Cotton Development Trust Fund (CDTF) was incorporated in Tanzania on 4 th March 2008 under Trustees Incorporation Act (CAP.318 R.E. 2002) as per certificate of incorporation No. 3352. The Fund is a replacement of the Cotton Development Fund (CDF), which was established under the auspices of the
Cotton Industry Act No. 2 of 2001. Formation of the Fund was in line with the wishes of the Cotton Industry Stakeholders as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding which was signed on 21st April 2006. In collaboration with other stakeholders Tanzania Cotton Board engineered the formation of Cotton Development Trust Fund (CDTF). CDTF supports cotton research and development, extension services, information dissemination and input procurement. Different initiatives have been taking place in the cotton industry with the purpose of improving profitability of the subsector. Technology transfer through Farmer Field School (FFS modal). TCB is also finding the way of solving the problem of input supply and extension services to the farmers by introducing of Cotton Contract farming. The organization is an equal opportunity employer.
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The organization is inviting applications from suitable candidates to apply for new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: