Invitation For Tender And Request For Pre-Qualification
- The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS-BUGANDO) has set aside funds for its operations during the Financial Year 2024/2025. It is intended that part of the funds will be used to cover eligible Payment under the contracts for which this advertisement is issued.
- The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences’ Tender Committee now invites sealed Bids under National Competitive bidding and Request for Pre-Qualification under Open Frame work Agreement as follows:
- Lot 1: Supply of Stationery
- Stationery
- Cartridges and Tonner
- Printing Services
- Lot 2: Supply of Special Faculty requirements/Medical training equipment
- Lot 3: Supply of Clinical Coats, Uniforms and Scrubs
- Lot 4: Provision of Cleaning Services
- Lot 5: Repair, Maintenance and Services for:
- Vehicles
- Air Conditions
- Elevator
- Generators
- Printers and Photocopy machines
- Lot 6: Supply of Laboratory and Medical Supplies
- Lot 7: Supply of Computer & IT Equipment (Electronics & Computing)
- Lot 8: Supply Supplies for Renovation of University Buildings
- Building Materials
- Plumbing supplies
- Electrical supplies
- Bids & Pre-Qualification documents must be well attached, enclosed in envelopes, sealed and clearly marked
‘Tender/Pre-Qualification for Lot……… ”
- Tender documents should be obtained from the Tender Committee’s Secretary Office No. C309 – 3rd Floor Administration Block; from 08:30 -16:00 hrs. working days for a NON-REFUNDABLE One Hundred Thousand Shillings (100,000/-) only
- Invitation for Pre-Qualification documents should be obtained from the Tender Committee’s Secretary Office No. C309 – 3rd Floor Administration Block from 08:30 – 16:00 hrs. working days for a NON-REFUNDABLE Fifty Thousand Shillings (50,000/-) only
- Payment should be made through CRDB bank account number 01J1054045501, CUHAS – BUGANDO and receipt shall be issued by Accounts Office upon payment.
- The bank slips should be marked “Payment for Tender/ Pre-Qualification Lot No “
- Resident Bidders will be given more consideration
- All tenders & Pre-Qualification documents must be addressed to the Vice Chancellor – CUHAS P.O.BOX 1464, Mwanza, not later than 18h June, 2024 at 13:00hrs.
- Tenders and & Pre-Qualification documents will be opened on 18h June, 2024 at 13:00hrs. in the presence of bidders or their representatives at CUHAS Boardroom.
- Tenders/ Pre-Qualification documents not received, not opened and not read out in Public at the Tender Opening Ceremony shall not be considered for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances. Telegraphic, telex, e-mail and/or portion of any tender shall not be accepted.
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Vice Chancellor,
Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS), P.0 Box 1464, Mwanza, Block Z,
Plot NO. 229, Bugando Hill Mwanza.
Tel: +255 28 298 3384 Fax: +255 28 298 3386
Email: vc@bugando.ac.tz