Local Open Tender at WeWorld
Local Open Tender
for civil works school renovation and building
Proc. Reference: WW-EU PEMBA-KIJANI PEMBA_School works &
WeWorld Onlus(WeWorld), NGO active in 26 countries, has received a grant from Europe Commission and it intends to launch a procedure in the framework of the project entitled “Strengthening Urban Eco-Resilience in Chake Chake and Mkoani” -“EuropeAid/176583/DD/ACT/TZ”
Work to be provided
The subject of this tender procedure is the execution of the following work in 5 schools in ChakeChake and Mikoane(Pemba-Zanzibar):
School renovation civil works:
Renovation and/or building of new sanitation facilities;
Building of rain water harvest system and related piping at school level;
Drainage channel systems;
Electric system cabling;
Installation of ceiling drywalls;
Renovation of structural walls, plastering, painting, tiles installation;
Gardening renovation;
Drawing modification, according to ongoing works modifications;
All Instructions are comprehensively explained in the Invitation to Bid package(ITB)
The ITB will be available:
- By USB: WW Pemba Office: Mkungu Malofa, Chake Chake, PO box 173 Pemba
- By USB: WW Dar es Salaam office: Mikocheni B, Meru street, Dar es Salaam, PO box 105917
- By mail: meda@weworld.it
Read Also:
From 6st June 2024, 8 AM To 5th July, 4PM
Collection hours – Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 16 PM
Eligible bidders must submit the bid by required deadline.
The deadline for tender submissions is 5th July, 16 PM – Tanzania time zone.
Additional information or clarifications/questions will be published on WeWorld website
accordingly to the instructions indicated in the ITB.
Bid Submissions sent after the deadline will not be considered.