- NMB Bank PLC is the largest commercial bank in Tanzania with vast branch network in all parts of the country, providing banking services to individuals, small and medium size corporate clients, as well as large businesses.
- NMB Bank PLC now invites applications for submission of information from all eligible vendors for Creation of a Market Place Platform.
- This RFI is issued for the purpose of obtaining information concerning market conditions and vendor’s capability.
The Bank does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this solicitation or to otherwise pay for the information solicited. The Bank reserves the right to defer or cancel the RFI without penalty.
- NMB Bank PLC is expecting to receive technical information, which showcase both high level functional and non-functional system capabilities.
- The Selection and shortlisting of vendors for future RFP process will be conducted through the Open Competitive Tendering as specified in the NMB Bank PLC Procurement Policy and Procedures. After receiving the information through proposals from interested vendors, the Bank will review and invite the selected vendors to showcase/present what their system has to offer.
- RFI document shall be obtained from our website nmbbank.co.tz/tenders and request for clarifications sent to the office of Secretary, Management Tender Committee at procurement(5>nmbbank.co.tz not later than Wednesday 03rd July 2024.
- The deadline for submission of the applications will be on Monday 15th July 2024 at 15H00 EA Time. Applications received will be opened promptly thereafter and in the presence of vendor’s representatives who will choose to attend in the opening ceremony at NMB Bank PLC Head Office on the first floor at 15H00 EA Time on Monday 15th July 2024.
The application shall be addressed to Secretary NMB Bank PLC. Management Tender Committee and clearly marked on the envelope/email: RFI for Creation of a Market Place Platform Not to be opened before 15H00 on on Monday 15th July 2024 and delivered in the following ways: –
- In a sealed envelope hand delivered or couriered to NMB Bank PLC Head Office Ohio Street/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, P O Box 9213, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania at the ground floor.
- Via email to tendersubmission@nmbbank.co.tz (maximum 25MB).
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The Chief Executive Officer, NMB Bank PLC
P.O. Box 9213, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa
NMB Head Office Ohio/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Street