Kuitwa kwenye usaili Tume ya Utumishi wa Mahakama


Following the job vacancies announcement made by the Judicial Service Commission on July 5, 2024, I would like to inform all applicants who applied for various positions that, after thorough screening, those selected for the first stage of the interview will be interviewed on the specified dates and at the centers indicated on the attached list of interviewees.


This interview stage will be conducted electronically for each specified cadre as outlined in the table, starting from 8:30 AM on the respective dates.

Additionally, those who pass the first stage of the interview will be informed of the date for the next stage, which will involve an oral interview or a practical interview, through the Judicial Service Commission’s website www.jsc.go.tz.

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With this notice, all applicants are advised to visit the Commission’s website to check their interview center and the scheduled time. Those who do not find their names should note that they did not qualify for the interview stage.

For further inquiries, please call: 0734219821 or 0738247341 or email: maulizo.ajira@jsc.go.tz.
