent is the project aligning and is compatible with projects or activities implemented/ funded by other organizations? Have any complementarities or synergies been observed?
  Q9 Have the project’s outputs and outcomes been achieved in accordance with the stated plans and results matrix?
  Q10 Was the quality of project outputs deemed satisfactory by the main stakeholders?
  Q11 What major internal and external factors have influenced (positively or negatively) the effective achievement of project’s outcomes?
  Q12 How cost-effective was the project? Were the incurred costs proportional to the results achieved? Could the activities have been executed with fewer resources without compromising the quality and quantity of the results?
  Q13 How efficient was the overall management and implementation of the project? Were there any significant delays in the overall implementation? Did the project require a non-cost or cost extension?
  Q14 Were the project monitoring and reporting (technical and financial) procedures well-established and conducive to tracking implementation progress in a timely manner?
Q15 What are the most significant changes or impacts, whether positive, negative, intended, or unintended, that have emerged in the short or long term as a result of the project?  
Q16 Did the project take specific measures to guarantee sustainability and how was this supported by partners and the IOM?  
Q17 Did the benefits generated by the project deliverables persist after external support ceased?  
Q18 Was the project supported and well-integrated by national/ local institutions?  
Q19 Were adequate levels of financial and/or human resources made available within the IOM and partners to continue delivering the interventions’ stream of benefits beyond the end of the project?  
Q20 Was the project designed, planned, and implemented with consideration for human rights and gender equality, including Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA), gender analysis, needs assessment, and adherence to available guidelines?  
Q21 To what extent did the project results contribute to gender equality?  
  1. Evaluation methodology

The data for the project evaluation will be collected using primary and secondary data sources. The methods and tools to be used include documents review, key informant interviews, surveys, observation and questionnaire. The proposed analysis methods for evaluation include the quantitative, qualitative, comparative, and cost-benefit analysis.

  1. Ethics, norms and standards for evaluation 

IOM abides by the norms and standards of United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) and expects all evaluation stakeholders to be familiar with the ethical conduct guidelines of UNEG and the consultant(s) with the UNEG codes of conduct as well.

In light of the above, the evaluation must follow IOM Data Protection Principles, UNEG Norms and Standards for evaluations and relevant ethical guidelines.

Hired Consultant must abide with the following:

  • Operate in an impartial and unbiased manner and give a balanced presentation of strengths and weaknesses of the policy, program, project, or organizational unit being evaluated.
  • Respect people’s right to provide information in confidence and make participants aware of the scope and limits of confidentiality, while ensuring that sensitive information cannot be traced to its source.
  • Ensure that independence of judgement is maintained, and that evaluation findings and recommendations are independently presented.
  • Accountable for the completion of the agreed evaluation deliverables within the time frame and budget agreed, while operating in a cost-effective manner.
  1. Evaluation deliverables 

The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • Desk review of project documents.
  • Prepare and submit the inception report for the project evaluation to IOM.
  • Conduct stakeholders’ consultation meetings with local and national stakeholders through the face-to-face and virtual interviews with project stakeholders to understand the effectiveness, sustainability, and impact of the project and identify lessons learned and best practices.
  • Data collection, analysis, and interpretation, and writing a narrative report of findings and recommendations using an agreed-upon format.
  • Draft evaluation report submitted for comment.
  • Submit a final evaluation report.
  1. Specifications of roles 

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IOM is seeking to hire a service and individual consultant for this evaluation.

The IOM project team will share the relevant documents of the completed project and arrange the administrative and logistical arrangements for the fieldwork including scheduling interviews with the project stakeholders in the United Republic of Tanzania.

In terms of quality assurance, IOM will review and approve all the deliverables expected under this evaluation.

  1. Deliverables and Time schedule

The total duration of the evaluation is estimated to be three months. Below is a table with a list of deliverables to be completed.

Activity Responsible party Expected Number of days
Desk review of project documents Evaluator 10 days
Prepare and submit the inception report for the project evaluation to IOM Evaluator 10 days
Conduct stakeholders’ consultations with local and national stakeholders through the face-to-face and virtual interviews Evaluator 20 days
Data analysis, and interpretation, and writing a narrative report of findings and recommendations using an agreed-upon format. Evaluator 20 days
Draft evaluation report prepared and submitted for comment Evaluator 14 days
Prepare and submit a final evaluation report and associated materials (Evaluation brief and Evaluation Management Response and Action

Plan Matrix (templates will be provided))

Evaluator 14 days
  1. Budget

The consultant shall be paid based upon the delivery of the above deliverables. IOM will reserve the right to withhold payment in full or in part should the provision of the services listed above not be provided in full or prove to be inadequate. The payments, based upon deliverables, shall cover the Consultant’s consultancy fees and all other expenses and shall constitute the only financial entitlements which shall be disbursed to the Consultant by IOM.

The consultant proposal will provide a financial proposal detailing expected remuneration for each deliverable.

Should the Consultant be requested to travel on official duty by IOM, the consultant shall be entitled to payment of expenses while on duty travel at an established IOM Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) rate applicable at the time of travel on official duty.

  1. Evaluation requirements

Desirable qualifications:

  1. Master’s degree in a relevant discipline, such as Environmental Disaster Management, Environmental Science, or Climate Change studies. A doctorate degree is an added advantage.
  2. Advanced technical understanding of project management cycle and key concepts, issues, actors and processes around disaster management, disaster risk reduction, environment, and climate change.
  3. A minimum of 3 years of work experience in project monitoring and evaluation, stakeholders’ engagement, data collection, analysis, and report writing.
  4. A minimum of 2 years’ experience of working in disaster risk reduction, environment and climate change.
  5. Good knowledge of and past experience of work with the United Nations is an advantage.
  6. Understanding of methods of stakeholder analysis and program design
  7. Excellent communication skills in written and spoken English and, preferably, Kiswahili.


The UN system in Tanzania provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, diversity, integrity, a healthy balance of work and life and equal opportunities for all, including persons with disability.

Female candidates and qualified persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for UN vacancies and are protected from discrimination during all stages of employment.


IOM does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training, or other fee). IOM does not request any information related to bank accounts.

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All applications should include the following:

  1. Narrative proposal (max. 5 pages) outlining their motivation for the application, the methodological approach on how to conduct the assignment, including a proposed activities schedule / work plan with a timeframe.
  2. Financial proposal detailing expected remuneration for each deliverable.
  3. Copies of similar evaluation reports conducted by the applicant where possible and/or a recommendation letter from an organization the consultant has previously worked with
  4. Filled PH form and CV’s with 3 professional references and contacts to email address to with subject line clearly marked Ex-Post Evaluation for the project “Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction in The United Republic of Tanzania.”

For further information, please refer to  

Posting period: From 12th August 2024  – 25th August  2024

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